I implemented an implicit treap and tested it a little. It works fine but I'd like to know if there are ways to improve/simplify things and/or if some parts are incorrect. Later, I'll augment code to allow for more operations (interval reversal, shifts, etc..).
Treap node.
struct Node
{ int v, p, c; /* value, priority, subtree size */
Node *l, *r; /* left and right subtrees */
Node(int val, int priority = rand())
{ v = val;
p = priority;
l = r = 0;
Size of subtree rooted at node x.
int count(Node *x)
{ return x ? x->c : 0;
void join(Node **x, Node *left, Node *right)
{ if(left == 0 || right == 0)
*x = left ? left : right;
{ if(left->p > right->p)
{ join(&left->r, left->r, right);
*x = left;
{ join(&right->l, left, right->l);
*x = right;
(*x)->c = count((*x)->l) + count((*x)->r) + 1;
void split(Node *x, int k, Node ** left, Node **right)
{ Node *tmp;
if(x == 0) *left = *right = 0;
{ int c = count(x) - count(x->r);
if(k < c)
{ split(x->l, k, left, &tmp);
*right = x, (*right)->l = tmp;
{ split(x->r, k - c, &tmp, right);
*left = x, (*left)->r = tmp;
x->c = count(x->l) + count(x->r) + 1;
Insert element.
void insert(Node **t, int k, int v)
{ Node *n = new Node(v);
Node *left, *right;
split(*t, k, &left, &right);
join(t, left, n);
join(t, *t, right);
Remove element.
void remove(Node **t, int k)
{ Node *left, *mid, *tmp, *right;
split(*t, k, &left, &mid);
split(mid, k + 1, &tmp, &right);
join(t, left, right);