
This is a C++ program that rotates a point initially located at origin by a given angle A (degree) counterclockwise and L translate its x-coordinate (sum L to it).

Here is my program:

Firstly it reads the number of test cases. Each test case has 2 real numbers and 1 integer that represents a rotation, translation and how many times the operation of rotate and translate must be applied.

#include <cstdio>
#include <utility>
#include <cmath>

#define gc getchar_unlocked()
inline double getDouble() {
    double v;
    return v;

#define CONST 0.01745329251994329576922 //3.14159265358979323846/180 = 0.01745329251994329576922
std::pair<double, double> rotate(std::pair<double, double> p, double a){
    double rad = a*CONST;
    return std::make_pair(p.first*std::cos(rad) - p.second*std::sin(rad), p.first*std::sin(rad) + p.second*std::cos(rad));

int main(void){
    int t = (int) getDouble();

    for (int i = 0; i < t; ++i) {
        double a = getDouble(),l = getDouble();
        int v = (int) getDouble();

        std::pair<double, double> p(0,0);
        while (v--) {
            p = rotate(p, a);
            p.first += l;
        //for cases like 30 1.5 121... the printf just put -0.00
        if(std::abs(p.first) < 0.005)
            p.first = 0;
        if(std::abs(p.second) < 0.005)
            p.second = 0;
        printf("%.2lf %.2lf\n",p.first,p.second);

    return 0;

Sample input:

90 10 1
90 10 2
90 10 3
30 1.5 1000000000

Sample output:

10.00 0.00
10.00 10.00
0.00 10.00
3.55 3.55

How to make it faster ?


3 Answers 3

  • CONST is not a name; it doesn't convey any meaning. Call it something like rads_per_degree. If you feel you need to comment on the value, better do the calculation explicitly (take advantage of \$\pi\$ being defined for you in cmath):

    const double rads_per_degree = M_PI / 180;
  • Each time you rotate, you recalculate radian measure, sin and cos. Within the test case these values do not change. You may safely precompute them:

    double rads = rads_per_degree * angle;
    double sin = std::sin(rads);
    double cos = std::cos(rads);
    while (v--) {
        do_math(x, y, sin, cos, L);
  • I am not sure why you special cased small values.

  • getDouble is somewhat dubious. It would've make sense to have such a function to sanitize input. As written, it is meaningless. Also, you should not read integer as double.



  • You should always prefer the const keyword to a #define. This is because #define is a preprocessing statement that will do a blanket substitution of the value. This means that if you have a compile-time error in your code, you will see the # rather than your name for the number, which makes debugging much more difficult.
  • Why not template your rotate function so that it can take int points and other arithmetic types to rotate? This would be a minimal change to make your function more flexible overall.
  • No user prompt to go along with your scanf? Maybe you should use argv and just have your program take a command line argument when you start it?
  • You need comments explaining what your functions do, and probably more descriptive function names. getDouble is a particularly bad function name because double is quite a generic word as is get.
  • No need to return 0 as this is done automatically nowadays.


  • If you expect your users to do the same rotations repeatedly, you might consider using a map to store values you've already computed. Combine this with @vnp's suggestion to turn sin and cos into parameters for the function.

Error checking

  • You should check values after you read them in to make sure you got what you want. I don't see any error checking in getDouble

Firstly generate a matrix T that represents the rotation and translation for the values given.


Here xt means the translation on x-coordinate value. yt is always 0 because there is no translation y-coordinate. Theta means the angle to rotate.

After that just do T'= T^v where v is the number of times that the operation of rotation and translation must be executed. T^v can be solved using exponentiation by squaring.

Finally multiply a vector 3x1 with values x y 1 (where x and y means the initial point in this case 0 0) representing the point with T'. The resulting vector of the multiplication has the answer.

The overall complexity of this solution is O(log(n)). Better than this O(n) solution.


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