
I am writing a scraper, using Scrapy, in which I need to populate items with default values at first.

Could my method be improved?

 def sp_offer_page(self, response):
            item = MallCrawlerItem()
            for key, value in self.get_default_item_dict().iteritems():
                item[key] = value
            item['is_coupon'] = 1
            item['mall'] = 'abc'
            # some other logic 
            yield item

    def get_default_item_dict(self):     # populate item with Default Values
        return {'mall': 'null', 'store': 'null', 'bonus': 'null',
                'per_action': 0, 'more_than': 0,
                'up_to': 0, 'deal_url': 'null', 'category': 'null', 'expiration': 'null', 'discount': 'null',
                'is_coupon': 0, 'code': 'null'}
  • \$\begingroup\$ Item has default values. Why don't you use them? \$\endgroup\$
    – San4ez
    Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 13:49
  • \$\begingroup\$ i tried default values in item but its not working like category = Field(default='null') \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 3, 2012 at 7:21

2 Answers 2


You can use Field() default values as suggested.

class MalCrawlerItem(Item):
    mall = Field(default='null')
    store = Field(default='null')
    bonus= Field(default='null')
    per_action = Field(default='null')
    more_than = Field(default='null')
    up_to = Field(default='null')
    deal_url = Field(default='null')
    category = Field(default='null')
    expiration = Field(default='null')
    discount = Field(default='null')
    is_coupon = Field(default='null')
    code = Field(default='null')

You can also use Item copy in the constructor.

#initialize default item
default = MallCrawlerItem()
default['mall'] ='null'
default['store'] = 'null'
default['bonus'] = 'null'
default['per_action'] = 0
default['more_than'] = 0
default['up_to'] = 0
default['deal_url'] = 'null'
default['category'] = 'null'
default['expiration'] = 'null'
default['discount'] = 'null'
default['is_coupon'] =  0
default['code'] = 'null'

#copy to new instance
item = MallCrawlerItem(default)

The benefits of this approach are:

  • constructor copy is the fastest method outside of class definition
  • you can create specific default item for your current function. e.g. initializing fixed fields of item before entering a for loop
 def sp_offer_page(self, response):
            item = MallCrawlerItem()

If MallCrawlterItem is your class, it might make more sense to have it set everything to defaults.

            for key, value in self.get_default_item_dict().iteritems():
                item[key] = value

MallCrawlerItem appears to be dict-like. dict's have a method update, which can replace this loop. If MallCrawlerItem also has this method, you can use it.

            item['is_coupon'] = 1
            item['mall'] = 'abc'

Why not part of the defaults?

            # some other logic 
            yield item

This doesn't make sense here. I guess this function has been abbreviated.

    def get_default_item_dict(self):     # populate item with Default Values
        return {'mall': 'null', 'store': 'null', 'bonus': 'null',
                'per_action': 0, 'more_than': 0,
                'up_to': 0, 'deal_url': 'null', 'category': 'null', 'expiration': 'null', 'discount': 'null',
                'is_coupon': 0, 'code': 'null'}

I'd put this dictionary in a global constant, not put it inline with your code. I'd also put a line after all the commas. I think that'll be easier to read.


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