The only approach I can suggest is to use an LCP array.
Since my first implementation has extremely slow sorting of suffic array, I decided to base my new solution on the Sais implementation of the induced sorting based suffix array construction algorithm. It has a complexity of \$O(n)\$.
Here is my new implementation.
Simplified Sais algorithm implementation
Creates sorted int[]
suffix array.
It has unreadable code, but it is very fast.
internal interface IBaseArray
int this[int i] { get; set; }
internal sealed class IntArray : IBaseArray
private readonly int[] m_array;
private readonly int m_pos;
public IntArray(int[] array, int pos)
m_pos = pos;
m_array = array;
public int this[int i]
get { return m_array[i + m_pos]; }
set { m_array[i + m_pos] = value; }
/// <summary>
/// An implementation of the induced sorting based suffix array construction algorithm.
/// </summary>
public static class Sais
private const int MINBUCKETSIZE = 256;
private static void getCounts(IBaseArray t, IBaseArray c, int n, int k)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < k; ++i)
c[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
c[t[i]] = c[t[i]] + 1;
private static void getBuckets(IBaseArray c, IBaseArray b, int k, bool end)
int i, sum = 0;
if (end)
for (i = 0; i < k; ++i)
sum += c[i];
b[i] = sum;
for (i = 0; i < k; ++i)
sum += c[i];
b[i] = sum - c[i];
/* sort all type LMS suffixes */
private static void LMSsort(IBaseArray t, int[] sa, IBaseArray c, IBaseArray B, int n, int k)
int i;
int c0, c1;
/* compute SAl */
if (c == B)
getCounts(t, c, n, k);
getBuckets(c, B, k, false); /* find starts of buckets */
int j = n - 1;
int b = B[c1 = t[j]];
sa[b++] = (t[j] < c1) ? ~j : j;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (0 < (j = sa[i]))
if ((c0 = t[j]) != c1)
B[c1] = b;
b = B[c1 = c0];
sa[b++] = (t[j] < c1) ? ~j : j;
sa[i] = 0;
else if (j < 0)
sa[i] = ~j;
/* compute SAs */
if (c == B)
getCounts(t, c, n, k);
getBuckets(c, B, k, true); /* find ends of buckets */
for (i = n - 1, b = B[c1 = 0]; 0 <= i; --i)
if (0 < (j = sa[i]))
if ((c0 = t[j]) != c1)
B[c1] = b;
b = B[c1 = c0];
sa[--b] = (t[j] > c1) ? ~(j + 1) : j;
sa[i] = 0;
private static int LMSpostproc(IBaseArray t, int[] sa, int n, int m)
int i, j, p, q;
int qlen, name;
int c1;
/* compact all the sorted substrings into the first m items of SA
2*m must be not larger than n (proveable) */
for (i = 0; (p = sa[i]) < 0; ++i)
sa[i] = ~p;
if (i < m)
for (j = i, ++i;; ++i)
if ((p = sa[i]) < 0)
sa[j++] = ~p;
sa[i] = 0;
if (j == m)
/* store the length of all substrings */
i = n - 1;
j = n - 1;
int c0 = t[n - 1];
c1 = c0;
} while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = t[i]) >= c1));
for (; 0 <= i;)
c1 = c0;
} while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = t[i]) <= c1));
if (0 <= i)
sa[m + ((i + 1) >> 1)] = j - i;
j = i + 1;
c1 = c0;
} while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = t[i]) >= c1));
/* find the lexicographic names of all substrings */
for (i = 0, name = 0, q = n, qlen = 0; i < m; ++i)
p = sa[i];
int plen = sa[m + (p >> 1)];
bool diff = true;
if ((plen == qlen) && ((q + plen) < n))
