As the name says, LongModulus
is a pretty long (lengthy) class implementing modular arithmetic for a long
modulus. As overflow is a problem, I implemented two subclasses, one for moduli not using the highest non-sign bit (i.e., smaller than \$2^{62}\$) and one for the others.
The code uses Guava and Lombok. As usual, feel free to ignore my slightly deviating coding conventions.
My concerns are speed and correctness. I've already written a thorough test (not given here as the question is already very long), but haven't benchmarked anything yet.
markers shows the places I'd like to improve (or features currently missing like pow
with negative exponent, but this is not a bug as I haven't needed it yet).
import static;
import lombok.Getter;
* This class provides common modular arithmetic.
* Results of all methods are ints guaranteed to be non-negative and less then modulus.
public final class IntModulus {
private IntModulus(int modulus) {
this.modulus = modulus;
public static IntModulus newModulus(int modulus) {
return new IntModulus(modulus);
public int pow(long base, long exp) {
checkArgument(exp>=0); //TODO allow negative exponents
if (modulus==1) return 0;
if (exp==0) return 1;
return powInternal(mod(base), exp);
private int powInternal(int base, long exp) {
assert base>=0;
if (base<=1) return base;
int result = 1;
for (int x=base; exp>0; exp>>=1) {
if ((exp&1) != 0) result = mul(result, x);
x = square(x);
return result;
private int square(int x) {
return mul(x, x);
public int mul(long x, long y) {
return mul(mod(x), mod(y));
public int mul(int x, int y) {
return mod((long) x * y);
public int add(int x, int y) {
return mod(x + y);
public int sub(int x, int y) {
return mod(x - y);
public int mod(long x) {
return fixMod((int) (x % modulus));
public int mod(int x) {
return fixMod(x % modulus);
private int fixMod(int result) {
return (result<0 ? result+modulus : result);
@Getter private final int modulus;
import static;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import lombok.Getter;
* This class provides common modular arithmetic.
* Results of all methods are longs guaranteed to be non-negative and less then modulus.
public abstract class LongModulus {
private static final class HugeModulus extends LongModulus {
HugeModulus(long modulus) {
@Override public final long pow(long base, long exp) {
checkArgument(exp>=0); //TODO allow negative exponents
if (exp==0) return 1;
base = mod(base);
assert base>=0;
if (base<=1) return base;
long result = 1;
for (long x=base; exp>0; exp>>=1) {
if ((exp&1) != 0) result = mul(result, x);
x = square(x);
return result;
@Override public long mul(long x, long y) {
final long modulus = super.modulus;
// The modulus is so damn huge that addition of reduced numbers may overflow long,
// so we have to pretend we're using unsigned long.
// OTOH, we need no modulus operations as a single subtraction is enough.
final boolean negate = (x^y) < 0;
x = Math.abs(x);
y = Math.abs(y);
// Handle Long.MIN_VALUE.
if (x<0) x = super.negatedLongMinValueModulus;
if (y<0) y = super.negatedLongMinValueModulus;
final long x0 = low(x);
final long x1 = high(x);
final long y0 = low(y);
final long y1 = high(y);
long result = mulUnsignedInt(x1, y1);
result = shift32(result);
result += mulUnsignedInt(x0, y1);
if (!isReduced(result)) result -= modulus;
result += mulUnsignedInt(x1, y0);
if (!isReduced(result)) result -= modulus;
result = shift32(result);
result += mulUnsignedInt(x0, y0);
if (!isReduced(result)) result -= modulus;
return negate(result, negate);
private long mulUnsignedInt(long x, long y) {
assert isUnsignedInt(x);
assert isUnsignedInt(y);
final long modulus = super.modulus;
long result = x * y;
for (int i=0; i<3 && !isReduced(result); ++i) result -= modulus;
assert isReduced(result) : result + " " + modulus;
return result;
private long shift32(long x) {
final long modulus = super.modulus;
assert isReduced(x);
for (int i=0; i<32; ++i) {
x <<= 1;
if (!isReduced(x)) x -= modulus;
assert isReduced(x);
return x;
private static final class NormalModulus extends LongModulus {
NormalModulus(long modulus) {
intModulus = (int) modulus == modulus ? IntModulus.newModulus((int) modulus) : null;
@Override public final long pow(long base, long exp) {
if (intModulus!=null) return intModulus.pow(base, exp);
checkArgument(exp>=0); //TODO allow negative exponents
if (exp==0) return 1;
base = mod(base);
assert base>=0;
if (base<=1) return base;
long result = 1;
for (long x=base; exp>0; exp>>=1) {
if ((exp&1) != 0) result = mul(result, x);
x = square(x);
return result;
@Override public long mul(long x, long y) {
if (intModulus!=null) return intModulus.mul(x, y);
final long modulus = super.modulus;
final boolean negate = (x^y) < 0;
x = Math.abs(x);
y = Math.abs(y);
// Handle Long.MIN_VALUE.
