I am building an app that currently allows the users to have 3 different roles:
- Consumer
- Merchant
- Admin
I have three tables:
- user (Name, email, password etc with a status=0/1)
- user_role (The list of roles available)
- user_user_role (The table joining users to user roles in a many to many relationship. Also a status column indicating if the role is disabled for the user.)
But only two models:
- User_model
- User_role_model
In my User_model:
* @param $user_data
* @param array $roles
* @return bool|object
function insert( $user_data, $roles = [] ){
// Hash password
if ( isset( $user_data['password'] ) ) {
$user_data['password'] = password_hash($user_data['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
if ( $user_id = $this->db->insert( $this->table_name, $user_data ) ) {
// Add user roles
if (count($roles)) {
foreach ($roles as $role_id) {
$this->add_role($user_id, $role_id);
return $user_id;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Add role to user
* @param $user_id
* @param $role_id
function add_role( $user_id, $role_id ){
$this->db->insert(self::User_user_role_table_name, [
'user_id' => $user_id,
'user_role_id' => $role_id,
'status' => self::Status_active,
'created_on' => NULL,
'modified_on' => NULL
My questions:
- Is my database schema ideal? (Each role has access to a specific area with each area's controller extended from a core controller. i.e. Dashboard extends Admin_controller - which extends from a global controller. I don't foresee a need to have complex permissions in a typical RBAC.)
- Should I have 1 model instead of 2?
- Should I have the roles parameter in my insert function?