I am writing a generic C++14 multi dimensional array for computational science purpose.
The "features" so far for the class tries to:
- store multi-dimensional grid values into a flatten array
- provide grid values access and flat index access from multi dim coordinates with \$O(1)\$ average complexity (worst case is \$O(N)\$)
- provide grid values access and coordinates access from flat index with \$O(1)\$ complexity
- provide iterators so that grid behaves like a STL container
- statically-sized arrays, efficient storage, similar to C-style array thanks to metaprogramming
The key point in this implementation is to provide easy flat index Grid[idx]
conversion to/from multi-dim grid Grid[{x,y,z}]
. For instance in 2D, we get {x,y}
from {idx % N, idx / N}
for instance where N
is the total size of the grid. The aim is to make this generic.
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm> // just for std::generate in main()
// std::unordered_map needs std::hash specialization for std::array
namespace std {
template<typename T, size_t N>
struct hash<array<T, N> > {
using argument_type = array<T, N> ;
using result_type = size_t;
result_type operator()(const argument_type& a) const {
hash<T> hasher;
result_type h = 0;
for (result_type i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
h = h * 31 + hasher(a[i]);
return h;
// pretty-print for std::array
template<class T, size_t N>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::array<T, N>& arr) {
os << "{";
for (auto && el : arr) { os << el << ";"; }
return os << "\b}";
// meta functions
template<typename T>
constexpr T meta_prod(T x) { return x; }
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
constexpr T meta_prod(T x, Ts... xs) { return x * meta_prod(xs...); }
template<typename T, typename E>
constexpr T meta_pow(T base, E expo) { return (expo != 0 ) ? base * meta_pow(base, expo-1) : 1; }
// Compute the total number of elements 2x2x2 for two usage
// for Grid<3, float, 2, 2, 2> (specify all size dimensions)
template<size_t DIM, size_t... NDIM> constexpr
std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(NDIM) != 1, size_t>
num_vertices() { return meta_prod(NDIM...); }
// for Grid<3, float, 2> (specify one size dimension and consider the same size for other dimensions)
template<size_t DIM, size_t... NDIM> constexpr
std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(NDIM) == 1, size_t>
num_vertices() { return meta_pow(NDIM...,DIM); }
template<size_t DIM, typename T, size_t... NDIM>
class MultiGrid {
static_assert(sizeof...(NDIM) == 1 or sizeof...(NDIM) == DIM,
"Variadic template arguments in Multigrid do not match dimension size !");
using ArrayValues = std::array<T,num_vertices<DIM,NDIM...>()>;
using ArrayCoord = std::array<size_t,DIM>;
using MapIndexToCoord = std::array<ArrayCoord,num_vertices<DIM,NDIM...>()>;
using MapCoordToIndex = std::unordered_map<ArrayCoord,size_t>;
using value_type = typename ArrayValues::value_type; // T
using reference = typename ArrayValues::reference; // T&
using const_reference = typename ArrayValues::const_reference; // const T&
using size_type = typename ArrayValues::size_type; // size_t
using iterator = typename ArrayValues::iterator; // random access iterator
using const_iterator = typename ArrayValues::const_iterator;
MultiGrid() : MultiGrid(ArrayValues{}) {} // default constructor use delegating constructor
MultiGrid(const ArrayValues& values)
: map_idx_to_coord_(fill_map_idx_to_coord())
, map_coord_to_idx_(fill_map_coord_to_idx())
, values_(values)
iterator begin() { return values_.begin(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return values_.begin(); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return values_.cbegin(); }
iterator end() { return values_.end(); }
const_iterator end() const { return values_.end(); }
const_iterator cend() const { return values_.cend(); }
reference operator[] (size_type idx) { return values_[idx]; };
const_reference operator[] (size_type idx) const { return values_[idx]; };
