I have been programming for a couple months now and really wanted to make my own game, so I chose battle ship due to is simplicity (I learned out how wrong I was). I know one thing I am going to hear about is that it isn't portable due to the fact I am using the windows library. All I have to say is I tried finding other ways but sadly I am not smart enough. I would also love to convert it to OOP, but I have no idea how to start.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
const int COLS = 10;
const int ROWS = 10;
const int CARRIER = 5;
const int BATTLE_SHIP = 4;
const int CRUISER = 3;
const int SUBMARINE = 3;
const int PATROL = 2;
void playerSetUp(HANDLE, char[][COLS], int, int playerCarrier[], int playerBattleShip[], int playerCruiser[], int playerSubmarine[], int playerPatrol[]);
void mapGenerator(char[][COLS], int, int carrier[], int battleShip[], int cruiser[], int submarine[], int patrol[]);
void displayScoreBoard(HANDLE, char[][COLS], char[][COLS], int, int enemyCarrier[], int enemyBattleShip[], int enemyCruiser[], int enemySubmarine[], int enemyPatrol[], int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int playerCarrier[], int playerBattleShip[], int playerCruiser[], int playerSubmarine[], int playerPatrol[]);
void placeCursor(HANDLE, int, int);
int winCondition(int, int);
int startMenu();
int shipCheck(char[][COLS], int, int ship[], int);
int letterVal(char);
int numValidation(int);
void displayBoard(HANDLE, char[][COLS], int);
void playerTurn(HANDLE, char[][COLS], char[][COLS], int);
void enemyTurn(HANDLE, char[][COLS], int, int);
void stringInputCheck(HANDLE, string, int&, int&, int, int);
int main()
//computer map
char computer[ROWS][COLS] = {
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
//map the player will see
char enemyDisplay[ROWS][COLS] = {
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
//player map
char player[ROWS][COLS] = {
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
{ 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O' },
int startNumber, gameOver;
int enemyCarrier[7], enemyBattleShip[6], enemyCruiser[5], enemySubmarine[5], enemyPatrol[4]; //holds numbers for points of ship location
int playerCarrier[7], playerBattleShip[6], playerCruiser[5], playerPatrol[4]; //holds numbers for points of ship location
int playerSubmarine[5];
int enemyCarrierAlive = 1, enemyBattleShipAlive = 1, enemyCruiserAlive = 1, enemySubmarineAlive = 1, enemyPatrolAlive = 1; //1 = ship alive 2 = ship dead
int playerCarrierAlive = 1, playerBattleShipAlive = 1, playerCruiserAlive = 1, playerSubmarineAlive = 1, playerPatrolAlive = 1; //1 = ship alive 2 = ship dead
int enemyAlive, playerAlive; //holds number 1-5 for how many ships are left
HANDLE screen = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); //needed for color and cursor control
startNumber = startMenu(); //gets player choice for difficulty
if (startNumber == 1 || startNumber == 2){
playerSetUp(screen, player, ROWS, playerCarrier, playerBattleShip, playerCruiser, playerSubmarine, playerPatrol); //function that lets player place ships accordingly
mapGenerator(computer, ROWS, enemyCarrier, enemyBattleShip, enemyCruiser, enemySubmarine, enemyPatrol); //function that sets computer ships
placeCursor(screen, 0, 0); //places cursor for boards
displayBoard(screen, enemyDisplay, ROWS); //displays computer board
displayBoard(screen, player, ROWS); //displays player board
displayScoreBoard(screen, player, computer, ROWS, enemyCarrier, enemyBattleShip, enemyCruiser, enemySubmarine, enemyPatrol, enemyCarrierAlive, enemyBattleShipAlive, enemyCruiserAlive, enemySubmarineAlive, enemyPatrolAlive, playerCarrierAlive, playerBattleShipAlive, playerCruiserAlive, playerSubmarineAlive, playerPatrolAlive, playerCarrier, playerBattleShip, playerCruiser, playerSubmarine, playerPatrol); //displays score board
playerTurn(screen, computer, enemyDisplay, ROWS); //lets player choose a point to attack
enemyTurn(screen, player, COLS, startNumber); //computer chooses a point to attack
enemyAlive = enemyCarrierAlive + enemyBattleShipAlive + enemyCruiserAlive + enemySubmarineAlive + enemyPatrolAlive;
playerAlive = playerCarrierAlive + playerBattleShipAlive + playerCruiserAlive + playerSubmarineAlive + playerPatrolAlive;
gameOver = winCondition(enemyAlive, playerAlive); //checks if all ships are destroyed
} while (gameOver == 1);
if (gameOver == 2){
placeCursor(screen, 0, 0);
cout << "You Win!" << endl;
placeCursor(screen, 0, 0);
cout << "You Lost!" << endl;
char quitKey;
cout << "Press any key then enter to exit: ";
cin >> quitKey;
return 0;
//This function lets the player pick between playing or quitting, then from computer or human, then from which difficulty
int startMenu(){
int start;
char choice;
cout << "\t\tBattle Ship Game 1.0\n\n\n";
cout << "This game is real beta stuff right now." << endl;
cout << "Please press the maxmize screen button for best quality." << endl << endl << endl;
cout << "A. Start \nB. Quit\nChoose: ";
cin >> choice;
while (!(choice == 'A' || choice == 'a' || choice == 'B' || choice == 'b' || choice == 'C' || choice == 'c')){
