Linked: Google reCAPTCHA Validator: Iteration II
I have also created a simple Google Recaptcha Validation class to handle verification.
I used some code from CodingFusion's post Google New reCaptcha I am not a robot using asp .net, but I have altered it so that it fit my use case, and to make it extendable and reusable.
Can I clean it up further?
public class ReCaptchaValidator
private readonly string _ReCaptchaSecret;
private readonly string _ReCaptchaSiteKey;
public List<string> ErrorCodes { get; set; }
public ReCaptchaValidator(string reCaptchaSecret)
_ReCaptchaSecret = reCaptchaSecret;
this.ErrorCodes = new List<string>();
public ReCaptchaValidator(string reCaptchaSecret, string reCaptchaSiteKey)
_ReCaptchaSecret = reCaptchaSecret;
_ReCaptchaSiteKey = reCaptchaSiteKey;
this.ErrorCodes = new List<string>();
public bool ValidateCaptcha(HttpRequest request)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
//client ip address
//make the api call and determine validity
using (var client = new WebClient())
var uri = sb.ToString();
var json = client.DownloadString(uri);
var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(RecaptchaApiResponse));
var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(json));
var result = serializer.ReadObject(ms) as RecaptchaApiResponse;
if (result == null)
return false;
else if (result.ErrorCodes != null)
foreach(var code in result.ErrorCodes)
return false;
else if (!result.Success)
return false;
else //-- If successfully verified.
return true;
//--- To get user IP(Optional)
private string GetUserIp(HttpRequest request)
var visitorsIpAddr = string.Empty;
if (request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] != null)
visitorsIpAddr = request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.UserHostAddress))
visitorsIpAddr = request.UserHostAddress;
return visitorsIpAddr;
public class RecaptchaApiResponse
[DataMember(Name = "success")]
public bool Success;
[DataMember(Name = "error-codes")]
public List<string> ErrorCodes;
s for mine, that's a good write! \$\endgroup\$