Originally I had tried to implement this topic after having learned about Inheritence and posted it on here, but that forced complexity and the main suggestion was that this was ideal for templates. Now that I've learnt about templates I was hoping someone could review my code for a basic implementation of mathematical vectors.
One thing I will note: There probably is a way to generalise the cross-product to N
-dimensions but I wasn't too interested in finding out how since that's a more mathematical query, I just wanted to code so I only have cross product for three dimensions.
My main concerns are the uses of headers and source files, is it okay to have all of the implementation in one header file and the few necessary non-template functions defined in source files (like cross_product
And how should I treat friendship for cross_product
? It only needs to be friends with Vector<3>
, but I couldn't see a way of making exclusive Vector<3>
friendship without using template specialisation, which seemed a bit too much. So it is friends with all Vector<N>
but only accesses members of Vector<3>
Inside Vector.h
#ifndef MATHSVectors
#define MATHSVectors
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <stdexcept> //for the exceptions
#include <cmath> //sqrt, sin, cos, abs
//main template forward declaration
template <unsigned N> class Vector;
template <unsigned N> std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const Vector<N>&);
template <unsigned N> std::istream& operator>> (std::istream&, Vector<N>&);
template <unsigned N> bool operator==(const Vector<N>&, const Vector<N>&);
template <unsigned N> bool operator!=(const Vector<N>&, const Vector<N>&);
template <unsigned N> Vector<N> operator+(const Vector<N>&, const Vector<N>&);
template <unsigned N> Vector<N> operator-(const Vector<N>&, const Vector<N>&);
template <unsigned N> Vector<N> operator*(const Vector<N>&, double);
template <unsigned N> Vector<N> operator*(double, const Vector<N>&);
template <unsigned N> Vector<N> operator/(const Vector<N>&, double);
template <unsigned N> double dot_product(const Vector<N>&, const Vector<N>&);
//in Vector.cpp
bool double_equals(double, double);
double approximate(double, double);
Vector<3> cross_product(const Vector<3>&, const Vector<3>&);
template <unsigned N> class Vector{
friend std::ostream& operator<< <N>(std::ostream&, const Vector&);
friend std::istream& operator>> <N>(std::istream&, Vector&);
friend bool operator== <N>(const Vector&, const Vector&);
friend Vector operator+ <N>(const Vector&, const Vector&);
friend Vector operator- <N>(const Vector&, const Vector&);
friend Vector operator* <N>(const Vector&, double);
friend Vector operator/ <N>(const Vector&, double);
friend double dot_product<N>(const Vector&, const Vector&);
friend Vector<3> cross_product(const Vector<3>&, const Vector<3>&);
Vector() = default;
Vector(std::initializer_list<double>); //implicit conversion means we can assign from an initializer_list<double>
explicit operator bool() const;
double& operator[](size_t p);
const double& operator[](size_t p) const;
Vector& operator+=(const Vector&);
Vector& operator-=(const Vector&);
Vector& operator*=(double);
Vector& operator/=(double);
double length() const;
Vector& normalise();
Vector& rotateCoordinates(size_t, size_t, double); //radians
double x[N] = {};
template <unsigned N> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Vector<N>& rhs){
os << "[";
for(unsigned it = 0; it != N; ++it){
os << approximate(rhs.x[it], 0);
if(it != N-1) os << ", ";
os << "]";
return os;
template <unsigned N> std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Vector<N>& rhs){
Vector<N> errorRet = rhs;
for(unsigned it = 0; it != N; ++it)
is >> rhs.x[it];
rhs = errorRet;
return is;
template <unsigned N> bool operator==(const Vector<N>& lhs, const Vector<N>& rhs){
for(unsigned it = 0; it != N; ++it)
if(!double_equals(lhs.x[it], rhs.x[it])) return false;