cout << "Invalid choice. Please select A, B, or C: ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'A' || choice == 'a'){
cout << "Would you like to face the computer or another person?" << endl;
cout << "A. Computer\nB. Human\nC. Quit" << endl;
cout << "Your choice: ";
cin >> choice;
while (!(choice == 'A' || choice == 'a' || choice == 'B' || choice == 'b' || choice == 'C' || choice == 'c')){
cout << "Invalid choice. Please select A, B, or C: ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'A' || choice == 'a'){
cout << "What difficulty would you like?" << endl;
cout << "A. Easy\nB. Medium\nC. Hard (Under Construction}" << endl;
cout << "Your choice: ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'A' || choice == 'a'){
start = 1;
else if (choice == 'B' || choice == 'b'){
start = 2;
cout << "Hard still under constuction. Loading Medium difficulty.";
start = 2;
else if (choice == 'B' || choice == 'b'){
cout << "Still under construction. Now exiting program." << endl;
start = 0;
start = 0;
start = 0;
return start;
//This function displays the game board of the player or the computer
void displayBoard(HANDLE screen, char map[][COLS], int row){
cout << " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" << endl;
cout << " -----------------------\n";
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++){
if (x == 0)
cout << "A ";
if (x == 1)
cout << "B ";
if (x == 2)
cout << "C ";
if (x == 3)
cout << "D ";
if (x == 4)
cout << "E ";
if (x == 5)
cout << "F ";
if (x == 6)
cout << "G ";
if (x == 7)
cout << "H ";
if (x == 8)
cout << "I ";
if (x == 9)
cout << "J ";
cout << "| ";
for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++){
if (map[x][y] == 'O'){
SetConsoleTextAttribute(screen, 7);
cout << map[x][y] << " ";
else if (map[x][y] == 'A'){
SetConsoleTextAttribute(screen, 1);
cout << map[x][y] << " ";
SetConsoleTextAttribute(screen, 7);
else if(map[x][y] == 'M'){
SetConsoleTextAttribute(screen, 6);
cout << map[x][y] << " ";
SetConsoleTextAttribute(screen, 7);
SetConsoleTextAttribute(screen, 4);
cout << map[x][y] << " ";
SetConsoleTextAttribute(screen, 7);
cout << "|";
cout << endl;
cout << " -----------------------\n";
//This function will allow the player to place his ships anywhere on the array.
void playerSetUp(HANDLE screen, char playerSetUp[][COLS], int rows, int playerCarrier[], int playerBattleShip[], int playerCruiser[], int playerSubmarine[], int playerPatrol[]){
static int shipCount = 0;
int place1 = 0, place2 = 0, place3 = 0, place4 = 0, shipSize, sizeDifference;
string shipName, point;
int overLapCheck = 1;
char choice;
displayBoard(screen, playerSetUp, ROWS);
cout << "Welcome to BattleShip! This is your board where you get to place your ships!" << endl;
cout << "Please type the letter followed by the number (example: a6) then press enter." << endl;
cout << "Then type in the second coordinate in the same format. Please only place ships" << endl;
cout << "from left to right or from up to down. The game will crash otherwise :(" << endl;
cout << "Do you wish to place your ships manually or have a randomly generated board?" << endl;
cout << "Type A to make your own board or B to have one make for you: ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 'A' || choice == 'a'){
displayBoard(screen, playerSetUp, ROWS);
if (shipCount == 0){
shipName = "carrier";
shipSize = CARRIER;
else if (shipCount == 1){
shipName = "battle_ship";
shipSize = BATTLE_SHIP;
else if (shipCount == 2){
shipName = "cruiser";
shipSize = CRUISER;
else if (shipCount == 3){
shipName = "submarine";
shipSize = SUBMARINE;
else if (shipCount == 4){
shipName = "patrol";
shipSize = PATROL;
cout << "Placing " << shipName << " that is " << shipSize << " spaces long." << endl;
cout << "Please type the letter first followed by the number\nfor one point followed by the other point" << endl;
placeCursor(screen, 17, 0);
cout << "First point(e.g. a5)" << endl;
stringInputCheck(screen, point, place1, place2, 18, 0);
/*cin >> placer1;
place1 = letterVal(placer1);
cin >> placer2;
place2 = numValidation(placer2);*/
placeCursor(screen, 19, 0);
cout << " " << endl;
placeCursor(screen, 17, 0);
cout << "Second point (e.g. a8)" << endl;
stringInputCheck(screen, point, place3, place4, 18, 0);
/*cin >> placer3;
place3 = letterVal(placer3);
cin >> placer4;
place4 = numValidation(placer4);*/
if (place1 == place3){
sizeDifference = place4 - place2 + 1;
if (sizeDifference == shipSize){
for (int x = place2; x <= place4; x++){
if (playerSetUp[place1][x] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
for (int x = place2, t = 2; x <= place4; x++, t++){
if (shipCount == 0){
playerCarrier[0] = 1;
playerCarrier[1] = place1;
playerCarrier[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 1){
playerBattleShip[0] = 1;
playerBattleShip[1] = place1;
playerBattleShip[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 2){
playerCruiser[0] = 1;
playerCruiser[1] = place1;
playerCruiser[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 3){
playerSubmarine[0] = 1;
playerSubmarine[1] = place1;
playerSubmarine[t] = x;
