You are given n types of coin denominations of values \$v(1) < v(2) < ... < v(n)\$ (all integers). Assume \$v(1) = 1\$, so you can always make change for any amount of money \$C\$. Give an algorithm which makes change for an amount of money \$C\$ with as few coins as possible.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int i,n,den[20],temp[20],min,min_idx, S, numcoins = 0;
printf("Coin Change with min no. of coins\nEnter the total change you want: ");
printf("Enter the no. of different denominations of coins available: ");
printf("Enter the different denominations in ascending order: \n");
temp[i] = S / den[i] ;
/*calculate min from temp */
min = temp[0] ;
if(min > temp[i] && temp[i]!=0)
min = temp[i] ;
min_idx = i ;
numcoins += min ;
S -= den[min_idx] * min ;
printf("min no of coins = %d" , numcoins) ;
return 0;
In several solutions on the internet, I saw code using an array of the size of the total sum or value S
, whereas I use only 2 arrays of size n
, the number of different denominations available. That's why I was wondering whether my approach is correct or whether it's flawed.
Is it better or worse in terms of time complexity? Also, am I properly using dynamic programming principles in my code? Can it be made more efficient? The code ran correctly for several test cases.
I am sorry for poor code formatting and a not-so-clean code. It is a small code, so I hope it is understandable. My main concern is whether the code is dp or not, and if it can be improved for efficiency.