I am having some performance problems with a little R script of mine that I use to visualize simulation results of a project of mine. It now takes longer on my machine to run the R script than the simulation itself, and I guess I am doing something wrong.
DownloadTime <- function(data, prefix) {
pIds = unique(data$Pid)
nPeers = length(pIds)
type <- 1:nPeers
downloadTime <- 1:nPeers
for(i in 1:(nPeers)){
type[i] <- toString(unique(data[ (data$Pid == i), ]$Type))
start <- unique(data[ (data$Pid == i), ]$Start)
lastRound <- max(data[ (data$Pid == i), ]$Tick)
end <- data[ (data$Tick == lastRound) & (data$Pid==i), ]$End
if( end >= 0){
downloadTime[i] <- end - start
} else {
downloadTime[i] <- -1
pData <- data.frame(type, downloadTime )
hist = ggplot(pData, aes(x=downloadTime, fill=type)) +
xlab("Download time [ticks]") + ylab("Peers") +
geom_histogram(position=position_dodge()) +
opts(title="Download time") +
scale_fill_hue( name="Peers",
breaks=c("Peer", "Peer_C1"), labels=c("BT","BT_ext") )
density = ggplot(pData, aes(x=downloadTime, colour=type)) +
xlab("Download time [ticks]") +
ylab("Peers [ratio]") + geom_density() +
opts(title="Download time") +
scale_colour_hue( name="Peers",
breaks=c("Peer", "Peer_C1"), labels=c("BT","BT_ext") )
path = paste(prefix, "downloadTime_hist.png", sep="_")
ggsave(file=path , plot=hist , dpi=100)
path = paste( prefix, "downloadTime_den.png", sep="_")
ggsave(file=path, plot=density , dpi=100)
proccessData <- function(data, prefix)
maxTick = data$Tick[length(data$Tick)]
tick <- 0:(maxTick*2-1)
type <- 1:(maxTick*2)
online <- 1:(maxTick*2)
completed <- 1:(maxTick*2)
avgnTFTSlots <- 1:(maxTick*2)
avgnOUSlots <- 1:(maxTick*2)
upRate <- 1:(maxTick*2)
downRate <- 1:(maxTick*2)
type <- 1:(maxTick*2)
tftouUpRatio <- 1:(maxTick*2)
tftouDownRatio <- 1:(maxTick*2)
shareRatio <- 1:(maxTick*2)
for(i in 0:(maxTick-1)){
tick[i*2 + 1] <- i
type[i*2 +1] <- "Peer"
online[i*2 +1] <- nrow( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer"), ] )
completed[i*2 +1] <- nrow( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer") & (data$End != -1), ] )
avgnTFTSlots[i*2 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer") & (data$End == -1),]$TFT )
avgnOUSlots[i*2 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer") & (data$End == -1),]$OU )
downRate[i*2 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer") & (data$End == -1),]$Download/data[(data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer") & (data$End == -1),]$MaxDownload )
upRate[i*2 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer") & (data$End == -1),]$Upload/data[(data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer") & (data$End == -1),]$MaxUpload )
tftouUpRatio[i*2 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer") & (data$End == -1),]$tftouUpRatio )
tftouDownRatio[i*2 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer") & (data$End == -1),]$tftouDownRatio )
shareRatio[i*2 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer") & (data$End == -1),]$shareRatio )
tick[i*2+1 + 1] <- i
type[i*2+1 + 1] <- "Peer_C1"
online[i*2+1 +1] <- nrow( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer_C1"), ] )
completed[i*2+1 +1] <- nrow( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer_C1") & (data$End != -1), ] )
avgnTFTSlots[i*2+1 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer_C1") & (data$End == -1),]$TFT )
avgnOUSlots[i*2+1 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer_C1") & (data$End == -1),]$OU )
downRate[i*2+1 + 1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer_C1") & (data$End == -1) ,]$Download/data[(data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer_C1") & (data$End == -1),]$MaxDownload )
upRate[i*2+1 + 1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer_C1") & (data$End == -1),]$Upload/data[(data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer_C1") & (data$End == -1),]$MaxUpload )