playerPatrol[0] = 1;
playerPatrol[1] = place1;
playerPatrol[t] = x;
playerSetUp[place1][x] = 'A';
cout << "You already have a ship there!" << endl;
cout << "Invalid size." << endl;
displayBoard(screen, playerSetUp, ROWS);
cout << "Placing " << shipName << " that is " << shipSize << " spaces long." << endl;
cout << "Please type the letter first followed by the number\nfor one point followed by the other point" << endl;
placeCursor(screen, 17, 0);
cout << "First point(e.g. a5)" << endl;
stringInputCheck(screen, point, place1, place2, 18, 0);
/*cin >> placer1;
place1 = letterVal(placer1);
cin >> placer2;
place2 = numValidation(placer2);*/
placeCursor(screen, 19, 0);
cout << " " << endl;
placeCursor(screen, 17, 0);
cout << "Second point (e.g. a8): ";
stringInputCheck(screen, point, place3, place4, 18, 0);
/*cin >> placer3;
place3 = letterVal(placer3);
cin >> placer4;
place4 = numValidation(placer4);*/
sizeDifference = place4 - place2 + 1;
} while (sizeDifference != shipSize && overLapCheck == 2);
for (int x = place2; x <= place4; x++){
if (playerSetUp[place1][x] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
for (int x = place2, t = 2; x <= place4; x++, t++){
if (shipCount == 0){
playerCarrier[0] = 1;
playerCarrier[1] = place1;
playerCarrier[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 1){
playerBattleShip[0] = 1;
playerBattleShip[1] = place1;
playerBattleShip[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 2){
playerCruiser[0] = 1;
playerCruiser[1] = place1;
playerCruiser[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 3){
playerSubmarine[0] = 1;
playerSubmarine[1] = place1;
playerSubmarine[t] = x;
playerPatrol[0] = 1;
playerPatrol[1] = place1;
playerPatrol[t] = x;
playerSetUp[place1][x] = 'A';
cout << "You already have a ship there!" << endl;
else if (place2 == place4){
sizeDifference = place3 - place1 + 1;
if (sizeDifference == shipSize){
for (int x = place1; x <= place3; x++){
if (playerSetUp[x][place2] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
for (int x = place1, t = 2; x <= place3; x++, t++){
if (shipCount == 0){
playerCarrier[0] = 2;
playerCarrier[1] = place2;
playerCarrier[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 1){
playerBattleShip[0] = 2;
playerBattleShip[1] = place2;
playerBattleShip[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 2){
playerCruiser[0] = 2;
playerCruiser[1] = place2;
playerCruiser[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 3){
playerSubmarine[0] = 2;
playerSubmarine[1] = place2;
playerSubmarine[t] = x;
playerPatrol[0] = 2;
playerPatrol[1] = place2;
playerPatrol[t] = x;
playerSetUp[x][place2] = 'A';
cout << "You already have a ship there!" << endl;
displayBoard(screen, playerSetUp, ROWS);
cout << "Invalid size." << endl;
cout << "Placing " << shipName << " that is " << shipSize << " spaces long." << endl;
cout << "Please type the letter first followed by the number\nfor one point followed by the other point" << endl;
placeCursor(screen, 17, 0);
cout << "First point (e.g. a5)" << endl;
stringInputCheck(screen, point, place1, place2, 18, 0);
/*cin >> placer1;
place1 = letterVal(placer1);
cin >> placer2;
place2 = numValidation(placer2);*/
placeCursor(screen, 19, 0);
cout << " " << endl;
placeCursor(screen, 17, 0);
cout << "Second point (e.g. a8)" << endl;
stringInputCheck(screen, point, place3, place4, 18, 0);
/*cin >> placer3;
place3 = letterVal(placer3);
cin >> placer4;
place4 = numValidation(placer4);*/
sizeDifference = place4 - place2 + 1;
} while (sizeDifference != shipSize && overLapCheck == 2);
for (int x = place1; x <= place3; x++){
if (playerSetUp[place1][x] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
for (int x = place1, t = 2; x <= place3; x++, t++){
if (shipCount == 0){
playerCarrier[0] = 2;
playerCarrier[1] = place2;
playerCarrier[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 1){
playerBattleShip[0] = 2;
playerBattleShip[1] = place2;
playerBattleShip[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 2){
playerCruiser[0] = 2;
playerCruiser[1] = place2;
playerCruiser[t] = x;
else if (shipCount == 3){
playerSubmarine[0] = 2;
playerSubmarine[1] = place2;
playerSubmarine[t] = x;
playerPatrol[0] = 2;
playerPatrol[1] = place2;
playerPatrol[t] = x;
playerSetUp[place1][x] = 'A';
cout << "You already have a ship there!" << endl;
cout << "Must enter ships vertical or horizontal." << endl;
cout << "Please enter the smaller point first followed by the bigger point." << endl;
} while (shipCount <= 4);
mapGenerator(playerSetUp, ROWS, playerCarrier, playerBattleShip, playerCruiser, playerSubmarine, playerPatrol);
//This function makes the computer make a random map for the 5 ships
void mapGenerator(char setUp[][COLS], int rows, int carrier[], int battleShip[], int cruiser[], int submarine[], int patrol[]){
int computerShipDirection, computerPoint1, computerPoint2; //1 = horizontal 2 = vertical
int overLapCheck;
//place carrier
computerShipDirection = rand() % 2 + 1;
if (computerShipDirection == 1){ //horizontal
computerPoint1 = rand() % 10;
computerPoint2 = rand() % 6;
