This program runs the game tic-tac-toe within the console. The players, X and O, take turns placing their character onto the 3x3 grid. When a player successfully makes 3 in a row, either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, they win. If no winner is decided upon all squares being filled, it is a stalemate.
I'm wondering how efficient this code is. Are there any redundancies, formatting issues, legibility issues, etc.?
package tictactoe;
public class TicTacToe {
public static void main(String[] args) {
GameBoard myGame = new GameBoard();
int counter = 1;
while (myGame.gameActive() && counter < 10) {
if (counter % 2 == 0)
if (counter == 10 && myGame.gameOnGoing() == true)
package tictactoe;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class GameBoard {
private char[][] gameBoard;
private boolean gameOnGoing = true;
//This is the constructor for the GameBoard class.
public GameBoard() {
gameBoard = new char[3][3];
for (int row=0; row < gameBoard.length; row++) {
Arrays.fill(gameBoard[row], ' ');
} //end of constructor
//This method will display the gameBoard to the screen.
public void displayBoard() {
for (int row=0; row < gameBoard.length; row++) {
for (int col=0; col < gameBoard[0].length; col++) {
System.out.print("\t" + gameBoard[row][col]);
if (col == 0 || col == 1)
if (row == 0 || row == 1)
} //end of method displayBoard
//This method will return true if the game is still active.
public boolean gameActive() {
return gameOnGoing;
} //end of method gameActive
//This method will ask the user to pick a row and column, validate
//the inputs, and call the method makeMove().
public void askPlayer(char player) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
int row, col;
do {
System.out.printf("Player %s, please enter a row (1-3): ",player);
row = keyboard.nextInt();
System.out.printf("Player %s, please enter a column (1-3): ",player);
col = keyboard.nextInt();
while (notValid(row,col));
} //end of askPlayer method
//This method will check to see if there are 3 x's or o's in a row
//and return true if there is a winner, false otherwise
public void checkForWinner() {
//loop over each row and check for a winner
for (int row =0; row < gameBoard.length; row++) {
if (gameBoard[row][0] == gameBoard[row][1] && gameBoard[row][1] == gameBoard[row][2]
&& gameBoard[row][0] != ' ') {
System.out.print("The winner is " + gameBoard[row][0] + "!");
gameOnGoing = false;
//loop over each column and check for a winner
for (int col=0; col < gameBoard[0].length; col++) {
if (gameBoard[0][col] == gameBoard[1][col] && gameBoard[1][col] == gameBoard[2][col]
&& gameBoard[0][col] != ' ') {
System.out.print("The winner is " + gameBoard[0][col] + "!");
gameOnGoing = false;
//check the diagonals
if (gameBoard[0][0] == gameBoard[1][1] && gameBoard[1][1] == gameBoard[2][2]
&& gameBoard[0][0] != ' ') {
System.out.print("The winner is " + gameBoard[0][0] + "!");
gameOnGoing = false;
if (gameBoard[2][0] == gameBoard[1][1] && gameBoard[1][1] == gameBoard[0][2]
&& gameBoard[2][0] != ' ') {
System.out.print("The winner is " + gameBoard[2][0] + "!");
gameOnGoing = false;
//Same as above, but does not print winner or change state of gameOnGoing.
public boolean gameOnGoing() {
//loop over each row and check for a winner
for (int row =0; row < gameBoard.length; row++) {
if (gameBoard[row][0] == gameBoard[row][1] && gameBoard[row][1] == gameBoard[row][2]
&& gameBoard[row][0] != ' ') {
return false;
//loop over each column and check for a winner
for (int col=0; col < gameBoard[0].length; col++) {
if (gameBoard[0][col] == gameBoard[1][col] && gameBoard[1][col] == gameBoard[2][col]
&& gameBoard[0][col] != ' ') {
return false;
//check the diagonals
if (gameBoard[0][0] == gameBoard[1][1] && gameBoard[1][1] == gameBoard[2][2]
&& gameBoard[0][0] != ' ') {
return false;
if (gameBoard[2][0] == gameBoard[1][1] && gameBoard[1][1] == gameBoard[0][2]
&& gameBoard[2][0] != ' ') {
return false;
return true;
} //end of method gameOnGoing
//This method will validate if the row and column are between 1-3
//and if the position is currently empty.
public boolean notValid(int row, int col) {
if (row > 3 || row < 1 || col > 3 || col < 1 || !isEmpty(row, col))
return true;
return false;
} //end of method notValid
//This method will check if a position is empty and return true
//if the position is empty, false otherwise
public boolean isEmpty(int row, int col) {
if (gameBoard[row-1][col-1] == ' ')
return true;
else {
System.out.print("That position is taken.\n");
return false;
//This method will validate if a player's move is allowed and return true
//if the move was completed
public boolean makeMove(char player, int row, int col) {
if (row >=0 && row <=2 && col >=0 && col <=2) {
if (gameBoard[row][col] != ' ')
return false;
else {
gameBoard[row][col] = player;
return true;
return false;
} //end of method makeMove