for (j = 0; (j < plen) && (t[p + j] == t[q + j]); ++j)
if (j == plen)
diff = false;
if (diff)
q = p;
qlen = plen;
sa[m + (p >> 1)] = name;
return name;
/* compute SA and BWT */
private static void induceSA(IBaseArray t, int[] sa, IBaseArray c, IBaseArray B, int n, int k)
int b, i, j;
int c0, c1;
/* compute SAl */
if (c == B)
getCounts(t, c, n, k);
getBuckets(c, B, k, false); /* find starts of buckets */
j = n - 1;
b = B[c1 = t[j]];
sa[b++] = ((0 < j) && (t[j - 1] < c1)) ? ~j : j;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
j = sa[i];
sa[i] = ~j;
if (0 < j)
if ((c0 = t[--j]) != c1)
B[c1] = b;
b = B[c1 = c0];
sa[b++] = ((0 < j) && (t[j - 1] < c1)) ? ~j : j;
/* compute SAs */
if (c == B)
getCounts(t, c, n, k);
getBuckets(c, B, k, true); /* find ends of buckets */
for (i = n - 1, b = B[c1 = 0]; 0 <= i; --i)
if (0 < (j = sa[i]))
if ((c0 = t[--j]) != c1)
B[c1] = b;
b = B[c1 = c0];
sa[--b] = ((j == 0) || (t[j - 1] > c1)) ? ~j : j;
sa[i] = ~j;
private static int computeBWT(IBaseArray t, int[] sa, IBaseArray c, IBaseArray B, int n, int k)
int b, i, j, pidx = -1;
int c0, c1;
/* compute SAl */
if (c == B)
getCounts(t, c, n, k);
getBuckets(c, B, k, false); /* find starts of buckets */
j = n - 1;
b = B[c1 = t[j]];
sa[b++] = ((0 < j) && (t[j - 1] < c1)) ? ~j : j;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (0 < (j = sa[i]))
sa[i] = ~(c0 = t[--j]);
if (c0 != c1)
B[c1] = b;
b = B[c1 = c0];
sa[b++] = ((0 < j) && (t[j - 1] < c1)) ? ~j : j;
else if (j != 0)
sa[i] = ~j;
/* compute SAs */
if (c == B)
getCounts(t, c, n, k);
getBuckets(c, B, k, true); /* find ends of buckets */
for (i = n - 1, b = B[c1 = 0]; 0 <= i; --i)
if (0 < (j = sa[i]))
sa[i] = (c0 = t[--j]);
if (c0 != c1)
B[c1] = b;
b = B[c1 = c0];
sa[--b] = ((0 < j) && (t[j - 1] > c1)) ? ~t[j - 1] : j;
else if (j != 0)
sa[i] = ~j;
pidx = i;
return pidx;
/* find the suffix array SA of T[0..n-1] in {0..k-1}^n
use a working space (excluding T and SA) of at most 2n+O(1) for a constant alphabet */
private static int sais_main(IBaseArray t, int[] sa, int fs, int n, int k, bool isbwt)
IBaseArray c, B;
int i;
int name, pidx = 0;
int c1;
uint flags;
c = new IntArray(new int[k], 0);
if (k <= fs)
B = new IntArray(sa, n + fs - k);
flags = 1;
B = new IntArray(new int[k], 0);
flags = 3;
else if (k <= fs)
c = new IntArray(sa, n + fs - k);
if (k <= (fs - k))
B = new IntArray(sa, n + fs - k * 2);
flags = 0;
else if (k <= (MINBUCKETSIZE * 4))
B = new IntArray(new int[k], 0);
flags = 2;
B = c;
flags = 8;
c = B = new IntArray(new int[k], 0);
flags = 4 | 8;
/* stage 1: reduce the problem by at least 1/2
sort all the LMS-substrings */
getCounts(t, c, n, k);
getBuckets(c, B, k, true); /* find ends of buckets */
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
sa[i] = 0;
int b = -1;
i = n - 1;
int j = n;
int m = 0;
int c0 = t[n - 1];
c1 = c0;
} while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = t[i]) >= c1));
for (; 0 <= i;)
c1 = c0;
} while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = t[i]) <= c1));
if (0 <= i)
if (0 <= b)
sa[b] = j;
b = --B[c1];
j = i;
c1 = c0;
} while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = t[i]) >= c1));
