I'm currently writing unit tests in Selenium (C#). I need to do two things in this particular test:
Check if 2 errors (with html container) are displayed and check if another (given) error is not displayed.
The test looks like this:
bool errorWindowVisible = tmethods.IsElementVisible(driver, By.XPath("//div[@class='message error']"));
if (errorWindowVisible == false)
Assert.Fail("No error notification displayed.");
string errorTextTemp = "Error 1 text";
bool productIssue = tmethods.IsElementVisible(driver, By.XPath("//*[contains(.,'" + errorTextTemp + "')]"));
errorTextTemp = "Error 2 text";
bool productIssueB = tmethods.IsElementVisible(driver, By.XPath("//*[contains(.,'" + errorTextTemp + "')]"));
if (productIssue == false || productIssueB == false)
Assert.Fail("No information about error cause.");
// Checking if another one is not visible
errorTextTemp = "Extra error";
bool uploadedFileIssue = tmethods.IsElementNotVisible(driver, By.XPath("//*[contains(.,'" + errorTextTemp + "')]"));
if (uploadedFileIssue == false) // Should be set to true
Assert.Fail("Extra error shown.");
I use two methods here:
public bool IsElementVisible(IWebDriver driver, By element)
if (driver.FindElements(element).Count > 0)
if (driver.FindElement(element).Displayed)
return true;
return false;
return false;
public bool IsElementNotVisible(IWebDriver driver, By element)
if (driver.FindElements(element).Count > 0)
if (driver.FindElement(element).Displayed)
return false;
return false;
return true;
So, all of that is working, but I am not sure about quality of that code. On the other hand, I don't need anything over-fancy. It just should be good, clean and understandable.
Should I keep it intact or update some parts?
dont createtmethods.IsElementNotVisible
. just negate and write!tmethods.IsElementVisible