I want to convert these loops into simple loop. I want the code to look neat and short. I saw answers related to LINQ but couldn't make out from that. Are there any other possible ways for this snippet?
XmlDocument manifestXmlFile = new XmlDocument();
foreach (XmlNode rules in manifestXmlFile.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
foreach (XmlNode ruleNode in rules)
foreach (XmlNode childNodeAttributes in ruleNode)
foreach (XmlNode childNodeAttrib in childNodeAttributes.ChildNodes)
XmlElement ruleElement = (XmlElement)ruleNode;
foreach (XmlNode childNodeConditions in childNodeAttrib.ChildNodes)
foreach (XmlNode childNodeCond in childNodeConditions.ChildNodes)
if (childNodeCond.Name.ToUpper() == "CONDITION")
if (childNodeCond.Attributes["type"].Value.ToUpper() == "HEALTHY")
string ruleId = ruleElement.Attributes["ruleid"].Value;
string attributeName = childNodeAttrib.Attributes["name"].Value;
string attributeType = childNodeAttrib.Attributes["type"].Value;
string condTypeValue = childNodeCond.Attributes["type"].Value;
string operatorValue = childNodeCond.Attributes["operator"].Value;
string healthyConditionValue = childNodeCond.FirstChild.InnerText;
var guid = new Guid(ruleId);
//Conversion of enum types
PsmsOperator psmsOperator = (PsmsOperator)Enum.Parse(typeof(PsmsOperator), operatorValue, true);
TypeCode psmsAttributeType = (TypeCode)Enum.Parse(typeof(TypeCode), attributeType, true);
Rule rule = new Rule(guid, attributeName, healthyConditionValue, psmsOperator);
Rule(attributes, guid);
Is there any other better way than this or LINQ?
nodes, something along these linesXDocument.Load(new StreamReader(manifestFileName)).Descendants("Condition")
this would turn your 7 nested loops int o a single line. Might not work with the data you have but could be worth a shot. \$\endgroup\$