I have been writing some code (see component parts here and here) that:
- Takes a very large JSON (15GB gzipped, ~10million records)
- Extracts the relevant parts of the JSON into a list of lists
- Creates a list of all contiguous n-gram sub-lists found in the array
- Creates a counter to count the frequency of each n-gram
- Output the Counter showing the most common occurrences
When I run the complete function on the full dataset, I get out of memory errors.
Please help me optimise this code. Am I just looking for too many sub-list combinations?
I was thinking of possibly chunking up the JSON, processing in parallel and then combining the counters at the end, but I have no idea how to implement parallel processing in IPython 2.7.
import json
import gzip
import csv
import time
from itertools import combinations
from collections import Counter
def json_seq(infile,seq_limit=-1,lower=0,increment=-1):
## Script takes in a journey layer JSON and creates a array of traversals,
## ignoring entry and exit nodes
## sample output: [['a','b','c'],['c','e','d','a','l'],['f',s']]
## infile : full path of JSON in GZip format
## seq_limit (optional) : integer value to only extract the first X traversals
seq =[]
with gzip.open(infile) as f:
for line in itertools.islice(f, lower, None):
if j == seq_limit - lower or j == increment: ## only read in a certain number of traversals
jsonline = json.loads(line)[2] # data is stored in this level of the JSON
for i in range(0,len(jsonline)):
jsonevent = jsonline[i][1] # need to loop through this section of the JSON to extract relevant information
if ('cat' in jsonevent) or ('dog' in jsonevent): #certain data elements can be ignored to reduce the size of the list
seq.append(str(jsonevent)[0:]) # need to remove the first character 'u' from the JSON formatted string
j = j + 1
yield seq
seq =[]
def subseq(sequences,ngram=None):
## Script takes an array of traversals and counts the number of times any
## contigious ngram appears across all traversals. The output is a counter of all sub-lists from the list of lists
## sequences : Array of traversals (from json_seq function)
## ngram (optional) : Restrict the code to only look for subsequences of length X
if ngram == None:
return Counter(seq[i:j] for seq in map(tuple, sequences) for i, j in combinations(range(len(seq) + 1), 2) if j - i > 1 and j - i < 7)
return Counter(seq[i:i+int(ngram)] for seq in map(tuple, sequences) for i in range(len(seq) - int(ngram)))
def test_function(infile,outfile=None,top_list=None,seq_limit=None,ngram=None):
## function takes JSON file and lists out distribution of all contigious
## subsequences. Returns a list of subsequences and frequencies.
## infile = full path of input file from JSON (Gzipped)
## outfile (optional) = full path of output text file for table of all subsequences and frequencies. Pipe delimited
## top_list (optional) = restrict output to top X subsequences only
## seq_limit (optional) = look at the first X sequences only
## ngram (optional) = search for X-gram's only
seq =[]
if top_list == None:
for x in subseq(json_seq(infile,seq_limit),ngram).most_common():
for x in subseq(json_seq(infile,seq_limit),ngram).most_common(int(top_list)):
if outfile != None:
with open(outfile,'wb+') as outputcsv:
writer = csv.writer(outputcsv,delimiter='|')
for key, count in seq:
writer.writerow([key, count])
yield seq
infile = 'C:\Users\XXXX\XXXX\data_json.gz'
outfile = 'C:\Users\XXXX\XXXX\subsequence_output.txt'
print 'Start'
print time.ctime()
starttime = time.time()
print 'End'
print time.ctime()