tftouUpRatio[i*2+1 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer_C1") & (data$End == -1),]$tftouUpRatio )
tftouDownRatio[i*2+1 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer_C1") & (data$End == -1),]$tftouDownRatio )
shareRatio[i*2+1 +1] <- mean( data[ (data$Tick == i) & (data$Type=="Peer_C1") & (data$End == -1),]$shareRatio )
pData <- data.frame(tick, type, online, completed, avgnTFTSlots, avgnOUSlots, upRate, downRate, tftouUpRatio, tftouDownRatio, shareRatio )
#Generate Plots
cm = scale_color_manual( name="Peers (without seeders)", breaks=c("Peer", "Peer_C1"), labels=c("BT","BT_ext") , values=c("red", "blue") )
pData.upload = ggplot(pData, aes(x=tick) ) + geom_line(aes(y=upRate, colour=type) ) + xlab("Ticks") + ylab("Ratio") + opts(title="Upload usage") + cm
pData.download = ggplot(pData, aes(x=tick) ) + geom_line(aes(y=downRate, colour=type) ) + xlab("Ticks") + ylab("Ratio") + opts(title="Download usage") + cm
pData.shareRatio = ggplot(pData, aes(x=tick) ) + geom_line(aes(y=shareRatio, colour=type) ) + xlab("Ticks") + ylab("Ratio") + opts(title="Download / Upload") + cm
pData.tftouUpRatio = ggplot(pData, aes(x=tick) ) + geom_line(aes(y=tftouUpRatio, colour=type) ) + xlab("Ticks") + ylab("Ratio") + opts(title="TFT/OU Upload") + cm
pData.tftouDownRatio = ggplot(pData, aes(x=tick) ) + geom_line(aes(y=tftouDownRatio, colour=type) ) + xlab("Ticks") + ylab("Ratio") + opts(title="TFT/OU Download") + cm
pData.connPlot = ggplot(pData, aes(x=tick) ) + geom_area(aes(y=online, fill=type) , alpha=0.4 , position=position_identity() ) + geom_line( aes(y=completed, colour=type) ,position=position_identity()) + ylab("Peers") + xlab("Ticks") + opts(title="Total and completed Peers") + scale_fill_manual( name="Total Peers", breaks=c("Peer", "Peer_C1"), labels=c("BT","BT_ext") , values=c("red", "blue") ) + scale_color_manual( name="Completed Peers", breaks=c("Peer", "Peer_C1"), labels=c("BT","BT_ext") , values=c("red", "blue") )
pData.ouPlot = ggplot(pData, aes(x=tick) ) + geom_line(aes(y=avgnOUSlots, colour=type) ) + xlab("Ticks") + ylab("OU Slots") + opts(title="Average number of OU Slots") + cm
pData.tftPlot = ggplot(pData, aes(x=tick) ) + geom_line(aes(y=avgnTFTSlots, colour=type) ) + xlab("Ticks") + ylab("TFT Slots") + opts(title="Average number of TFT Slots") + cm
#Save Plots
path = paste(prefix, "Connections_OU.png", sep="_")
ggsave(file=path , plot=pData.ouPlot, dpi=100)
path = paste(prefix, "Connections_TFT.png", sep="_")
ggsave(file=path , plot=pData.tftPlot, dpi=100)
path = paste(prefix, "Peer_Count.png", sep="_")
ggsave(file=path , plot=pData.connPlot, dpi=100)
path = paste(prefix, "uploadRatio.png", sep="_")
ggsave(file=path, plot = pData.upload, dpi=100)
path = paste(prefix, "downloadRatio.png", sep="_")
ggsave(file=path, plot=pData.download, dpi=100)
path = paste(prefix, "shareRatio.png", sep="_")
ggsave(file=path, plot=pData.shareRatio, dpi=100)
path = paste(prefix, "tftouUpRatio.png", sep="_")
ggsave(file=path, plot=pData.tftouUpRatio, dpi=100)
path = paste(prefix, "tftouDownRatio.png", sep="_")
ggsave(file=path, plot=pData.tftouDownRatio, dpi=100)
#Generate a copy of an vector v, with elment e insert at position pos ( index starting from 1 ) , pos = -1 appends e to the end
insert <- function(v, e, pos)
if( pos == 1){
return( c(e,v) )
} else {
if( pos > length(v) | (pos == -1) )
pos = length(v)
if( pos == length(v))
return( c(v,e) )
return( c(v[1:(pos-1)],e,v[(pos):length(v)]))
#Script has to be called like : Rscript Statistics.R [STATS_FILE] [OUTPUT_DIR] [SUMMARY_FILE] [PREFIX] OR [SUMMARY_FILE] [SUMMART_OUTPUT_DIR] [PREFIX]
#Whereby STATS_FILE points to the csv input file and PREFIX will be
#Check arguments ( argument TRUE will filter all system arguments )
arg = commandArgs()
writeLines( paste("Received " , length(arg) , " arguments", sep="") )
writeLines( paste("Received args ... ", arg, sep="") )
#Own arguments start with arg[6]
if(length(arg) < 9){
writeLines( "Missing arguments!" )
#writeLines("Enough arguments!")
