To learn and practice coding in C++, I wrote an implementation of Kosaraju's two-pass algorithm for computing the strongly connected components in a directed graph, using depth-first search.
This was my first time touching any C++ code in a while (I mainly program in Python or C#). As such, any critique or advice on style, layout, readability, maintainability, and best practice would be greatly appreciated. And, although performance wasn't a primary goal, I am highly interested in any optimizations that could be made (currently it can process about 800 thousand nodes with 5 million edges in around 10 seconds).
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <list>
using std::vector;
using std::map;
using std::list;
using std::ifstream;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
// Constants
const char FILENAME[] = "SCC.txt";
// Prototypes
long get_node_count(const char filename[]);
vector< vector<long> > parse_file(const char filename[]);
map< long, vector<long> > compute_scc(vector< vector<long> > &graph);
vector< vector<long> > reverse_graph(const vector< vector<long> > &graph);
void dfs_loop(const vector< vector<long> > &graph, vector<long> &finishTime, vector<long> &leader);
long dfs(const vector< vector<long> > &graph, long nodeIndex, vector<bool> &expanded, vector<long> &finishTime, long t, vector<long> &leader, long s);
list<unsigned long> get_largest_components(const map< long, vector<long> > scc, long size);
* Main
int main() {
// Get the sequential graph representation from the file
vector< vector<long> > graph = parse_file(FILENAME);
// Compute the strongly-connected components
map< long, vector<long> > scc = compute_scc(graph);
// Compute the largest 5 components and print them out
list<unsigned long> largestComponents = get_largest_components(scc, 5);
list<unsigned long>::iterator it;
for (it = largestComponents.begin(); it != largestComponents.end(); it++) {
cout << *it << ' ';
cout << endl;
return 0;
* Parse an input file as a graph, and return the graph.
vector< vector<long> > parse_file(const char filename[]) {
// Get the node count and prepare the graph
long nodeCount = get_node_count(filename);
vector< vector<long> > graph(nodeCount);
// Open file and extract the data
ifstream graphFile(filename);
long nodeIndex;
long outIndex;
while (graphFile) {
graphFile >> nodeIndex;
graphFile >> outIndex;
// Add the new outgoing edge to the node
graph[nodeIndex - 1].push_back(outIndex - 1);
return graph;
* Get the count of nodes from a graph file representation
long get_node_count(const char filename[]) {
// Open file and keep track of how many times the value changes
ifstream graphFile(filename);
long maxNodeIndex = 0;
long nodeIndex = 0;
while (graphFile) {
// Check the node index
graphFile >> nodeIndex;
if (nodeIndex > maxNodeIndex) {
maxNodeIndex = nodeIndex;
// Check the outgoing edge
graphFile >> nodeIndex;
if (nodeIndex > maxNodeIndex) {
maxNodeIndex = nodeIndex;
return maxNodeIndex;
* Compute all of the strongly-connected components of a graph
* using depth-first search, Kosaraju's 2-pass method
map< long, vector<long> > compute_scc(vector< vector<long> > &graph) {
// Create finishing time and leader vectors to record the data
// from the search
vector<long> finishTime(graph.size(), 0);
vector<long> leader(graph.size(), 0);
// Initialize the finish time initially to be the numbers of the graph
vector<long>::iterator it;
long index = 0;
for (it = finishTime.begin(); it != finishTime.end(); it++) {
*it = index;
// Reverse the graph, to compute the 'magic' finishing times
vector< vector<long> > reversed = reverse_graph(graph);
dfs_loop(reversed, finishTime, leader);
// Compute the SCC leaders using the finishing times
dfs_loop(graph, finishTime, leader);
// Distribute nodes to SCCs
map< long, vector<long> > scc;
vector<long>::iterator lit;
for (lit = leader.begin(); lit != leader.end(); lit++) {
long nodeIndex = lit - leader.begin();
// Append node to SCC
return scc;
* Reverse a directed graph by looping through each node/edge pair
* and recording the reverse
vector< vector<long> > reverse_graph(const vector< vector<long> > &graph) {
// Create new graph
vector< vector<long> > reversed(graph.size());
// Loop through all elements and fill new graph with reversed endpoints
vector< vector<long> >::const_iterator it;
for (it = graph.begin(); it != graph.end(); it++) {
long nodeIndex = it - graph.begin();
// Loop through all outgoing edges, and reverse them in new graph
vector<long>::const_iterator eit;
for (eit = graph[nodeIndex].begin(); eit != graph[nodeIndex].end(); eit++) {
return reversed;
* Compute a depth-first search through all nodes of a graph
void dfs_loop(const vector< vector<long> > &graph, vector<long> &finishTime, vector<long> &leader) {
// Create expanded tracker and copied finishing time tracker
vector<bool> expanded(graph.size(), 0);
vector<long> loopFinishTime = finishTime;
long t = 0;
vector<long>::reverse_iterator it;
// Outer loop through all nodes in order to cover disconnected
// sections of the graph
for (it = loopFinishTime.rbegin(); it != loopFinishTime.rend(); it++) {
// Compute a depth-first search if the node hasn't
// been expanded yet
if (!expanded[*it]) {
t = dfs(graph, *it, expanded, finishTime, t, leader, *it);
* Search through a directed graph recursively, beginning at node 'nodeIndex',
* until no more node can be searched, recording the finishing times and the
* leaders
long dfs(
const vector< vector<long> > &graph,
long nodeIndex,
vector<bool> &expanded,
vector<long> &finishTime,
long t,
vector<long> &leader,
long s
) {
// Mark the current node as explored
expanded[nodeIndex] = true;
// Set the leader to the given leader
leader[nodeIndex] = s;
// Loop through outgoing edges
vector<long>::const_iterator it;
for (it = graph[nodeIndex].begin(); it != graph[nodeIndex].end(); it++) {
// Recursively call DFS if not explored
if (!expanded[*it]) {
t = dfs(graph, *it, expanded, finishTime, t, leader, s);
// Update the finishing time
finishTime[t] = nodeIndex;
return t;
* Computes the largest 'n' of a strongly-connected component list
* and return them
list<unsigned long> get_largest_components(const map< long, vector<long> > scc, long size) {
// Create vector to hold the largest components
list<unsigned long> largest(size, 0);
// Iterate through map and keep track of largest components
map< long, vector<long> >::const_iterator it;
for (it = scc.begin(); it != scc.end(); it++) {
// Search through the current largest list to see if there exists
// an SCC with less elements than the current one
list<unsigned long>::iterator lit;
for (lit = largest.begin(); lit != largest.end(); lit++) {
// Compare size and change largest if needed, inserting
// the new one at the proper position, and popping off the old
if (*lit < it->second.size()) {
largest.insert(lit, it->second.size());
return largest;
An example input file (SCC.txt
) is composed of edges represented by begin-end node numbers. It could look like this:
1 2
2 3
3 1
4 3
4 5
5 6
6 4
7 6
7 8
8 9
9 10
10 7