I attempted to recreate the GitHub code frequency graph (example) with a daily granularity using Perl and git log
. How did I do, and what improvements can I make? I know that I should try to reduce the frequency of keys on the x-axis, but I have no idea how to do that and maintain scale.
It should be noted that the default application for open SVG files should be set to a browser of some sort.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Henry J Schmale
# November 4, 2015
# Creates an insertion and delation graph per day graph for a git repo. It
# outputs an svg of the graph on standard output.
# This script can take the name of a directory to produce the graph for
# that directory if no param is given, then it does it in the current
# directory.
# Requires SVG::TT:Graph::Line
use strict;
use warnings;
# Get the path to the stylesheet first
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
my $graphsty = dirname(File::Spec->rel2abs(__FILE__)) . '/svg-graph-ss.css';
# CD into the directory specified if specified
if(-e $ARGV[0] and -d $ARGV[0]){
chdir $ARGV[0];
# Indexed by date
my %commits;
# get the git log and preprocess it
my $gitlogOutput = qx(git log --numstat --pretty="%H %aI" | grep -v '^\$');
my @lines = split /\n/, $gitlogOutput;
my $date;
my $hash;
foreach (@lines) {
my @fields = split /\s+/;
# Length of sha1sum
if(length($fields[0]) > 39){
$hash = $fields[0];
$date = substr($fields[1], 0, 10);
$commits{$date}->{ins} += $fields[0];
$commits{$date}->{del} += $fields[1];
use DateTime;
use Date::Parse;
use Data::Dumper;
my $firstDate = getDateTime(((sort keys %commits)[0]));
my $lastDate = getDateTime(((sort keys %commits)[-1]));
# print "$firstDate\t".((sort keys %commits)[0])."\n";
# print "$lastDate\t".((sort keys %commits)[-1])."\n";
# print (scalar keys %commits)."\n";
while($firstDate->add(days => 1) < $lastDate){
my $key = $firstDate->ymd('-');
if(!defined $commits{$key}){
$commits{$key}->{ins} = 0;
$commits{$key}->{del} = 0;
# print scalar keys %commits;
# print "\n";
# Prepare data for graphing by converting them to arrays
my (@key, @ins, @del, @net);
my $i = 0;
foreach (sort keys %commits){
$key[$i] = $_;
$ins[$i] = $commits{$_}{ins};
# del must be negitive in order for graph to look right, with delations
# being below the x axis.
$del[$i] = -$commits{$_}{del};
$net[$i] = $commits{$_}{ins} - $commits{$_}{del};
# printf("%s,%s,%s,%s\n", $_, $ins[$i], $del[$i], $net[$i]);
# Get the max value in the data sets
my @allpoints;
my ($min, $max);
push @allpoints, @ins;
push @allpoints, @del;
push @allpoints, @net;
$min = $_ if !$min || $_ < $min;
$max = $_ if !$max || $_ > $max;
# Graph it
use SVG::TT::Graph::Line;
my $graph = SVG::TT::Graph::Line->new({
width => 1200,
height => 800,
fields => \@key,
scale_integers => 1,
rotate_x_labels => 1,
show_data_values => 0,
show_data_points => 0,
min_scale_value => $min,
max_scale_value => $max,
style_sheet => $graphsty,
# Add the data
'data' => \@ins,
title => 'Inserts Per Day'
'data' => \@del,
title => 'Deletions Per Day'
'data' => \@net,
title => 'Net Insert/Del Per Day'
# Print file
my $filepath = '/tmp/gitGraph.svg';
open my $FD,'>',$filepath or die $!;
print $FD $graph->burn();
close $FD;
# Open it up in the browser or prefered method for opening the file
$filepath = 'file://'.$filepath;
qx(xdg-open $filepath);
sub getDateTime {
my ($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone) = strptime($_[0]);
# print "\t$_[0]\n";
return DateTime->new(
day => $day,
month => $month + 1,
# We have to add 1900 here inorder to make the date format work
year => ($year + 1900)
use SVG::TT::Graph::Line;
should be at the top. So should the otheruse
statements that are in the middle. They will all be loaded at compile time anyway. \$\endgroup\$