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 1] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 3] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 4] = 'A';
carrier[0] = computerShipDirection;
carrier[1] = computerPoint1;
carrier[2] = computerPoint2;
carrier[3] = computerPoint2 + 1;
carrier[4] = computerPoint2 + 2;
carrier[5] = computerPoint2 + 3;
carrier[6] = computerPoint2 + 4;
else{ //vertical
computerPoint1 = rand() % 6;
computerPoint2 = rand() % 10;
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 2][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 3][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 4][computerPoint2] = 'A';
carrier[0] = computerShipDirection;
carrier[1] = computerPoint2;
carrier[2] = computerPoint1;
carrier[3] = computerPoint1 + 1;
carrier[4] = computerPoint1 + 2;
carrier[5] = computerPoint1 + 3;
carrier[6] = computerPoint1 + 4;
//place battleship
computerShipDirection = rand() % 2 + 1;
if (computerShipDirection == 1){ //horizontal
computerPoint1 = rand() % 10;
computerPoint2 = rand() % 7;
for (int z = computerPoint2; z < computerPoint2 + 3; z++){
if (setUp[computerPoint1][z] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 1] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 3] = 'A';
battleShip[0] = computerShipDirection;
battleShip[1] = computerPoint1;
battleShip[2] = computerPoint2;
battleShip[3] = computerPoint2 + 1;
battleShip[4] = computerPoint2 + 2;
battleShip[5] = computerPoint2 + 3;
else{ //vertical
computerPoint1 = rand() % 7;
computerPoint2 = rand() % 10;
for (int z = computerPoint1; z < computerPoint1 + 3; z++){
if (setUp[z][computerPoint2] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 2][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 3][computerPoint2] = 'A';
battleShip[0] = computerShipDirection;
battleShip[1] = computerPoint2;
battleShip[2] = computerPoint1;
battleShip[3] = computerPoint1 + 1;
battleShip[4] = computerPoint1 + 2;
battleShip[5] = computerPoint1 + 3;
} while (overLapCheck == 2);
computerShipDirection = rand() % 2 + 1;
if (computerShipDirection == 1){ //horizontal
computerPoint1 = rand() % 10;
computerPoint2 = rand() % 8;
for (int z = computerPoint2; z < computerPoint2 + 2; z++){
if (setUp[computerPoint1][z] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 1] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 2] = 'A';
cruiser[0] = computerShipDirection;
cruiser[1] = computerPoint1;
cruiser[2] = computerPoint2;
cruiser[3] = computerPoint2 + 1;
cruiser[4] = computerPoint2 + 2;
else{ //vertical
computerPoint1 = rand() % 8;
computerPoint2 = rand() % 10;
for (int z = computerPoint1; z < computerPoint1 + 2; z++){
if (setUp[z][computerPoint2] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 2][computerPoint2] = 'A';
cruiser[0] = computerShipDirection;
cruiser[1] = computerPoint2;
cruiser[2] = computerPoint1;
cruiser[3] = computerPoint1 + 1;
cruiser[4] = computerPoint1 + 2;
} while (overLapCheck == 2);
computerShipDirection = rand() % 2 + 1;
if (computerShipDirection == 1){ //horizontal
computerPoint1 = rand() % 10;
computerPoint2 = rand() % 8;
for (int z = computerPoint2; z < computerPoint2 + 2; z++){
if (setUp[computerPoint1][z] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 1] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 2] = 'A';
submarine[0] = computerShipDirection;
submarine[1] = computerPoint1;
submarine[2] = computerPoint2;
submarine[3] = computerPoint2 + 1;
submarine[4] = computerPoint2 + 2;
else{ //vertical
computerPoint1 = rand() % 8;
computerPoint2 = rand() % 10;
for (int z = computerPoint1; z < computerPoint1 + 2; z++){
if (setUp[z][computerPoint2] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 2][computerPoint2] = 'A';
submarine[0] = computerShipDirection;
submarine[1] = computerPoint2;
submarine[2] = computerPoint1;
submarine[3] = computerPoint1 + 1;
submarine[4] = computerPoint1 + 2;
} while (overLapCheck == 2);
computerShipDirection = rand() % 2 + 1;
if (computerShipDirection == 1){ //horizontal
computerPoint1 = rand() % 10;
computerPoint2 = rand() % 9;
for (int z = computerPoint2; z < computerPoint2 + 1; z++){
if (setUp[computerPoint1][z] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2 + 1] = 'A';
patrol[0] = computerShipDirection;
patrol[1] = computerPoint1;
patrol[2] = computerPoint2;
patrol[3] = computerPoint2 + 1;
else{ //vertical
computerPoint1 = rand() % 9;
computerPoint2 = rand() % 10;
for (int z = computerPoint1; z < computerPoint1 + 1; z++){
if (setUp[z][computerPoint2] == 'O'){
overLapCheck = 1;
overLapCheck = 2;
if (overLapCheck == 1){
setUp[computerPoint1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
setUp[computerPoint1 + 1][computerPoint2] = 'A';
patrol[0] = computerShipDirection;
patrol[1] = computerPoint2;
patrol[2] = computerPoint1;
patrol[3] = computerPoint1 + 1;
} while (overLapCheck == 2);
//This function displays a scoreboard and displays ships that are alive or have been destroyed
