In order to exercise and learn Clojure, I decided to write a simple Minesweeper game from scratch. I'd consider myself as a Clojure novice and would be thankful if somebody could do a review or give me feedback on the code.
The full repository can be found here but I'd be also happy if somebody could have a look on the core functionalities at least:
(ns minesweeper.board
(:use [clojure.pprint]))
(defn empty-board
"Create a rectangular empty board of
the specified with and height"
[w h]
(vec (repeat w (vec (repeat h {})))))
(defn to-coords
"Transform the board cells into coordinates"
(to-coords board (constantly true)))
([board pred]
(let [w (count board)
h (count (first board))]
(for [x (range w) y (range h) :when (pred (get-in board [x y]))]
[x y]))))
(defn neighbour-cells
"Locate neighbour cells based on coordinates [x y],
respecting board width and height"
[board [x y]]
(let [w (count board)
h (count (first board))]
(for [dx (map (partial + x) [-1 0 1])
dy (map (partial + y) [-1 0 1])
:when (and (or (not= x dx) (not= y dy))
(> w dx -1)
(> h dy -1))]
[dx dy])))
(defn warnings-freq [board]
"Count the number of nearby mines"
(let [mines (to-coords board :mine)
warnings (mapcat (partial neighbour-cells board) mines)]
(remove (set mines) warnings))))
(defn random-mines
[board start-pos]
(-> (set (to-coords board))
(disj start-pos)
(defn place-mines
"Place n mines randomly on the board"
[board mine-count start-pos]
(let [mines (take mine-count
(random-mines board start-pos))]
(fn [m k]
(assoc-in m k {:mine true}))
(defn place-warnings
"Place warnings on a mines' neighbour cells"
(let [mine-counts (warnings-freq board)]
(fn [m k v]
(assoc-in m k {:warn v}))
(defn explore-field
"Explore single field on the board"
[board coords]
(update-in board coords conj {:explored true}))
(defn handle-flag
"Handles set and remove of a flag"
[board coords]
(update-in board coords
#(assoc % :flag (not (:flag %)))))
(defn game-started?
"At least one field explored?"
(pos? (count (to-coords board :explored))))
(defn game-lost?
"Any mine exploded?"
(letfn [(pred [m] (and (:mine m) (:explored m)))]
(pos? (count (to-coords board pred)))))
(defn game-won?
"All fields cleared?"
(letfn [(pred [m] (or (:mine m) (:explored m)))]
(= (to-coords board pred)
(to-coords board))))
(:require [minesweeper.board :as board]
[minesweeper.dispatch :as disp]))
(def levels { :beginner { :rows 8, :cols 8, :mines 10 }
:intermediate { :rows 16, :cols 16, :mines 40 }
:expert { :rows 30, :cols 16, :mines 99 }})
(def ^:private level (atom {}))
(def ^:private board (atom []))
(defn- new-game
(let [new-level (:level data)]
(reset! level new-level)
(reset! board (board/empty-board
(:rows new-level)
(:cols new-level)))
(disp/fire :game-initialized data))))
(defn- start-game
[board mine-count start-pos]
(-> board
(board/place-mines mine-count start-pos)
(defn- explore
[board data]
(let [mine-count (:mines (:level data))
position (vector (:row data) (:col data))]
(if (not (board/game-started? board))
(-> board
(start-game mine-count position)
(board/explore-field position))
(board/explore-field board position))))
(defn- explore-field
(let [board (swap! board explore data)
attrs (get-in board (vector (:row data) (:col data)))
data (assoc data :attrs attrs)]
(board/game-won? board) (disp/fire :game-won data)
(board/game-lost? board) (disp/fire :game-lost (assoc data :board board))
:else (disp/fire :uncover-field data))))
(defn- handle-flag
(let [position (vector (:row data) (:col data))]
(swap! board (partial board/handle-flag) position)
(disp/fire :uncover-field data))))
(disp/register :explore-field #'explore-field)
(disp/register :handle-flag #'handle-flag)
(disp/register :new-game #'new-game)
has implicitdo
. \$\endgroup\$(def position (juxt :row :col))
so you can just say(position data)
instead of(vector (:row data) (:col data))
. \$\endgroup\$