if (1 < m)
LMSsort(t, sa, c, B, n, k);
name = LMSpostproc(t, sa, n, m);
else if (m == 1)
sa[b] = j + 1;
name = 1;
name = 0;
/* stage 2: solve the reduced problem
recurse if names are not yet unique */
if (name < m)
if ((flags & 4) != 0)
c = null;
B = null;
if ((flags & 2) != 0)
B = null;
int newfs = (n + fs) - (m * 2);
if ((flags & (1 | 4 | 8)) == 0)
if ((k + name) <= newfs)
newfs -= k;
flags |= 8;
for (i = m + (n >> 1) - 1, j = m * 2 + newfs - 1; i >= m; --i)
if (sa[i] != 0)
sa[j--] = sa[i] - 1;
IBaseArray ra = new IntArray(sa, m + newfs);
sais_main(ra, sa, newfs, m, name, false);
i = n - 1;
j = m * 2 - 1;
c0 = t[n - 1];
c1 = c0;
} while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = t[i]) >= c1));
for (; 0 <= i;)
c1 = c0;
} while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = t[i]) <= c1));
if (0 <= i)
sa[j--] = i + 1;
c1 = c0;
} while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = t[i]) >= c1));
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
sa[i] = sa[m + sa[i]];
if ((flags & 4) != 0)
c = B = new IntArray(new int[k], 0);
if ((flags & 2) != 0)
B = new IntArray(new int[k], 0);
/* stage 3: induce the result for the original problem */
if ((flags & 8) != 0)
getCounts(t, c, n, k);
/* put all left-most S characters into their buckets */
if (1 < m)
getBuckets(c, B, k, true); /* find ends of buckets */
i = m - 1;
j = n;
int p = sa[m - 1];
c1 = t[p];
int q = B[c0 = c1];
while (j > q)
sa[--j] = 0;
sa[--j] = p;
if (--i < 0)
p = sa[i];
} while ((c1 = t[p]) == c0);
} while (0 <= i);
while (0 < j)
sa[--j] = 0;
if (isbwt == false)
induceSA(t, sa, c, B, n, k);
pidx = computeBWT(t, sa, c, B, n, k);
return pidx;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs the suffix array of a given sequence in linear time.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="t">input sequence</param>
/// <param name="k">alphabet size</param>
/// <returns>output suffix array</returns>
public static int[] sufsort(int[] t, int k)
if (t == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("t");
if (k <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("k");
// Length of the given string
int n = t.Length;
// Output suffix array
int[] sa = new int[n];
return n <= 1 || sais_main(new IntArray(t, 0), sa, 0, n, k, false) == 0 ? sa : null;
LongestCommonPhraseInfo class
A class that will hold a result
public sealed class LongestCommonPhraseInfo
public readonly string[] CommonPhraseWords;
public readonly int WordIndex1;
public readonly int WordIndex2;
public LongestCommonPhraseInfo(string[] commonPhraseWords, int wordIndex1, int wordIndex2)
CommonPhraseWords = commonPhraseWords;
WordIndex1 = wordIndex1;
WordIndex2 = wordIndex2;
public string Phrase
get { return String.Join(" ", CommonPhraseWords); }
The main class
Calls the Sais algorithm class to create a suffix array and creates the corresponding LCP array.
It contains a public method GetLongestCommonPhrase
and a tiny utility method Between<T>
/// <summary>
/// Checks if <paramref name="x"/> value is between values
/// <paramref name="a"/> and <paramref name="b"/> (or
/// <paramref name="b"/> and <paramref name="a"/>).