void displayScoreBoard(HANDLE screen, char playerBoard[][COLS], char enemyBoard[][COLS], int rows, int enemyCarrier[], int enemyBattleShip[], int enemyCruiser[], int enemySubmarine[], int enemyPatrol[], int& enemyCarrierAlive, int& enemyBattleShipAlive, int& enemyCruiserAlive, int& enemySubmarineAlive, int& enemyPatrolAlive, int& playerCarrierAlive, int& playerBattleShipAlive, int& playerCruiserAlive, int& playerSubmarineAlive, int& playerPatrolAlive, int playerCarrier[], int playerBattleShip[], int playerCruiser[], int playerSubmarine[], int playerPatrol[]){
int size;
int alive;
placeCursor(screen, 0, 38);
cout << "-----Scoreboard-----" << endl; //1 = horizontal 2 = vertical
//Enemy Ships
placeCursor(screen, 2, 30);
cout << "Enemy Ships Left: " << endl;
placeCursor(screen, 3, 30);
size = 7;
alive = shipCheck(enemyBoard, ROWS, enemyCarrier, size);
if (alive == 1){
cout << "Carrier " << endl;
enemyCarrierAlive = 1;
cout << "Carrier Destroyed!" << endl;
enemyCarrierAlive = 0;
placeCursor(screen, 4, 30);
size = 6;
alive = shipCheck(enemyBoard, ROWS, enemyBattleShip, size);
if (alive == 1){
cout << "Battle Ship " << endl;
enemyBattleShipAlive = 1;
cout << "Battle Ship Destroyed!" << endl;
enemyBattleShipAlive = 0;
placeCursor(screen, 5, 30);
size = 5;
alive = shipCheck(enemyBoard, ROWS, enemyCruiser, size);
if (alive == 1){
cout << "Cruiser " << endl;
enemyCruiserAlive = 1;
cout << "Cruiser Destroyed!" << endl;
enemyCruiserAlive = 0;
placeCursor(screen, 6, 30);
size = 5;
alive = shipCheck(enemyBoard, ROWS, enemySubmarine, size);
if (alive == 1){
cout << "Submarine " << endl;
enemySubmarineAlive = 1;
cout << "Submarine Destroyed!" << endl;
enemySubmarineAlive = 0;
placeCursor(screen, 7, 30);
size = 4;
alive = shipCheck(enemyBoard, ROWS, enemyPatrol, size);
if (alive == 1){
cout << "Patrol " << endl;
enemyPatrolAlive = 1;
cout << "Patrol Destroyed!" << endl;
enemyPatrolAlive = 0;
//Player Ships
placeCursor(screen, 2, 53);
cout << "Your Ships Left:" << endl;
placeCursor(screen, 3, 53);
size = 7;
alive = shipCheck(playerBoard, ROWS, playerCarrier, size);
if (alive == 1){
cout << "Carrier" << endl;
playerCarrierAlive = 1;
cout << "Carrier Destroyed!" << endl;
playerCarrierAlive = 0;
placeCursor(screen, 4, 53);
size = 6;
alive = shipCheck(playerBoard, ROWS, playerBattleShip, size);
if (alive == 1){
cout << "Battle Ship" << endl;
playerBattleShipAlive = 1;
cout << "Battle Ship Destroyed!" << endl;
playerBattleShipAlive = 0;
placeCursor(screen, 5, 53);
size = 5;
alive = shipCheck(playerBoard, ROWS, playerCruiser, size);
if (alive == 1){
cout << "Cruiser" << endl;
playerCruiserAlive = 1;
cout << "Cruiser Destroyed!" << endl;
playerCruiserAlive = 0;
placeCursor(screen, 6, 53);
size = 5;
alive = shipCheck(playerBoard, ROWS, playerSubmarine, size);
if (alive == 1){
cout << "Submarine" << endl;
playerSubmarineAlive = 1;
cout << "Submarine Destroyed!" << endl;
playerSubmarineAlive = 0;
placeCursor(screen, 7, 53);
size = 4;
alive = shipCheck(playerBoard, ROWS, playerPatrol, size);
if (alive == 1){
cout << "Patrol" << endl;
playerPatrolAlive = 1;
cout << "Patrol Destroyed!" << endl;
playerPatrolAlive = 0;
//This function places the cursor on the screen in a specific location
void placeCursor(HANDLE screen, int row, int col){
COORD position;
position.Y = row;
position.X = col;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(screen, position);
//This function lets the player shoot at a point
void playerTurn(HANDLE screen, char enemyMap[][COLS], char enemyDisplayMap[][COLS], int rows) {
//char v;
string attack;
int attack1, attack2, errorCount = 0;
char holder;
placeCursor(screen, 15, 30);
cout << "Choose which point you would like to attack." << endl;
stringInputCheck(screen, attack, attack1, attack2, 16, 30);
holder = enemyMap[attack1][attack2];
while (holder == 'M' || holder == 'X'){
placeCursor(screen, 13, 30);
cout << "You already attacked there!" << endl;
placeCursor(screen, 17, 30);
cout << " " << endl;
stringInputCheck(screen, attack, attack1, attack2, 16, 30);
holder = enemyMap[attack1][attack2];
if (holder == 'A'){
enemyMap[attack1][attack2] = 'X';
enemyDisplayMap[attack1][attack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 23, 30);
cout << "Direct hit!" << endl;
enemyMap[attack1][attack2] = 'M';
enemyDisplayMap[attack1][attack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 23, 30);
cout << "You missed!" << endl;
//This function lets the computer shoot at a point
void enemyTurn(HANDLE screen, char playerMap[][COLS], int rows, int difficulty){
//AI functions that lets the computer have its turn
static char computerLastAttack1, computerLastAttack2, computerMemory = 'O';
int computerAttack1, computerAttack2, computerNewAttack1, computerNewAttack2;
char computerHolder;
if (difficulty == 2){
if (computerMemory == 'O'){
computerAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerAttack1][computerAttack2];
while (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerAttack1][computerAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'A'){
playerMap[computerAttack1][computerAttack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) got a Direct hit!" << endl;
playerMap[computerAttack1][computerAttack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) missed!" << endl;
computerLastAttack1 = computerAttack1;
