This is my first Clojure script (simple word translator based on Wikipedia), and I guess there are things which could be simplified / done more idiomatic way. Specifically, I wonder if get-translations
couldn't be done better (it produces map lang code => term form regexp sequence).
(ns wiki-translate
(:require [clojure.contrib.http.agent :as h])
(:require [clojure.contrib.string :as s])
(:import ( URLDecoder URLEncoder))
(defn url-decode
([text] (URLDecoder/decode text "UTF-8"))
(defn url-encode
([text] (URLEncoder/encode text "UTF-8"))
(defn get-url
([lg term] (str "http://" lg "" (url-encode term)))
(defn fetch-url
([url] (h/string (h/http-agent url)))
(defn get-translations
([cnt] (apply sorted-map (flatten (for [s (re-seq #"interwiki-([^\"]+).*wiki\/([^\"]+)\".*/a>" cnt)] [(s 1) (s 2)]))))
(defn translate
([term src-lg tgt-lg] (
let [translations (get-translations (fetch-url (get-url src-lg term)))]
(if (contains? translations tgt-lg) (s/replace-str "_" " " (url-decode (get translations tgt-lg))) "<NOT FOUND>")))
(defn prompt-read
([] (prompt-read ""))
([prompt] (print (format "%s: " prompt)) (flush ) (read-line))
(defn prompt-translate
([] (let [src-lg (prompt-read "Source language (en, fr, de ...)") tgt-lg (prompt-read "Target language (en, fr, de ...)") term (prompt-read "Term to translate")]
(println (str "\"" term "\" translated from " src-lg " to " tgt-lg " : " (translate term src-lg tgt-lg)))))
(while true (prompt-translate))