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of arguments.</typeparam>
private static bool Between<T>(T x, T a, T b)
where T : IComparable<T>
return a.CompareTo(b) <= 0
? x.CompareTo(a) >= 0 && x.CompareTo(b) <= 0
: x.CompareTo(a) <= 0 && x.CompareTo(b) >= 0;
public static LongestCommonPhraseInfo GetLongestCommonPhrase(string text1, string text2)
const string Sentinel1 = "\x00";
const string Sentinel2 = "\x01";
// Split texts.
string[] textWords1 = Regex.Split(text1, @"\s+|-+", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline);
string[] textWords2 = Regex.Split(text2, @"\s+|-+", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline);
// Combine texts into single array.
string[] textWords = new string[textWords1.Length + textWords2.Length + 2];
Array.Copy(textWords1, textWords, textWords1.Length);
textWords[textWords1.Length] = Sentinel1;
Array.Copy(textWords2, 0, textWords, textWords1.Length + 1, textWords2.Length);
textWords[textWords.Length - 1] = Sentinel2;
// Get distinct words of text.
string[] alphabet = textWords.Distinct().ToArray();
// Create temp dictionary.
// Key: alphabet element.
// Value: index in alphabet.
Dictionary<string, int> wordsIndex = new Dictionary<string, int>(alphabet.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.Length; i++)
wordsIndex[alphabet[i]] = i;
// Convert each word of the text to its index.
int[] indexedText = Array.ConvertAll(textWords, w => wordsIndex[w]);
// Call the Sais algorithm to create int[] suffix array.
int[] sa = Sais.sufsort(indexedText, alphabet.Length);
if (sa == null)
return null;
// If succeededб create LCP array.
int[] lcps = new int[sa.Length];
int prev = sa[0];
int maxLcp = -1;
int maxLcpIndex = -1;
for (int i = 1; i < lcps.Length; i++)
int cur = sa[i];
if (Between(textWords1.Length, prev, cur))
// If `prev` and `cur` suffixes belong to different text parts.
// Calculate the LCP.
int lcp = 0;
while (indexedText[prev + lcp] == indexedText[cur + lcp])
// Find the maximum LCP.
if (lcp > maxLcp)
maxLcp = lcp;
maxLcpIndex = i;
prev = cur;
int[] tmp = new int[maxLcp];
Array.Copy(indexedText, sa[maxLcpIndex], tmp, 0, maxLcp);
return new LongestCommonPhraseInfo(Array.ConvertAll(tmp, i => alphabet[i]),
Math.Min(sa[maxLcpIndex], sa[maxLcpIndex - 1]),
Math.Max(sa[maxLcpIndex], sa[maxLcpIndex - 1]));
Usage sample:
var book1 = File.ReadAllText("50503-0.txt").ToLower();
var book2 = File.ReadAllText("50511-0.txt").ToLower();
// Read the books.
string book1 = File.ReadAllText(@"D:\50503-0.txt").ToLower();
string book2 = File.ReadAllText(@"D:\50511-0.txt").ToLower();
// Make the books longer.
// !!! FOR TESTS ONLY !!!
string text1 = String.Concat(book1, " word1 ", book1, " word2 ", book1, " word3 ", book1);
string text2 = String.Concat(book2, " word4 ", book2, " word5 ", book2, " word6 ", book2);
// Go!
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
// Find the longest phrase.
var longestPhrase = GetLongestCommonPhrase(text1, text2);
if (longestPhrase != null)
Console.WriteLine("Common Phrase Words Count: {0}", longestPhrase.CommonPhraseWords.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Common Phrase: \"{0}...\"", longestPhrase.Phrase.Substring(0, 64));
Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed (ms): {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Output for enlarged texts (on my PC):
Common Phrase Words Count: 2999
Common Phrase: "updated editions will replace the previous one the old editions ..."
Time elapsed (ms): 4537
For non-enlarged texts:
Time elapsed (ms): 1241
Dictionary<string, List<int>>
is a bomb of inefficiency. Dictionaries are very nice for small sizes; but when dealing with relevant amounts of data they are not good. Needless to say that theList<int>
part makes this version particularly aggressive. An almost-working-always way to notably improve the performance of a code dealing with relevant amounts of data is replacing all the dictionaries with more efficient collections (arrays); ideally, all the redundant (global) intermediate storage should be removed by properly analysing the algorithm. \$\endgroup\$O(n)
. For the given books its execution time is~2
seconds. \$\endgroup\$