
I'm a self-taught Python programmer and I never really learned the fundamentals of programming, so I want to see how to improve upon this script and make it adhere to best practices.

The script has three functions that retrieve data from an API, cleanse the data and store it in a sqlite db. This script is going to run daily on a cron and append to the sqlite tables every morning.

  1. get_data() fetches the data and turns it into a pandas dataframe.

  2. data_cleanse() removes some non-necessary data.

  3. send_to_db() sends the cleansed data to a sqlite db, there is one table for each of the event types.

All of the functions are called in a for-loop which iterates through each of the event types.

I'm open to any suggestions on how to improve this, but here are some thoughts/questions that I have:

  1. Should this be a class? I have never used one before because I always found plain functions to be less confusing.

  2. Should I be using a if __name__ == "__main__":?

import pandas as pd
import json
from datetime import date, timedelta
from mixpanel_client_lib import Mixpanel
import sqlite3 as db

def get_data(start_date, end_date, event_name):
    con_data = Mixpanel(API_KEY, API_SECRET)

    data = con_data.request(['export'], {
        'event': [event_name],
        'from_date': start_date,
        'to_date': end_date

    parameters = set()

    events = []

    for line in data.split('\n'):
            event = json.loads(line)
            ev = event['properties']
        except ValueError:


    df = pd.DataFrame(events)

    return df, event_name

def data_cleanse(df, event_name):
    if event_name == "Video Played":
        df = df[['$ios_ifa',
                 'Lifetime Number of Sessions',
                 'Days Since Last Visit',
                 'Product ID',
                 'Time Watched',
                 'Video Length']]

        df.columns = ['ios_id',

        print df['lifetime_sessions'].value_counts()

        df['groups'] = df['groups'].astype(str)

        # remove admin users from data
        idx = df['groups'].isin(['[u\'Admin-Personal\']', '[u\'Admin\']'])
        df = df[~idx]

        # remove '0' lifetime session users from data
        idx = df['lifetime_sessions'].isin([0])
        df = df[~idx]

        return df, event_name

    elif event_name == "Item Information Click" or 'Faved' or 'Add to Cart' or 'Tap to Replay':

        print df.columns.values

        df = df[['$ios_ifa',
                 'Lifetime Number of Sessions',
                 'Days Since Last Visit',
                 'Product ID']]

        df.columns = ['ios_id',

        df['groups'] = df['groups'].astype(str)

        # remove admin users from data
        idx = df['groups'].isin(['[u\'Admin-Personal\']', '[u\'Admin\']'])
        df = df[~idx]

        # remove '0' lifetime session users from data
        idx = df['lifetime_sessions'].isin([0])
        df = df[~idx]

        return df, event_name

def send_to_db(df, event_name):

    table_names = {
        'Video Played': 'video_played',
        'Item Information Click': 'item_info_click',
        'Faved': 'faved',
        'Add to Cart': 'add_to_cart',
        'Tap to Replay': 'replay'

    con = db.connect('/code/vid_score/test.db')
    df.to_sql(table_names.get(event_name), con, flavor='sqlite', if_exists='append')


API_KEY = 'xxxxxxx'
API_SECRET = 'xxxxxxx'

event_types = ['Video Played',
               'Item Information Click',
               'Add to Cart',
               'Tap to Replay']

end_date = date.today() - timedelta(1)
start_date = date.today() - timedelta(1)

for event in event_types:
    df, event_name = get_data(start_date, end_date, event)
    df, event_name = data_cleanse(df, event_name)
    send_to_db(df, event_name)

1 Answer 1


From a first look the code is nice enough, meaning you can follow the control flow easily and it's clear what each function does, so the separation of the three or four steps is rather good.

  1. This script is rather small and you don't pass around too much data; I'd say leave it as is unless you want to have some more reuse in other scripts.
  2. Yes please, do use __name__ if only for consistency.

I'd also suggest the following to clean up anyway:

  • Move constants to the top.
  • Use the values from table_names instead of event_types so you don't repeat the keys all the time, so you end up with a constant EVENT_TYPES = {'Video Played': ...}.
  • That way you can also iterate over the event types and table names simultaneously, eliminating the need to look up table names in send_to_db.
  • I'd use timedelta with named arguments, so it's a bit clearer what timedelta(1) means, i.e. use timedelta(days=1) instead.
  • The additional return value for event_name from get_data and data_cleanse doesn't make much sense to me. It's not like you transform the event name, so I'd just drop that altogether.
  • The spurious print statements could be replaced by logging calls instead, but this looks just like debugging statements anyway?
  • The exception handling in get_data could be clearer; I've moved the access via 'properties' after the try block to make it clearer which operation can actually fail there.
  • Database connections should probably be protected by with closing(...) just in case.
  • parameters in get_data is unused.
  • The cases in data_cleanse are duplicated and can be condensed.
  • The comparison foo == 'x' or 'y' doesn't do what you mean. Compare 'a' == 'x' or 'y', which is 'y', with 'a' == 'x' or 'a' == 'y', which returns False. In any case, this comparison can be rewritten with x in (...) instead. You also miss the (currently impossible) else case; depending on your code I'd rather just have the default case and handle "Video Played" additionally or raise an exception yourself.
  • The line after # remove admin users from data looks fishy, but I don't really know how to improve it.

And finally you can always check with flake8 and similar tools for style violations. All in all:

import pandas as pd
import json
from datetime import date, timedelta
from mixpanel_client_lib import Mixpanel
import sqlite3 as db
from contextlib import closing

API_KEY = 'xxxxxxx'
API_SECRET = 'xxxxxxx'

    'Video Played': 'video_played',
    'Item Information Click': 'item_info_click',
    'Faved': 'faved',
    'Add to Cart': 'add_to_cart',
    'Tap to Replay': 'replay'

    ('$ios_ifa', 'ios_id'),
    ('Groups', 'groups'),
    ('Lifetime Number of Sessions', 'lifetime_sessions'),
    ('Days Since Last Visit', 'days_since'),
    ('time', 'time'),
    ('Product ID', 'product_id'),

    ('Time Watched', 'time_watched'),
    ('Video Length', 'video_length')

def get_data(start_date, end_date, event_name):
    con_data = Mixpanel(API_KEY, API_SECRET)

    data = con_data.request(['export'], {
        'event': [event_name],
        'from_date': start_date,
        'to_date': end_date

    events = []

    for line in data.split('\n'):
            event = json.loads(line)
        except ValueError:


    return pd.DataFrame(events)

def data_cleanse(df, event_name):
    columns = DEFAULT_COLUMNS
    if event_name == "Video Played":
        columns = VIDEO_COLUMNS

    df = df[[c[0] for c in columns]]
    df.columns = [c[1] for c in columns]

    df['groups'] = df['groups'].astype(str)

    # remove admin users from data
    idx = df['groups'].isin(['[u\'Admin-Personal\']', '[u\'Admin\']'])
    df = df[~idx]

    # remove '0' lifetime session users from data
    idx = df['lifetime_sessions'].isin([0])
    df = df[~idx]

    return df

def send_to_db(df, table_name):
    with closing(db.connect('/code/vid_score/test.db')) as con:
        df.to_sql(table_name, con, flavor='sqlite', if_exists='append')

def main():
    end_date = date.today() - timedelta(days=1)
    start_date = end_date

    for (event_name, table_name) in EVENT_TYPES.iteritems():
        df = get_data(start_date, end_date, event_name)
        df = data_cleanse(df, event_name)
        send_to_db(df, table_name)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks, this is amazing. I have some research to do on your notes/changes. \$\endgroup\$
    – metersk
    May 19, 2015 at 15:37

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