I'm working on a project which simulates (very simple/watered down) a network. The basis of this is to learn how to implement a Queue
. I understand there are many ways to go about this, but I ultimately went with a LinkedList
mainly because of it's nature (FIFO) which makes it easy to utilize in a Queue
. I would appreciate any feedback on my implementation, and would also greatly appreciate with any critiques on my Queue
's toString()
, I know it is an unconventional way of doing it but I thought it would by a nice chance to work on recursion.
The data class in the this project is the Packet
. It represents a packet and code is as follows. I've omitted the getters and setters for brevity:
private static int packetCount; // Determined at the time of the objects creation [incremental]
private int id; // Assigned by packetCount
private int packetSize; // Size of the packet being sent
private int timeArrive; // Creation "time stamp"
private int timeToDest; // Number of simulation units it took for the packet to arrive to destination
* Default constructor
public Packet() {
id = 0;
packetSize = 0;
timeArrive = 0;
timeToDest = 0;
public Packet(int id, int packetSize, int timeArrive, int timeToDest) {
this.id = id;
this.packetSize = packetSize;
this.timeArrive = timeArrive;
this.timeToDest = timeToDest;
public String toString() {
return "Packet #" + id + " => arrive at simulation unit: " + timeArrive + " => packet size: " + packetSize;
Here is my Node
public class Node {
private Packet data;
private Node next;
private Node prev;
public Node() {
next = null;
data = null;
prev = null;
public Node(Packet data) {
this.data = data;
next = null;
prev = null;
public Packet getData() {
return data;
public Node getNext() {
return next;
public Node getPrev() {
return prev;
public void setData(Packet data) {
this.data = data;
public void setNext(Node next) {
this.next = next;
public void setPrev(Node prev) {
this.prev = prev;
And my Queue
class which is actually a router within this simulation:
* Represents a router on the network [queue]
public class Router{
private Node head;
private Node tail;
int size;
public Router() {
head = null;
tail = null;
size = 0;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return head == null;
public int size() {
return size;
public void enqueue(Packet packet) {
Node node = new Node(packet);
if(head == null) {
head = node;
tail = node;
tail = node;
public Packet dequeue(){
if(isEmpty()) {
try {
throw new Exception("Underflow");
} catch (Exception e) {
Node ptr = head;
head = ptr.getNext();
if(head == null) {
tail = null;
return ptr.getData();
public Packet peek() {
if(isEmpty()) {
try {
throw new Exception("Underflow");
} catch (Exception e) {
return head.getData();
public String recToString(StringBuilder strBlder, Node cursor) {
if(cursor !=head) {
strBlder.append(cursor.getData().toString() + "\n");
recToString(strBlder, cursor.getPrev());
return strBlder.toString();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
return recToString(s, tail);