computerLastAttack2 = computerAttack2;
computerMemory = computerHolder;
//Computer Logic
//Top Left Corner
if (computerLastAttack1 == 0 && computerLastAttack2 == 0){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 + 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 + 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 - 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
while (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerNewAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'A'){
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) got a Direct hit!" << endl;
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) missed!" << endl;
//Bottom Right Corner
else if (computerLastAttack1 == 9 && computerLastAttack2 == 9){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 - 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 - 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 + 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
while (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerNewAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'A'){
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) got a Direct hit!" << endl;
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) missed!" << endl;
//Top Right Corner
else if (computerLastAttack1 == 0 && computerLastAttack2 == 9){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 - 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 + 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 + 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
while (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerNewAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'A'){
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) got a Direct hit!" << endl;
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) missed!" << endl;
//Bottom Left Corner
else if (computerLastAttack1 == 9 && computerLastAttack2 == 0){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 + 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 - 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 - 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
while (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerNewAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'A'){
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) got a Direct hit!" << endl;
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) missed!" << endl;
//Top Wall
else if (computerLastAttack1 == 0){
if (computerLastAttack2 == 9){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 - 1;
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 + 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 + 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
while (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerNewAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'A'){
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) got a Direct hit!" << endl;
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) missed!" << endl;
//Left Wall
else if (computerLastAttack2 == 0){
if (computerLastAttack1 == 9){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 - 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2;
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 + 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 + 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
while (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerNewAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'A'){
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) got a Direct hit!" << endl;
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) missed!" << endl;
//Right Wall
else if (computerLastAttack2 == 9){
if (computerLastAttack1 == 8){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 - 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2;
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 + 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 - 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
while (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerNewAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'A'){
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) got a Direct hit!" << endl;
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) missed!" << endl;
//Bottom Wall
else if (computerLastAttack1 == 9){
if (computerLastAttack2 == 8){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 - 1;
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 + 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 - 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
while (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerNewAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'A'){
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) got a Direct hit!" << endl;
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) missed!" << endl;
//anywhere else on map
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 + 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2 - 1;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