return true;
template <unsigned N> bool operator!=(const Vector<N>& lhs, const Vector<N>& rhs){
return !(lhs == rhs);
template <unsigned N> Vector<N> operator+(const Vector<N>& lhs, const Vector<N>& rhs){
Vector<N> sum = lhs;
sum += rhs;
return sum;
template <unsigned N> Vector<N> operator-(const Vector<N>& lhs, const Vector<N>& rhs){
Vector<N> sum = lhs;
sum -= rhs;
return sum;
template <unsigned N> Vector<N> operator*(const Vector<N>& rhs, double d){
Vector<N> product = rhs;
product *= d;
return product;
template <unsigned N> Vector<N> operator*(double d, const Vector<N>& rhs){
return rhs*d;
template <unsigned N> Vector<N> operator/(const Vector<N>& rhs, double d){
Vector<N> remain = rhs;
remain /= d;
return remain;
template <unsigned N> double dot_product(const Vector<N>& lhs, const Vector<N>& rhs) {
double sum = 0;
for(unsigned it = 0; it != N; ++it)
sum += lhs.x[it]*rhs.x[it];
return sum;
template <unsigned N> Vector<N>::Vector(std::initializer_list<double> li){
if(N != li.size()) throw std::length_error("Attempt to initialise Vector with an initializer_list of different size.");
for(unsigned it = 0; it != li.size(); ++it)
x[it] = *(li.begin()+it);
template <unsigned N> Vector<N>::operator bool() const {
return !(*this == Vector<N>());
template <unsigned N> double& Vector<N>::operator[](size_t p){
if(p >= N) throw std::out_of_range(std::string("Invalid coordinate specified for function ") + __func__);
return x[p];
template <unsigned N> const double& Vector<N>::operator[](size_t p) const {
if(p >= N) throw std::out_of_range(std::string("Invalid coordinate specified for function ") + __func__);
return x[p];
template <unsigned N> Vector<N>& Vector<N>::operator+=(const Vector<N>& rhs){
for(unsigned it = 0; it != N; ++it)
x[it] += rhs.x[it];
return *this;
template <unsigned N> Vector<N>& Vector<N>::operator-=(const Vector<N>& rhs){
for(unsigned it = 0; it != N; ++it)
x[it] -= rhs.x[it];
return *this;
template <unsigned N> Vector<N>& Vector<N>::operator*=(double d){
for(unsigned it = 0; it != N; ++it)
x[it] *= d;
return *this;
template <unsigned N> Vector<N>& Vector<N>::operator/=(double d){
if(d == 0) throw std::domain_error(std::string("Division by zero in function ") + __func__);
for(unsigned it = 0; it != N; ++it)
x[it] /= d;
return *this;
template <unsigned N> double Vector<N>::length() const {
double sum = 0;
for(unsigned it = 0; it != N; ++it)
sum += x[it]*x[it];
return sqrt(sum);
template <unsigned N> Vector<N>& Vector<N>::normalise() {
if(!(*this)) return (*this); //null vector
return (*this)/=length();
template <unsigned N> Vector<N>& Vector<N>::rotateCoordinates(size_t i, size_t j, double angle){
if(i >= N || j >= N) throw std::out_of_range(std::string("Invalid coordinate specified for function ") + __func__);
double newI = x[i]*cos(angle) - x[j]*sin(angle);
double newJ = x[j]*cos(angle) + x[i]*sin(angle);
x[i] = newI;
x[j] = newJ;
return *this;
Inside Vector.cpp
/* A few notes about dealing with doubles
1 i. The double compare function needs to be changed. It is not a transitive equality operation. A method to
fix this would be to snap the doubles on to a grid and return true if two doubles snap on to the same section
of the grid. I don't know how to implement this just yet - wait until I've read more about float comparisons.
2. Doubles can get stored as negative zero, so adding +.0 when outputting the vector prevents displaying "-0".
#include "Vector.h"
using namespace std;
const double epsilon = 1e-6; //double tolerance
bool double_equals(double a, double b){
return abs(a-b) < epsilon;
double approximate(double a, double b){
return double_equals(a,b) ? b : a;
Vector<3> cross_product(const Vector<3>& lhs, const Vector<3>& rhs){
double newX = (lhs.x[1]*rhs.x[2]) - (lhs.x[2]*rhs.x[1]);
double newY = (lhs.x[2]*rhs.x[0]) - (lhs.x[0]*rhs.x[2]);
double newZ = (lhs.x[0]*rhs.x[1]) - (lhs.x[1]*rhs.x[0]);
return Vector<3>({newX, newY, newZ});