public interface ICacheable<TK,TV>
   TV Get(TK key);
   void Add(TK key, TV val);

public abstract class BaseCache<TK, TV>
    protected static Dictionary<Guid, Dictionary<TK, TV>> data = new Dictionary<Guid, Dictionary<TK, TV>>();
    private Guid StorageNameSpage;

    protected BaseCache(Guid storageNameSpage)
        StorageNameSpage = storageNameSpage;

    protected BaseCache()
        StorageNameSpage = Guid.NewGuid();

    public TV Get(TK key)
        return data[StorageNameSpage][key];

    public void Add(TK key, TV val)

2 different ways to implement it:

"mulityTon" or what ever you want to call it.

public class KeyValCacheStorage<TK, TV> : BaseCache<TK, TV>, ICacheable<TK, TV>



public class KeyValCacheStorageSingleTon<TK, TV> : BaseCache<TK, TV>, ICacheable<TK, TV>
    private static Guid storageNameSpage = Guid.NewGuid();
    public KeyValCacheStorageSingleTon():base(storageNameSpage)



KeyValCacheStorageSingleTon<string, string> storageSingleTon1 = new KeyValCacheStorageSingleTon<string, string>();
storageSingleTon1.Add("storageSingleTon1", "KeyValCacheStorageSingleTon");
storageSingleTon1.Add("bla", "yada");

KeyValCacheStorageSingleTon<string, string> storageSingleTon2 = new KeyValCacheStorageSingleTon<string, string>();
storageSingleTon2.Add("storageSingleTon2", "KeyValCacheStorageSingleTon2");
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ How is this better than having a private static dictionary elsewhere? The dictionary gives you a lot of functionality, such as it can tell you whether a key exists, it can participate in a LINQ query, etc. etc. I would rather write an algorithm against an IDictionary than ICacheable interface. \$\endgroup\$
    – Leonid
    Mar 19, 2012 at 15:30

2 Answers 2


So I've made a few modifications; here are the explanations:

  • Used interfaces a bit more liberally (IDictionary)
  • Made BaseClass implement ICacheable so the subclasses don't explicitly have to
  • Made fields readonly as appropriate to declare intent
  • Made field data private and exposed as protected by way of a property
  • Chained the BaseCache constructors
  • Created the storage dictionary in the constructor (could do this in Add if you were looking for lazy creation)
  • sealed subclasses (if they're intended to be non-inheritable, of course)

The code:

public interface ICacheable<TK, TV>
    TV Get(TK key);

    void Add(TK key, TV val);

public abstract class BaseCache<TK, TV> : ICacheable<TK, TV>
    private static readonly IDictionary<Guid, IDictionary<TK, TV>> data = new Dictionary<Guid, IDictionary<TK, TV>>();

    private readonly Guid storageNameSpace;

    protected BaseCache(Guid storageNameSpace)
        this.storageNameSpace = storageNameSpace;
        data[this.storageNameSpace] = new Dictionary<TK, TV>();

    protected BaseCache() : this (Guid.NewGuid())

    protected static IDictionary<Guid, IDictionary<TK, TV>> Data
            return data;

    public TV Get(TK key)
        return data[this.storageNameSpace][key];

    public void Add(TK key, TV val)
        data[this.storageNameSpace].Add(key, val);

public sealed class KeyValCacheStorage<TK, TV> : BaseCache<TK, TV>

public sealed class KeyValCacheStorageSingleton<TK, TV> : BaseCache<TK, TV>
    private static readonly Guid storageNameSpace = Guid.NewGuid();

    public KeyValCacheStorageSingleton() : base(storageNameSpace)

One comment on the code: you will find your constructors easier to maintain if you use constructor chaining

protected BaseCache() : this(Guid.NewGuid() ) { }

Now my possibly ignorant comments on other things.

  • The usage is almost identical to Dictionary<K,V> why would I not just use a static instance of a dictionary?
  • Are you sure that a single multidimensional dictionary actually preforms better than different instances of a regular dictionary? Have you done profiling on this? It seems to me unlikely (I use that in a snark-free sense, it seems unlikely but I don't know)
  • There's like a 192732981923 different cache implementations already out there. Why not use one of those?
  • When is this cache cleared? I don't see any options about that. That is the more interesting part of any caching API.
  • The interface is similar to IDictionary<K,V> but not quite the same. This might subtly break expectations. I don't think you'd loose anything in just implementing that interface.
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks, 1. Because you have a singleTon mechanism "for free" 2. no, but from what I read its the same. 3. yea I know, each of everyone who wrote them has the right to start a new one, like myself. 4. yes, I added that. 5. more complex. thank you \$\endgroup\$
    – sexyMF
    Mar 19, 2012 at 14:05
  • \$\begingroup\$ @sexyMF Yes you can of course implement your own, I was more wondering what requirement drove you to that and if there's another way to address it. I don't know what you mean by getting a static mechanism for free. The only difference seems to be that you don't have to write the word 'static'? \$\endgroup\$ Mar 19, 2012 at 14:48

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