
I have an openwrt router (TP-Link MR3040) and on boot I have it check the slider (AP, WISP, 3G/4G mode). The goal was to have it execute the current "slider status" vs the old one, or do nothing if it's the same (before reboot). I just want a critique on making it more elegant.


test=$(cat /root/logs/sliderstatus)
if grep -qe "sw1.*in  hi" /sys/kernel/debug/gpio ; then
        if grep -qe "sw2.*in  hi" /sys/kernel/debug/gpio ; then

                # AP
                logger "Configure AP"

                # WISP
                logger "Configure WISP"

        # 3G
        logger "Configure 3G"


if [ $status != $test ] ; then

case $status in

CLIENT) echo "status is client, executing now"
        #sh /root/scripts/shell/CLIENT_MODE.sh &

AP) echo "status is AP, executing now"
        #sh /root/scripts/shell/AP_MODE.sh &

CUSTOM) echo  "status is CUSTOM, executing now"

*) echo "ERROR status does not match ERROR"


elif [ $status == $test ] ; then

        echo " Status: $status and Slider $test are the same"

        echo "You shouldn't have seen this"


3 Answers 3


First of all, there are so many pitfalls associated with /bin/sh programming that I prefer to write all except the most trivial scripts in a language like perl, python or even awk. I realize that availability is a concern, but all of those languages are pretty standard now.

If you write the script in a better scripting language you can get rid of the duplicate call to grep which is one thing that I presume bothers you about the code.

If you must write in /bin/sh, then run your code through one of the following static analyzers to help you find potential coding problems:

For instance, ShellCheck found these issues:

if [ $status != $test ] ; then
                ^---- should use "$test"

elif [ $status == $test ] ; then
               ^---- == not supported in POSIX sh

In perl your script would look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Slurp;

my $test = read_file( '/root/logs/sliderstatus' );
chomp $test;

my ($found1, $found2);
open(my $fh, "</sys/kernel/debug/gpio");
while (<$fh>) {
  if (m/\(sw1\s*\)\s+in\s+hi/) { $found1 = 1 }
  if (m/\(sw2\s*\)\s+in\s+hi/) { $found2 = 1 }

my ($status, $script);
if ($found1 && $found2) {
  $status = "AP";
  $script = "/root/scripts/shell/AP_MODE.sh";
} elsif ($found1) {
  $status = "CLIENT";
  $script = "/root/scripts/shell/CLIENT_MODE.sh";
} else {
  $status = "CUSTOM";
  # don't set $script

if ($status ne $test) {
  print "Status is $status, executing now.\n";
  if ($script) {
    system("$script &");
} else {
  print "Status $status and slider $test are the same.\n";

It's still basically the same code, but has these advantages:

  1. It only reads /sys/kernel/debug/gpio once
  2. It's a lot safer
  3. It's easier to express more complex logic
  4. You have more versatile data structures available to you - e.g. real arrays and hash maps.

Finally, I have a question about your patterns for sw1 and sw2. What does the output of /sys/kernel/debug/gpio look like? Presumably the inputs are number something like sw1, sw2, sw3, etc. Could there be a sw10? There should be a delimiter in the output you can use to make sure you are matching the full switch number.

  • \$\begingroup\$ the output are null (nothing) since my router is in client mode, but if it was in AP mode, it would look like this. gpio-19 (sw1 ) in hi same with the second if statement gpio-20 (sw2 ) in hi. I may not be stuck with shell, I mean this script is suppose to run during boot (in init.d directory) as long as it has the (#!/usr/bin/env perl which i forgot the name bang or something line? idk) \$\endgroup\$
    – andyADD
    Commented Aug 31, 2015 at 5:53
  • \$\begingroup\$ You can always day reference the perl interpreter, e.g. #!/bin/perl or wherever perl is located on your system. Read mode about how /usr/bin/env is used here: (link) \$\endgroup\$
    – ErikR
    Commented Aug 31, 2015 at 6:05
  • \$\begingroup\$ Is there a space after sw1 and sw2 in the output, e.g. gpio-20 (sw1 ) in hi? \$\endgroup\$
    – ErikR
    Commented Aug 31, 2015 at 6:07
  • \$\begingroup\$ there is more than one space, it might be 5-6 spaces. \$\endgroup\$
    – andyADD
    Commented Aug 31, 2015 at 6:18
  • \$\begingroup\$ Updated the script with a more robust regex to handle the gpio output. My point is not that you should use this perl script, but that learning a scripting language like perl or python will pay off over the long run. \$\endgroup\$
    – ErikR
    Commented Aug 31, 2015 at 6:37


  • One third of your code consists of blank lines almost randomly spread in the code. That does not improve readibility. You should remove them all.

  • A size of 8 for tab is rather large. This also makes the code harder to read. Many people use 4, I prefer 2.

  • The identation of the case statement is wrong.

  • I prefer the identation




The latter seems to say that ther are three relevant parts.


  • Error messages should always be written to stderr, like

    echo 'this is a error' >&2
  • There is no three valued logic in Unix so the "You shouldn't have seen this" else-clause does not make sense. Use if/else instead of if/elif/else.

  • In this script you start another script in parallel (this is indicaed by the comment). Does the calling process/user expect that or does it expect that everything is finihed when the script has finished?


In addition to the other excellent reviews, a minor improvement is to blend the last if-else into the case, like this, with improved formatting:

case $status in
        echo "Status: $status and Slider $test are the same"
        echo "status is client, executing now"
        #sh /root/scripts/shell/CLIENT_MODE.sh &
        echo "status is AP, executing now"
        #sh /root/scripts/shell/AP_MODE.sh &
        echo "status is CUSTOM, executing now"
        echo "ERROR status does not match ERROR"
  • \$\begingroup\$ lol I didn't even think of adding $test to case statement.. \$\endgroup\$
    – andyADD
    Commented Aug 31, 2015 at 20:18

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