
I've made a simple game for testing math facts (think practice for elementary school-age kids). It displays a random addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division problem, and feedback on if the right answer was entered.

For now it works interacts with the user via prompt(), but I plan to add a GUI later. You can exit out of the infinite prompt() loop by clicking cancel.

I'd like feedback on how to improve the code, particularly if there's a better way of doing the getCorrectAns() function, and if I'm using best practices.

var maxNum = 12,
  stillPlaying = true,
  ans, isCorrect = '',
  correctAns = '',
  sign, num1 = 0,
  num2 = 0,
  prob, correctAns;

function randInt(max) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
function getCorrectAns(n1, sign, n2) {
  switch (sign) {
    case '+':
      return n1 + n2;
    case '\u2212':
      return n1 - n2;
    case '\xD7':
      return n1 * n2;
    case '\xF7':
      return n1 / n2;
      return false;
while (stillPlaying) {
  sign = ['+', '\u2212', '\xD7', '\xF7'][randInt(4)];
  num1 = randInt(maxNum + 1);
  num2 = randInt(maxNum + 1);
  if (sign == '\u2212') num1 += num2;
  if (sign == '\xF7') {
    num2 = randInt(maxNum) + 1;
    num1 *= num2;
  prob = num1 + ' ' + sign + ' ' + num2;
  ans = prompt(isCorrect + prob);
  if (!ans) stillPlaying = false;
  correctAns = getCorrectAns(num1, sign, num2);
  isCorrect = (correctAns == ans) ? 'Correct! ' : 'Incorrect, ' + prob + ' = ' + correctAns + '.\n';

  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ Incorrect, 0 ÷ 0 = NaN. I think division by zero should be excluded! \$\endgroup\$
    – Marc-Andre
    Commented Nov 7, 2014 at 17:38

1 Answer 1


From a once over:

  • You are using lowerCamelCase, that is good
  • Variables like ans and prob deserve to be written out to answer and problem
  • You are using functions, but I think it can be split up a bit more from a best practices. I would go for something like this:

    while( stillPlaying ){
      problem = generateNewProblem();
      answer = getAnswer( problem );
      processAnswer( answer );
  • ['+', '\u2212', '\xD7', '\xF7'][randInt(4)]; I wonder why you could not simply use ['+','-','*','/']. Regardless you should have 4 constants for those values since you use those values repeatedly in other places

    var plusSign = '+',
      minusSign = '-',
      timesSign = '*,
      divideSign = '/',
      signs = [plusSign , minusSign, timesSign, divideSign];
      if (sign == divideSign) num1 *= num2;
  • This seems funny: num1 = randInt(maxNum + 1);, if you were trying to avoid zero, you really need num1 = randInt(maxNum) + 1;
  • Avoid dropping the curly braces and newlines, even when if statements are short like here: if (sign == '\u2212') num1 += num2;

Here's my attempt for fun and giggles.

var maxNum = 12,
    signWidt = 12,
    question = document.getElementById( 'question' ),
    input = document.getElementById( 'input' ),
    errorMessage = document.getElementById( 'errorMessage' ),
    greatMessage = document.getElementById( 'greatMessage' ),
//Some of these signs are closer to what children use in school
var plusSign = '+',
    minusSign = '\u2212',
    timesSign = '\u2212',
    divideSign = '\xF7',
    signs = [plusSign , minusSign, timesSign, divideSign];

function randInt(max) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);

function calculateAnswer(n1, sign, n2) {
  switch (sign) {
    case plusSign:
      return n1 + n2;
    case minusSign:
      return n1 - n2;
    case timesSign:
      return n1 * n2;
    case divideSign:
      return n1 / n2;
      return false;

function displayQuestion( s ){
  //We know the question will never surpass 12 chars..
  var extraneousSpace = 12 - s.length, spaceLeft, spaceRight;
  //Compare last bit to 1, if that bit is 1, the number is odd
  //So we subtract 1 before we evenly divide by 2 and 1 space on the right
  if( extraneousSpace & 1 ){
    spaceLeft = extraneousSpace / 2;
    spaceRight = spaceLeft + 1;
  } else {
    spaceLeft = spaceRight = extraneousSpace / 2;
  //Mildly evil re-use of variable and magical space repeating routine
  spaceLeft = new Array( spaceLeft + 1 ).join( ' ' );
  spaceRight = new Array( spaceRight + 1 ).join( ' ' );
  question.innerText = spaceLeft + s + spaceRight;

function generateQuestion(){
  var sign = signs[randInt(4)],
      num1 = randInt(maxNum + 1),
      num2 = randInt(maxNum + 1);  
  if (sign == minusSign){
    num1 += num2;
  if (sign == divideSign) {
    num2 = randInt(maxNum) + 1;
    num1 *= num2;
  answer = calculateAnswer( num1 , sign, num2 );
  displayQuestion( num1 + ' ' + sign + ' ' + num2 )


input.addEventListener( 'keypress' , function(e){
  console.log( this );
  if( e.which == 13 || e.keyCode == 13 ){
    if( input.value != answer ){
      errorMessage.innerText = 'Wrong, ' + question.innerText.trim() + ' = ' + answer;
      greatMessage.innerText = '';
    }else {
      errorMessage.innerText = '';
      greatMessage.innerText = 'That is right, here\'s another question';    
    input.value = '';
#errorMessage { color: red }
#greatMessage { color: green }
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |
|   What is  |
|<span id='question'>            </span>| 
|      ?     |
| _______| 
(\__/) || 
(•ㅅ•) || 
/   づ
<input type='text' id='input'><br>
<span id='errorMessage'></span><span id='greatMessage'></span>

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks for the suggestions! A few clarifications: I used the actual signs because children will probably be unfamiliar with * and / as multiplication and division signs. Also, I am only trying to avoid zero as a denominator of a division problem; I have added a quick fix for that. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 7, 2014 at 19:40

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