
I want to receive advice on my code. It is too slow... The problem I am trying to solve is:

What is the value of the first triangle number to have over five hundred divisors?

import math
import numpy as np
import copy
from operator import add
memoi_table = {}

#check whether the x is prime or not
#to do a prime factorization
def prime_finder(x):
    cnt = 0
    a = math.sqrt(x)
    sqrt_number = int(math.floor(a))
    for i in range(2,sqrt_number+1):
        if x % i == 0:
            cnt = cnt +1
    if cnt == 0:
        return True
        return False

#Do a prime_factorization
#Do a dynamic programing with memoization table
#Do a recursive method to cover the triangular number
#ex)Triangular number = 1,3,6,10,15,21,28
#When we treat 10, we couldn't utilize dynamic programming => Recursive method
def prime_factorization(x):
    global memoi_table
    memoi_table[x] = {}

    if prime_finder(x) == True:
        memoi_table[x][x] = 1

    for i in range(2,math.floor(math.sqrt(x)+1)):
        if (prime_finder(i) == True) and (x % i == 0):
            new_x = x / i
            if not new_x in memoi_table.keys():
                #Recursive way

            if new_x in memoi_table.keys():
                memoi_table[x] = memoi_table[new_x].copy()
                #to shallow copy
            if i in memoi_table[x].keys():
                memoi_table[x][i] = memoi_table[x][i] + 1
                memoi_table[x][i] = 1
    return (x,memoi_table[x])
#ex) 20 => return (20,(2:2,5:1))

# To calculate the number of divisor based on prime factorization
def find_number_of_divisor(x):
    global memoi_table
    number_of_divisor = 1
    for key in memoi_table[x].keys():
        number_of_divisor = number_of_divisor * (memoi_table[x][key]+1)
    return number_of_divisor

#Let's do it
def main():
    global memoi_table
    n = 0
    while True:
        n = n + 1
        Triangular_number = n * (n + 1) / 2
        num_divisor = find_number_of_divisor(Triangular_number)

        if num_divisor > 500:
            return (Triangular_number,num_divisor)


1 Answer 1


The Algorithm

Let's just look at your top level algorithm:

n = 0
while True:
    n = n + 1
    Triangular_number = n * (n + 1) / 2
    num_divisor = find_number_of_divisor(Triangular_number)

Factoring is hard. It's a difficult problem in the best of cases. You are taking a difficult problem and making it harder. You are starting with n * (n + 1) / 2 - that is already a partial factorization. You are then throwing out that information and factoring the whole number. It is much easier to factor 7 * 4 than it is to factor 28, but you are choosing to do the latter.

It would be much more efficient to do something like:

factor1 = prime_factorization(n/2 if n % 2 == 0 else n)
factor2 = prime_factorization(n+1 if n % 2 == 0 else (n+1)/2)
full_factorization = merge(factor1, factor2)

If you memoize prime_factorization, then you're only doing a little bit of work each iteration. Let's consider just going from the 49th triangular number to the 50th and assume we have a very good memoized prime factorization (more on this later). Factoring the full number:

--> 3 * (425)
--> 3 * 5 * (85)
--> 3 * 5 * 5 * (17)

None of 1275, 425, or 85 were in the table. 17 was the first number we would have found. Consider the alternative, we are instead finding the prime factorization of:

--> memoized as 5*5 (already done when finding the 24th triangular number) 
--> 3 * (17)

And 17 is memoized already (from the 16th triangular number). So we did one division. That time difference adds up. The full solution I present later in this answer takes just under 1.0s (when run 10x) if I factor each factor independently, but 4.46s when I factor the whole number. That is a lot slower.

And when you find yourself doing a counting loop, you should really use itertools.count() so that the main loop becomes:

for n in itertools.count(start=1):
    factors1 = prime_factorization(n/2 if n % 2 == 0 else n)
    factors2 = prime_factorization(n+1 if n % 2 == 0 else (n+1)/2)
    full_factorization = merge_factors(factors1, factors2)

    if num_factors(full_factorization) >= 500:
        return n * (n+1) / 2


Now, you're kind of memoizing, but then not really, since the first thing you do is wipe memoi_table[x]. If should definitely start with:

def prime_factorization(x):
    if x in memoi_table:
        return memoi_table[x]


In any event, it's simpler to just write a decorator:

def memoize(f):
    cache = {}
    def wrapper(*args):
        if not args in cache:
            cache[args] = f(*args)
        return cache[args]
    return wrapper

def prime_factorization(x):

Prime Finder

If you do your loop correctly, you don't actually need prime_finder(i). What does that function do? It looks over all the numbers smaller than i... but we're already doing that in prime_factorization! You're just doubling work for no reason. The whole body should just be something like:

for i in range(2,math.floor(math.sqrt(x)+1)):
    if x%i == 0:
        old_factorization = prime_factorization(x / i).copy()
        old_factorization[i] += 1
        return old_factorization

# still here? we didn't find a factor, must be prime
res = collections.defaultdict(int)
res[x] = 1
return res

That's it.

Putting it all together

All we need is merging two dictionaries, which is an easy loop:

def merge_factors(f1, f2):
    res = f1.copy()
    for k, v in f2.items():
        res[k] += v
    return res 

And finding the number of factors, which is just a product:

def num_factors(factorization):
    product = 1 
    for v in factorization.values():
        product *= (v+1)
    return product

The times based on finding the first triangular number with at least X factors:

      mine      OP
  5   0.0005s   0.0007s
 10   0.0009s   0.0041s
 25   0.0039s   0.0860s
100   0.0256s   6.0304s
500   0.9849s   ???????

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