else if (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 - 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
else if (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = computerLastAttack1 + 1;
computerNewAttack2 = computerLastAttack2;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
while (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerNewAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerNewAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'A'){
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) got a Direct hit!" << endl;
playerMap[computerNewAttack1][computerNewAttack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Medium) missed!" << endl;
computerAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerAttack1][computerAttack2];
while (computerHolder == 'M' || computerHolder == 'X'){
computerAttack1 = rand() % 10;
computerAttack2 = rand() % 10;
computerHolder = playerMap[computerAttack1][computerAttack2];
if (computerHolder == 'A'){
playerMap[computerAttack1][computerAttack2] = 'X';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Easy) got a Direct hit!" << endl;
playerMap[computerAttack1][computerAttack2] = 'M';
placeCursor(screen, 24, 30);
cout << "Computer(Easy) missed!" << endl;
//This function checks if there are any ships left
int winCondition(int enemy, int player){
if (enemy == 0){
return 2;
else if (player == 0){
return 3;
return 1;
//outdated functions
//This function checks if the letter entered by the user is valid
//int letterVal(char c){
// int attack;
// if (!(c == 'A' || c == 'a' || c == 'B' || c == 'b' || c == 'C' || c == 'c' || c == 'D' || c == 'd' || c == 'E' || c == 'e' || c == 'F' || c == 'f' || c == 'G' || c == 'g' || c == 'H' || c == 'h' || c == 'I' || c == 'i' || c == 'J' || c == 'j')){
// do
// {
// cin.clear();
// cout << "Invalid input, please enter a letter that is from A-J: ";
// cin.get(c);
// } while (!(c == 'A' || c == 'a' || c == 'B' || c == 'b' || c == 'C' || c == 'c' || c == 'D' || c == 'd' || c == 'E' || c == 'e' || c == 'F' || c == 'f' || c == 'G' || c == 'g' || c == 'H' || c == 'h' || c == 'I' || c == 'i' || c == 'J' || c == 'j'));
// }
// if (c == 'A' || c == 'a')
// attack = 0;
// else if (c == 'B' || c == 'b')
// attack = 1;
// else if (c == 'C' || c == 'c')
// attack = 2;
// else if (c == 'D' || c == 'd')
// attack = 3;
// else if (c == 'E' || c == 'e')
// attack = 4;
// else if (c == 'F' || c == 'f')
// attack = 5;
// else if (c == 'G' || c == 'g')
// attack = 6;
// else if (c == 'H' || c == 'h')
// attack = 7;
// else if (c == 'I' || c == 'i')
// attack = 8;
// else if (c == 'J' || c == 'j')
// attack = 9;
// return attack;
//This function checks if the number entered by the user is valid
//int numValidation(int z){
// if (cin.fail() || z < 0 || z > 9){
// do{
// cin.clear();
// cout << "Invalid input. Please enter a number 0-9: ";
// cin >> z;
// } while (cin.fail());
// }
// return z;
//This function checks which ships are alive or dead when called
int shipCheck(char board[][COLS], int rows, int ship[], int size){
int holder;
if (ship[0] == 1){
for (int x = 2; x < size; x++){
if(board[ship[1]][ship[x]] == 'A'){
holder = 1;
holder = 2;
for (int x = 2; x < size; x++){
if (board[ship[x]][ship[1]] == 'A'){
holder = 1;
holder = 2;
return holder;
//This function validates the player choice of where to attack
void stringInputCheck(HANDLE screen, string attack, int &attack1, int &attack2, int row, int col){
int errorCount = 0;
if (errorCount > 0){
placeCursor(screen, row + 1, col);
cout << " " << endl;
placeCursor(screen, row, col);
cout << "Please type the letter first followed by" << endl;
placeCursor(screen, row + 1, col);
cout << "the number: ";
cin >> attack;
} while (!(attack == "a0" || attack == "a1" || attack == "a2" || attack == "a3" || attack == "a4" || attack == "a5" || attack == "a6" || attack == "a7" || attack == "a8" || attack == "a9" || attack == "b0" || attack == "b1" || attack == "b2" || attack == "b3" || attack == "b4" || attack == "b5" || attack == "b6" || attack == "b7" || attack == "b8" || attack == "b9" || attack == "c0" || attack == "c1" || attack == "c2" || attack == "c3" || attack == "c4" || attack == "c5" || attack == "c6" || attack == "c7" || attack == "c8" || attack == "c9" || attack == "d0" || attack == "d1" || attack == "d2" || attack == "d3" || attack == "d4" || attack == "d5" || attack == "d6" || attack == "d7" || attack == "d8" || attack == "d9" || attack == "e0" || attack == "e1" || attack == "e2" || attack == "e3" || attack == "e4" || attack == "e5" || attack == "e6" || attack == "e7" || attack == "e8" || attack == "e9" || attack == "f0" || attack == "f1" || attack == "f2" || attack == "f3" || attack == "f4" || attack == "f5" || attack == "f6" || attack == "f7" || attack == "f8" || attack == "f9" || attack == "g0" || attack == "g1" || attack == "g2" || attack == "g3" || attack == "g4" || attack == "g5" || attack == "g6" || attack == "g7" || attack == "g8" || attack == "g9" || attack == "h0" || attack == "h1" || attack == "h2" || attack == "h3" || attack == "h4" || attack == "h5" || attack == "h6" || attack == "h7" || attack == "h8" || attack == "h9" || attack == "i0" || attack == "i1" || attack == "i2" || attack == "i3" || attack == "i4" || attack == "i5" || attack == "i6" || attack == "i7" || attack == "i8" || attack == "i9" || attack == "j0" || attack == "j1" || attack == "j2" || attack == "j3" || attack == "j4" || attack == "j5" || attack == "j6" || attack == "j7" || attack == "j8" || attack == "j9"));
