Let's say I have a bunch of Widget, where a Widget is
class Widget (sku: Int, label: String, name: String, description: String)
And I have 2 sources of Widgets:
List[Widget] wInventory = getWidgetsInInventory()
List[Widget] wCatalog = getWidgetsFromCatalog()
I want to use the name & label from the Catalog to override any matching widget in Inventory. The match criteria is when sku == sku.
If the label
is missing in the catalog, override with constant value of No Catalog Label
instead of leaving label
as is.
The wCatalog
list may be empty. There may be no intersections at all, or both lists can contain the same set of sku's.
First draft of the code below. There must be a way to avoid running find
twice, but because find
returns Optional[Widget]
, it started looking messy with lots getOrElse
. What's the cleanest way to do this?
case class MyWidget (sku: Int, label: String, name: String, description: String)
object HelloWorld {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
def setOverrideValues(inv : List[MyWidget], cat: List[MyWidget]) : List[MyWidget] = {
inv.map (k => {
val realName = cat.find( _.sku == k.sku).map(_.name)
val realLabel = cat.find( _.sku == k.sku).map(_.label)
k.copy(name = realName.getOrElse("No Catalog Label"), label=realLabel.getOrElse(k.label))
val invItem1 = new MyWidget(sku=1, label="invLabel1", name="invName1", description="invDesc1");
val invItem2 = new MyWidget(sku=2, label="invLabel2", name="invName2", description="invDesc2");
val catItem1 = new MyWidget(sku=1, label="catLabel1", name="catName1", description="catDesc1");
val wInventory = List(invItem1 , invItem2);
val wCatalog = List(catItem1)
val updated = setOverrideValues(wInventory, wCatalog)
? \$\endgroup\$wCatalog.name
will not compile, seeing aswCatalog
is a list. \$\endgroup\$