This function is meant to take an object, loop through the key-values and generate/build a HTML table at a particular ID:
function insertBasicTable(basic_data, insert_id) {
/* Insert the key/value pairs into a table element on the DOM.
basic_data = object containing key/value pairs
insert_id = the id on the DOM to insert the table into
Intentionally not including closing tags in the jquery requests; */
table_id = '#' + insert_id;
var array_length = Object.keys(basic_data).length;
var array_obj_names = Object.keys(basic_data);
// create the table header
// begin the table body and iterate through key/value pairs
for (var i = 0; i < array_length; i++) {
var attr_name = array_obj_names[i];
var tag = '<td>' + array_obj_names[i];
var data = '<td>' + basic_data[attr_name];
$(table_id).find('tbody:last').append('<tr>' + tag + data);
This function is then used, along with a number of D3 scripts, to populate elements on the DOM:
insertBasicTable(someObject.modules.basic, 'basic-stats-table');
// etc, etc...
Any comments about how this is being achieved? Am I overlooking either a basic tenant of how JS "should" be used (this is a huge side-effect for instance, should I be returning a formatted string then placing that string into the DOM for instance) or over-complicating things by jQuery'ing a bunch of times?