I've written a small markov chain monte carlo function that takes samples from a posterior distribution, based on a prior and a binomial (Bin(N, Z)) distribution.
I'd be happy to have it reviewed, especially perhaps, regarding how to properly pass functions as arguments to functions (as the function prior_dist()
in my code). In this case, I'm passing the function uniform_prior_distribution()
showed below, but it's quite likely I'd like to pass other functions, that accept slightly different arguments, in the future. This would require me to rewrite mcmc()
, unless there's some smart way around it...
def mcmc(prior_dist, size=100000, burn=1000, thin=10, Z=3, N=10):
import random
from scipy.stats import binom
#Make Markov chain (Monte Carlo)
mc = [0] #Initialize markov chain
while len(mc) < thin*size + burn:
cand = random.gauss(mc[-1], 1) #Propose candidate
ratio = (binom.pmf(Z, N, cand)*prior_dist(cand, size)) / (binom.pmf(Z, N, mc[-1])*prior_dist(mc[-1], size))
if ratio > random.random(): #Acceptence criteria
#Take sample
sample = []
for i in range(len(mc)):
if i >= burn and (i-burn)%thin == 0:
sample = sorted(sample)
#Estimate posterior probability
post = []
for p in sample:
post.append(binom.pmf(Z, N, p) * prior_dist(p, size))
return sample, post, mc
def uniform_prior_distribution(p, size):
prior = 1.0/size
return prior
with some more simple implementation \$\endgroup\$