if (attack == "a0"){
attack1 = 0;
attack2 = 0;
if (attack == "a1"){
attack1 = 0;
attack2 = 1;
if (attack == "a2"){
attack1 = 0;
attack2 = 2;
if (attack == "a3"){
attack1 = 0;
attack2 = 3;
if (attack == "a4"){
attack1 = 0;
attack2 = 4;
if (attack == "a5"){
attack1 = 0;
attack2 = 5;
if (attack == "a6"){
attack1 = 0;
attack2 = 6;
if (attack == "a7"){
attack1 = 0;
attack2 = 7;
if (attack == "a8"){
attack1 = 0;
attack2 = 8;
if (attack == "a9"){
attack1 = 0;
attack2 = 9;
if (attack == "b0"){
attack1 = 1;
attack2 = 0;
if (attack == "b1"){
attack1 = 1;
attack2 = 1;
if (attack == "b2"){
attack1 = 1;
attack2 = 2;
if (attack == "b3"){
attack1 = 1;
attack2 = 3;
if (attack == "b4"){
attack1 = 1;
attack2 = 4;
if (attack == "b5"){
attack1 = 1;
attack2 = 5;
if (attack == "b6"){
attack1 = 1;
attack2 = 6;
if (attack == "b7"){
attack1 = 1;
attack2 = 7;
if (attack == "b8"){
attack1 = 1;
attack2 = 8;
if (attack == "b9"){
attack1 = 1;
attack2 = 9;
if (attack == "c0"){
attack1 = 2;
attack2 = 0;
if (attack == "c1"){
attack1 = 2;
attack2 = 1;
if (attack == "c2"){
attack1 = 2;
attack2 = 2;
if (attack == "c3"){
attack1 = 2;
attack2 = 3;
if (attack == "c4"){
attack1 = 2;
attack2 = 4;
if (attack == "c5"){
attack1 = 2;
attack2 = 5;
if (attack == "c6"){
attack1 = 2;
attack2 = 6;
if (attack == "c7"){
attack1 = 2;
attack2 = 7;
if (attack == "c8"){
attack1 = 2;
attack2 = 8;
if (attack == "c9"){
attack1 = 2;
attack2 = 9;
if (attack == "d0"){
attack1 = 3;
attack2 = 0;
if (attack == "d1"){
attack1 = 3;
attack2 = 1;
if (attack == "d2"){
attack1 = 3;
attack2 = 2;
if (attack == "d3"){
attack1 = 3;
attack2 = 3;
if (attack == "d4"){
attack1 = 3;
attack2 = 4;
if (attack == "d5"){
attack1 = 3;
attack2 = 5;
if (attack == "d6"){
attack1 = 3;
attack2 = 6;
if (attack == "d7"){
attack1 = 3;
attack2 = 7;
if (attack == "d8"){
attack1 = 3;
attack2 = 8;
if (attack == "d9"){
attack1 = 3;
attack2 = 9;
if (attack == "e0"){
attack1 = 4;
attack2 = 0;
if (attack == "e1"){
attack1 = 4;
attack2 = 1;
if (attack == "e2"){
attack1 = 4;
attack2 = 2;
if (attack == "e3"){
attack1 = 4;
attack2 = 3;
if (attack == "e4"){
attack1 = 4;
attack2 = 4;
if (attack == "e5"){
attack1 = 4;
attack2 = 5;
if (attack == "e6"){
attack1 = 4;
attack2 = 6;
if (attack == "e7"){
attack1 = 4;
attack2 = 7;
if (attack == "e8"){
attack1 = 4;
attack2 = 8;
if (attack == "e9"){
attack1 = 4;
attack2 = 9;
if (attack == "f0"){
attack1 = 5;
attack2 = 0;
if (attack == "f1"){
attack1 = 5;
attack2 = 1;
if (attack == "f2"){
attack1 = 5;
attack2 = 2;
if (attack == "f3"){
attack1 = 5;
attack2 = 3;
if (attack == "f4"){
attack1 = 5;
attack2 = 4;
if (attack == "f5"){
attack1 = 5;
attack2 = 5;
if (attack == "f6"){
attack1 = 5;
attack2 = 6;
if (attack == "f7"){
attack1 = 5;
attack2 = 7;
if (attack == "f8"){
attack1 = 5;
attack2 = 8;
if (attack == "f9"){
attack1 = 5;
attack2 = 9;
if (attack == "g0"){
attack1 = 6;
attack2 = 0;
if (attack == "g1"){
attack1 = 6;
attack2 = 1;
if (attack == "g2"){
attack1 = 6;
attack2 = 2;
if (attack == "g3"){
attack1 = 6;
attack2 = 3;
if (attack == "g4"){
attack1 = 6;
attack2 = 4;
if (attack == "g5"){
attack1 = 6;
attack2 = 5;
if (attack == "g6"){
attack1 = 6;
attack2 = 6;
if (attack == "g7"){
attack1 = 6;
attack2 = 7;
if (attack == "g8"){
attack1 = 6;
attack2 = 8;
if (attack == "g9"){
attack1 = 6;
attack2 = 9;
if (attack == "h0"){
attack1 = 7;
attack2 = 0;
if (attack == "h1"){
attack1 = 7;
attack2 = 1;
if (attack == "h2"){
attack1 = 7;
attack2 = 2;
if (attack == "h3"){
attack1 = 7;
attack2 = 3;
if (attack == "h4"){
attack1 = 7;
attack2 = 4;
if (attack == "h5"){
attack1 = 7;
attack2 = 5;
if (attack == "h6"){
attack1 = 7;
attack2 = 6;
if (attack == "h7"){
attack1 = 7;
attack2 = 7;
if (attack == "h8"){
attack1 = 7;
attack2 = 8;
if (attack == "h9"){
attack1 = 7;
attack2 = 9;
if (attack == "i0"){
attack1 = 8;
attack2 = 0;
if (attack == "i1"){
attack1 = 8;
attack2 = 1;
if (attack == "i2"){
attack1 = 8;
attack2 = 2;
if (attack == "i3"){
attack1 = 8;
attack2 = 3;
if (attack == "i4"){
attack1 = 8;
attack2 = 4;
if (attack == "i5"){
attack1 = 8;
attack2 = 5;
if (attack == "i6"){
attack1 = 8;
attack2 = 6;
if (attack == "i7"){
attack1 = 8;
attack2 = 7;
if (attack == "i8"){
attack1 = 8;
attack2 = 8;
if (attack == "i9"){
attack1 = 8;
attack2 = 9;
if (attack == "j0"){
attack1 = 9;
attack2 = 0;
if (attack == "j1"){
attack1 = 9;
attack2 = 1;
if (attack == "j2"){
attack1 = 9;
attack2 = 2;
if (attack == "j3"){
attack1 = 9;
attack2 = 3;
if (attack == "j4"){
attack1 = 9;
attack2 = 4;
if (attack == "j5"){
attack1 = 9;
attack2 = 5;
if (attack == "j6"){
attack1 = 9;
attack2 = 6;
if (attack == "j7"){
attack1 = 9;
attack2 = 7;
if (attack == "j8"){
attack1 = 9;
attack2 = 8;
if (attack == "j9"){
attack1 = 9;
attack2 = 9;