For a given set of denominations, you are asked to find the minimum number of coins with which a given amount of money can be paid. Assume that you can use as many coins of a particular denomination as necessary.
For example, given the denominations 1, 3, 4, and the target amount 6, the algorithm should find the optimal 2 coins required: 3 + 3.
As an exercise while learning Scala, I implemented two versions. One to find just the number of coins, and one to find the list of coins. I'm looking for a review of all aspects of this code.
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
class FindMinCoinsTest extends FunSuite {
def findMinCoins(amount: Int, coins: Set[Int]): Int = {
def findMinCoins(amount: Int, count: Int): Int = {
if (amount == 0) count
else if (amount < 0) Integer.MAX_VALUE
else => findMinCoins(amount - coin, count + 1)).min
val count = findMinCoins(amount, 0)
if (count == Integer.MAX_VALUE) 0
else count
test("find 10 with 1, 5, 7") {
assert(2 == findMinCoins(10, Set(1, 5, 7)))
test("find 10 with 1, 5, 10") {
assert(1 == findMinCoins(10, Set(1, 5, 10)))
test("find 7 with 3, 5") {
assert(0 == findMinCoins(7, Set(3, 5)))
test("find 6 with 1, 3, 4") {
assert(2 == findMinCoins(6, Set(1, 3, 4)))
def findMinCoinsList(amount: Int, coins: Set[Int]): List[Int] = {
def findMinCoinsList(amount: Int, list: List[Int]): (Boolean, List[Int]) = {
if (amount == 0) (true, list)
else if (amount < 0) (false, Nil)
else {
val solutions = => findMinCoinsList(amount - coin, coin :: list)).filter(_._1)
if (solutions.nonEmpty) solutions.minBy(_._2.size)
else (false, Nil)
findMinCoinsList(amount, Nil)._2.sorted
test("find sorted list, for 10 with 1, 5, 7") {
assert(List(5, 5) == findMinCoinsList(10, Set(1, 5, 7)))
test("find sorted list, for 10 with 1, 5, 10") {
assert(List(10) == findMinCoinsList(10, Set(1, 5, 10)))
test("find sorted list, for 7 with 3, 5") {
assert(Nil == findMinCoinsList(7, Set(3, 5)))
test("find sorted list, for 6 with 1, 3, 4") {
assert(List(3, 3) == findMinCoinsList(6, Set(1, 3, 4)))
test("find list 7 with 1, 3, 4") {
assert(List(3, 4) == findMinCoinsList(7, Set(1, 3, 4)))