
I've added a function that checks if the user is trying to use/access something which requires a session. I'd love to hear some criticisms of my choice of design.

class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {

    function __construct() {
        if(!$this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
            if(!$this->session->userdata('is_logged_in')) {
                  //do something, redirect etc..
            else {
                $data['user'] = $this->user_model->get_user($this->session->userdata('userid'));
                $this->load->view('header_user_view', $data);


    function login_required() {
        if($this->uri->total_segments() > 3)
            $request = $this->uri->segment(3);
            $request = $this->uri->segment(2);
        foreach(unserialize(SESSION_RESOURCES) as $required) {
            if($request == $required)
                return true;


1 Answer 1


You don't really need to check for is_logged_in. If you destroy/build the session data correctly all you should care about is "Does a user id exist in the session?", then you can let your main controller handle the rest.

class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller{

    //here we just build some constants to check against values
    //in the permissions array
    const PERM_READ = "read";
    const PERM_EDIT = "update";
    const PERM_DELETE = "delete";

    //here we let the main controller take care of our auth/permissions/roles etc
    //first check if a user id exists in the session
    //if so assign a user, group, permissions and check for authentication where
    //you need it ( ie: child controllers)

    protected $_user, $_group, $_permissions = array();

    public function __construct(){

        //check for a user id in the session
        $this->user = ( $this->session->userdata('uid') )
                    ? User::find_by_id( $this->session->userdata('uid') )
                    : NULL;

        //if user exists assign permissions and group
          if ($this->user !== NULL) {


    protected function _assign_group() {
        return $this->group = $this->user->group->name;

    // {["read", "update", "delete"]}
    protected function _assign_permissions() {
        return  $this->permissions = json_decode($this->user->permissions);

    protected function _check_for_banned_users() {
        if ($this->group === 'banned') {
            show_error('You have been banned from this website!');

    protected function _can_read(){
        return (bool) ( in_array( self::PERM_READ, $this->permissions) );

    public function _can_edit(){
        return (bool) ( in_array( self::PERM_EDIT, $this->permissions) );

    public function _can_delete(){
        return (bool) ( in_array( self::PERM_DELETE, $this->permissions) );

This might give you some idea, as your user table won't look like that, I'm sure.

Now, you have control over any child classes.

class some_child extends MY_Controller{

     public function __construct(){
     public function show_something(){

              if($this->user && $this->_can_read()){
              //yes a user exists and is logged in,
              //yes he has permission to read from this section

Just be careful to destroy your session properly.

function logout(){
         'uid'  => 0,
         //any others you created upon user login
    return (bool) $this->session->sess_destroy();

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