#writeLines(paste("arg[6] ", arg[6], sep=""))
if( length(arg) == 8 ){
dataFile = arg[6]
outputDir = arg[7]
prefix = arg[8]
outputDir = paste( outputDir, prefix, sep="/")
ecdfFile = paste( outputDir, "ECDF.png", sep="")
histFile = paste( outputDir, "histogram.png", sep="")
writeLines( "Assuming script was called to generate summary statistics!" )
#Load data
data = read.csv(dataFile, comment.char='#', sep=';', header=F )
#Set col names
colnames(data) <- c("Type", "DownloadTime")
#Create plot and store file
hist = ggplot(data, aes(x=DownloadTime, fill=Type)) + xlab("Download time") + ylab("Peers") + geom_histogram(position=position_dodge()) + opts(title="Download time") + scale_fill_hue( name="Peers", breaks=c("Peer", "Peer_C1"), labels=c("BT","BT_ext") )
ggsave(file=histFile, plot=hist , dpi=100)
#Create ECDF
data.reduced = data[data$DownloadTime != -1, ] #Remove peers that did not complete their download
#Adds a ecdf column to the data, containing the ecdf value for each line
#Note: the ddply is used to group the data depening on the Type coloum ( so is like generating two tables, calculating ecdf for each and than join them again)
data.reduced <- ddply(data.reduced, .(Type), transform , ecdf = ecdf(DownloadTime)(DownloadTime) )
data.ecdf = ggplot(data=data.reduced) + geom_step(aes(x=DownloadTime, y=ecdf, color=Type) ) + xlab("Download Time") + ylab("ECDF") + opts(title="Download time") + scale_color_hue( name="Peers", breaks=c("Peer", "Peer_C1"), labels=c("BT","BT_ext") )
ggsave(file=ecdfFile, plot=data.ecdf , dpi=100)
if( length(arg) == 9)
dataFile = arg[6]
workingDir = arg[7]
histFile = arg[8]
prefix = arg[9]
writeLines( paste("Assuming script was called to generate simulation statistics! On statistic data ", dataFile, " with histfile ", histFile , " and prefix ", prefix ,sep="") )
#Load data
data = read.csv(dataFile, comment.char='#', sep=';', header=F )
# Log format <Tick> <peer Type> <id> <downloadStart> <DownloadEnd> \
#<Max Upload Rate> <Max Download Rate> <Current Upload Rate> <Current Download Rate> \
#<Total # of max TFT Slots> <Total # of max OU Slots> <Total # of used TFT Slots> <Total # of used OU Slots>\n"
#Name data
colnames(data) <- c("Tick","Type","Pid","Start","End","MaxUpload","MaxDownload","Upload","Download","MaxTFT","MaxOU","TFT","OU","TFTDown","TFTUp","OUDown","OUUp" )
#Calculate averages
data$upUsage <- data$Upload / data$MaxUpload
data$downUsage <- data$Download / data$MaxDownload
data$shareRatio <- data$Download / data$Upload
data$tftouUpRatio <- data$TFTUp / data$OUUp
data$tftouDownRatio <- data$TFTDown / data$OUDown
#Remove irregularities , NaN and inf are set to zero
data[ is.nan(data$tftouUpRatio),]$tftouUpRatio = 0
data[ is.nan(data$tftouDownRatio),]$tftouDownRatio = 0
data[ is.nan(data$shareRatio),]$shareRatio = 0
data[ is.infinite(data$tftouUpRatio),]$tftouUpRatio = 0
data[ is.infinite(data$tftouDownRatio),]$tftouDownRatio = 0
data[ is.infinite(data$shareRatio),]$shareRatio = 0
#Filter too high values
m = mean(data$shareRatio) * 10
data = data[ ((data$shareRatio) < m),]
m = mean(data$tftouUpRatio) * 10
data = data[ ((data$tftouUpRatio) < m),]
m = mean(data$tftouDownRatio) * 10
data = data[ ((data$tftouDownRatio) < m),]
#Do processing and generate Plots
proccessData(data, prefix)
pData = DownloadTime(data, prefix)
#Save the processed data into the summary file
write.table(pData, file=histFile, sep=";",
append=TRUE, col.names=FALSE,
row.names = FALSE)
The heavy lifting is done in processData()
. I think the problem is either the for
loop itself or the condition based filtering on the data table.
can help identify which parts of your code are slow. Having some sample data to go with it will also encourage others to try and help! Here's the guide to making a great question: stackoverflow.com/questions/5963269/…. Good luck! \$\endgroup\$