reference operator[] (const ArrayCoord& coord) {
return values_[map_coord_to_idx_.at(coord)];
const_reference operator[] (const ArrayCoord& coord) const {
return const_cast<reference>(static_cast<const MultiGrid&>(*this)[coord]);
auto get_coord_from_index(size_type idx) const {
return map_idx_to_coord_.at(idx);
auto get_index_from_coord(const ArrayCoord& coord) const {
return map_coord_to_idx_.at(coord);
auto fill_map_idx_to_coord() const {
MapIndexToCoord coord;
std::array<size_t,DIM> size_per_dim{{NDIM...}};
if (sizeof...(NDIM) == 1) { size_per_dim.fill(size_per_dim[0]); }
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_vertices<DIM,NDIM...>(); j ++) {
size_t a = j, b = num_vertices<DIM,NDIM...>(), r = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i <= DIM - 2; i ++) {
b /= size_per_dim[DIM - i - 1];
coord[j][DIM-i-1] = a / b;
r = a % b;
a = r;
coord[j][0] = r;
return coord;
auto fill_map_coord_to_idx() const {
MapCoordToIndex mapping(num_vertices<DIM,NDIM...>());
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices<DIM,NDIM...>(); i ++) {
mapping.emplace(map_idx_to_coord_[i],i); // reuse the previous mapping
return mapping;
friend auto &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const MultiGrid& that) {
os << "Values : {";
for (auto&& v : that.values_) { os << v << ";"; }
os << "\b}\nMapping index to coord :\n";
static size_t count{0};
for (auto&& m : that.map_idx_to_coord_) { os << count ++ << ":" << m << "\t"; }
os << "\nMapping coord to index :\n";
for (auto && m : that.map_coord_to_idx_) { os << m.first << "->" << m.second << "\t"; }
return os << "\n";
MapIndexToCoord map_idx_to_coord_; // O(1) access flat index -> dim coordinates
MapCoordToIndex map_coord_to_idx_; // O(1) average acess dim coordinates -> flat index (worst case : O(N))
ArrayValues values_; // same behaviour as declaring `float values_[meta_prod(NDIM)];`
int main() {
// Create a 4D grid with 3x2x3x5 vertices
MultiGrid<4,float,3,2,3,5> grid;
// grid behaves like a STL container and we can fill values with std::generate
std::generate(grid.begin(), grid.end(), []() {static float n{0.0f}; return n+=0.5f;} );
std::cout << grid << std::endl;
// get coordinates from index
std::cout << "get_coord_from_index(43) = " << grid.get_coord_from_index(43) << std::endl;
// and vice versa
std::cout << "get_index_from_coord({{2,0,2,3}}) = " << grid.get_index_from_coord({{2,0,2,3}}) << std::endl;
// print value at specific coordinates
std::cout << "Grid[{{2,0,2,3}}] = " << grid[{{2,0,2,3}}] << std::endl;
// print value at specific index
std::cout << "Grid[42] = " << grid[42] << "\n\n";
MultiGrid<2, float, 2> little_grid;
std::cout << little_grid << std::endl;
Live update with Barry insights
This is an ongoing work, I have an other (bad) implementation which considers a more "realistic" grid where we store the meshes lower/upper bounds, the strides, and the real (float) coordinates. Hence this implementation intends to start with something nicer.
Therefore, I am interested about your advice (especially for optimizing things). I guess there are some parts which can be coded simpler (e.g. I am not satisfied with the hideous if (sizeof...(NDIM) == 1) { size_per_dim.fill(size_per_dim[0]); }
(ii) also providecbegin
, (iii) no need to move here:std::move(fill_map_idx_to_coord())
, (iv) replace!std::is_same<std::integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(NDIM)>,std::integral_constant<size_t, 1>>::value
simply bysizeof...(NDIM) != 1
, (v) I'd drop the uglyconst_cast
stuff and just writevalues_[idx]
again ... better code duplication than three times as much and hardly-understandeable code. \$\endgroup\$iterator begin()
you writeauto begin()
,auto fill_map_idx_to_coord() const
instead ofMapIndexToCoord fill_map_idx_to_coord() const
and so on ... you tagged C++14 so you have available this feature, it's called return type deduction. (ii) yes, leave them ... and edit whatever you want ;-) \$\endgroup\$