if (x<0) x = super.negatedLongMinValueModulus;
if (y<0) y = super.negatedLongMinValueModulus;
final long x0 = low(x);
final long x1 = high(x);
final long y0 = low(y);
final long y1 = high(y);
long result = mulUnsignedInt(x1, y1);
result = shift32(result);
result += mulUnsignedInt(x0, y1);
result %= modulus;
result += mulUnsignedInt(x1, y0);
result %= modulus;
result = shift32(result);
final long d = mulUnsignedInt(x0, y0);
result += d;
result %= modulus;
return negate(result, negate);
private long mulUnsignedInt(long x, long y) {
assert isUnsignedInt(x);
assert isUnsignedInt(y) : y + " " + super.modulus;
final long modulus = super.modulus;
long xy = x * y;
if (xy>=0) return xy % modulus;
// Handle overflow into the sign bit.
final long lsb = xy & 1;
xy >>>= 1;
xy %= modulus;
xy += xy + lsb;
assert 0 <= xy && xy < 2*modulus;
if (xy>modulus) xy -= modulus;
return xy;
private long shift32(long x) {
final long modulus = super.modulus;
assert isReduced(x);
for (int i=0; i<32; ++i) {
x <<= 1;
x %= modulus;
assert isReduced(x);
return x;
* A delegate used in case the modulus fits in an int.
* A specialized subclass could make method calls megamorphic, so it's avoided.
@Nullable private final IntModulus intModulus;
private LongModulus(long modulus) {
this.modulus = modulus;
shift32Multiplier = (1L << 32) % modulus;
negatedLongMinValueModulus = negate(mod(Long.MIN_VALUE), true);
public static LongModulus newModulus(long modulus) {
return modulus >= MIN_HUGE ? new HugeModulus(modulus) : new NormalModulus(modulus);
public abstract long pow(long base, long exp);
final long square(long x) { //TODO optimize?
return mul(x, x);
public abstract long mul(long x, long y);
public final long add(long x, long y) {
x = mod(x);
y = mod(y);
final long result = x + y;
// Also handles overflow which can happen in case of huge modulus.
return isReduced(result) ? result : result-modulus;
public final long sub(long x, long y) {
x = mod(x);
y = mod(y);
return fixMod(x - y);
public final long mod(long x) {
return fixMod(x % modulus);
private long fixMod(long result) {
return (result<0 ? result+modulus : result);
private static long high(long x) {
return x >> 32;
private static long low(long x) {
return x & INT_MASK;
private static boolean isUnsignedInt(long x) {
return 0 <= x && x <= INT_MASK;
boolean isReduced(long x) {
return 0 <= x && x < modulus;
long negate(long x, boolean negate) {
return !negate | x==0 ? x : modulus-x;
/** The least huge (i.e. using the most significant bit) modulus. */
private static final long MIN_HUGE = 1L << 62;
private static final long INT_MASK = (1L << 32) - 1;
@Getter private final long modulus;
private final long negatedLongMinValueModulus;
@SuppressWarnings("unused") //TODO There should be a way to replace the slow shift by some multiplication.
private final long shift32Multiplier;
As this question was rather hard and long, I added comments and posted a clearer followup question. More to come.