I've implemented the classic game Rock Paper Scissors with scores, and a save file implementation. I'm looking particularly for ways to get rid of all the self.
's. Is there anything I should add, remove, or change. Are there any bugs? Anything else?
import random as ran
import shelve
class Score(object):
"""Place where all scores are stored for save document"""
def __init__(self):
"""Makes all variables set to 0"""
self.rounds = 0
self.losses = 0
self.wins = 0
self.draws = 0
self.game_wins = 0
self.game_losses = 0
self.total_rounds = 0
self.total_games = 0
self.round_wins = 0
self.round_losses = 0
self.round_draws = 0
def reset(self):
"""Resets the scores for next game"""
self.wins = 0
self.draws = 0
self.losses = 0
def tally(self):
"""Adds the score to stats"""
self.total_rounds += self.rounds
self.total_games += 1
self.round_wins += self.wins
self.round_losses += self.losses
self.round_draws += self.draws
def stats(self):
"""Prints the stats"""
print ('\n\n+++++++++++++++++++++-=Stats=-+++++++++++++++++++')
print ('=================================================')
print ('|-- --|-- Rounds --|-- Games --|')
print ('|-- Wins --|-- %s --|-- %s --|') %(self.round_wins, self.game_wins)
print ('|-- Losses --|-- %s --|-- %s --|') %(self.round_losses, self.game_losses)
print ('|-- Draws --|-- %s --|-- N/A --|') %(self.round_draws)
print ('|-- Played --|-- %s --|-- %s --|\n\n')%(self.total_rounds, self.total_games)
def final(self):
"""Prints final score of the game just played"""
print ('\n\n+++++++++++Final Score++++++++++')
print ('================================')
print ('|-- Wins --|-- %s --|') %(self.wins)
print ('|-- Losses --|-- %s --|') %(self.losses)
print ('|-- Draws --|-- %s --|') %(self.draws)
print ('|-- Rounds --|-- %s --|\n\n') %(self.rounds)
def custom_input(question, choices):
"""A custom loop that checks to see if choices is valid"""
response = raw_input(question).lower()
while response not in choices:
print ("Correct inputs: ")
for c in choices:
response = raw_input(question).lower()
return response
class Game(object):
"""Main game"""
def __init__(self):
"""Starts the program here."""
f = shelve.open("RPS_save.dat")
statistics = f["statistics"]
self.score = statistics[0]
self.score = Score()
f = shelve.open("RPS_save.dat")
statistics = [self.score]
f["statistics"] = statistics
self.Continue = None
self.game = None
self.plays = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']
self.games = ['1', '3', '5']
self.modes = ['pvc', 'cvc']
self.p1win = [('rock' + 'scissors'), ('paper' + 'rock'), ('scissors' + 'paper')]
self.menu = [('stats'), ('play'), ('quit')]
while self.Continue is None:
self.Continue = raw_input("Welcome to the greatest, mind blowing, challenge of all "
"time.\n - Rock, Paper, Scissors! \nMany have tried and many have"
" FAILED... \nThis will be a test between the human mind and"
" my AI.\nPress \"enter\" when you believe your ready for this "
print "Good Luck... Human."
while True:
self.game = custom_input("Would you like to play, look at stats, or quit?\n", self.menu)
if self.game == "play":
self.rounds = custom_input("How many rounds would you like? \n", self.games)
f = shelve.open("RPS_save.dat")
statistics = [self.score]
f["statistics"] = statistics
elif self.game == "stats":
if self.game == "quit":
def play_game(self):
"""This is where most of the game takes place"""
while self.score.rounds != int(self.rounds):
self.score.rounds += 1
self.user_choice = custom_input("What is your choice, human! \n ",self.plays)
self.computer_choice = self.computer_choice_gen()
print "\nComputer choice is %s" %(self.computer_choice)
result = self.evaluate()
if result == "win":
print "%s beats %s! The human wins this round.\n\n" %(self.user_choice.capitalize(), self.computer_choice)
self.score.wins += 1
elif result == "loss":
print "%s beats %s! Hahaha! You lost this round!\n\n" %(self.computer_choice.capitalize(), self.user_choice)
self.score.losses += 1
print "I knew you were going to pick %s!\n\n" %(self.user_choice.capitalize())
self.score.draws += 1
def finals(self):
"""Adds win /losses to scores"""
if self.score.wins > self.score.losses:
self.score.game_wins += 1
print "Looks like humans are still dominant in this time. You won the Game!"
self.score.game_losses += 1
print "Humans are no match for my AI."
def computer_choice_gen(self):
"""Generates computer choice"""
return ran.choice(self.plays)
##def computer_choice():
## chance = ran.randint(0, 99)
## if chance > 66:
## return "rock"
## elif chance < 33:
## return "paper"
## else:
## return "scissors"
def evaluate(self):
"""Determines whether game is a win loss or draw"""
if self.user_choice + self.computer_choice in self.p1win:
return "win"
elif self.user_choice == self.computer_choice:
return "draw"
return "loss"