I am quite new to Clojure and would need some advice on the following genetic programming gist I wrote as my first working clj program. The aim of it is to perform an algebraic regression using genetic programming on syntax trees with +, -
and x, 1
genes to fit \$3x + 1\$ function.
The code works, but I doubt it does so in the most elegant way available. More than understanding of the actual algorithm, I would appreciate any advice on improvement of the coding style or some shortcuts to avoid hard coding present in the code (for example, in the bracket counting in crossover function?)
; Algebraic regression test v.1
; This is a simple GP programming trial.
; Motivated by: Introduction to Genetic Programing by M. Walker
; As an example, perform a fit through the following
; set of points 3x + 1
(def to-fit '([0, 1] [1, 4]))
; The following is an implementation of Koza's growth
; Genes to use are (di-arity functions only),
; terminals are specified as expressions for simpler parsing.
(def genes {:functions ["+", "-"], :terminals ["(+ 0 1)", "(+ 0 x)"]})
;; Function to reproduce:
;; Koza's growth:
(def settings {:terminal-probability 0.3 ; probability a Koza growth node will be terminal
:max-depth 5
:init-population-size 100})
;; Recursive definition of the 2-ary growth
(defn grow-rec [depth]
(if (and (> (rand) (:terminal-probability settings)) (< depth (:max-depth settings)))
; True, grow further:
(str "(" (rand-nth (:functions genes)) \space
(grow-rec (inc depth)) \space
(grow-rec (inc depth)) ")" )
; False, stop growing
(str (rand-nth (:terminals genes))) ; Returns the terminal
;; Recursive definition pf the 2-ary full growth
(defn full-rec [depth]
(if (< depth (:max-depth settings))
; True, grow further:
(str "(" (rand-nth (:functions genes)) \space
(grow-rec (inc depth)) \space
(grow-rec (inc depth)) ")" )
; False, stop growing
(str (rand-nth (:terminals genes))) ; Returns the terminal
;; Fitness test?
;; TODO: convert to let syntax ?
(defn fitness-test [element]
(def weight 0)
(dotimes [n (count to-fit)]
(let [point (nth to-fit n)]
(def x (first point)) ; defined as global binding to evaluate the weight in correct context
(def dist (- (eval (read-string element)) (last point)))
(def weight (+ weight (* dist dist))))
{:weight weight :std-weight (/ 1.0 (+ 1.0 weight)) :expression element})
;; Genetic operations:
; Reproduction
; 10% of elements selected to survive. Selection function?
; Crossover
; 2 individuals -> new 2 individuals
; 90% of the population!
; Randomly select a subtrees from both individuals & swap
;; Select a left bracket at random:
(defn get-left-bracket-at-random [tree]
(loop [index 0
max-index 0
local-male tree
max-rand 0]
(if (= (first local-male) \( )
(let [r (rand)]
(if (> r max-rand)
(recur (inc index) index (rest local-male) r)
(recur (inc index) max-index (rest local-male) max-rand)))
(if (= nil (next local-male))
(recur (inc index) max-index (rest local-male) max-rand)
;; Given the left bracket, get a matching right bracket
(defn get-matching-right-bracket [tree left-bracket]
(loop [index (inc left-bracket)
left-count 1
right-count 0]
(if (= left-count right-count)
(dec index)
(= (nth tree index) \)) (recur (inc index) left-count (inc right-count))
(= (nth tree index) \() (recur (inc index) (inc left-count) right-count)
:else (recur (inc index) left-count right-count)
;; Perform a crossover at any point in the tree
(defn crossover [male female]
(let [male-bra (get-left-bracket-at-random male)
male-ket (get-matching-right-bracket male male-bra)
male-child (subs male male-bra male-ket)
female-bra (get-left-bracket-at-random female)
female-ket (get-matching-right-bracket female female-bra)
female-child (subs female female-bra female-ket)]
{:male (str (subs male 0 male-bra) female-child (subs male male-ket))
:female (str (subs female 0 female-bra) male-child (subs female female-ket))}
;; Selection function: select a pair for crossover.
;; Takes a list of {:weight :std-weigth :expression} maps
(defn select-pair [fitness-tested-population
{:male (select-random fitness-tested-population normalization)
:female (select-random fitness-tested-population normalization)}
;; Selects an item at random, weighted by std. weight
(defn select-random [fitness-tested-population
(loop [index 0
sum 0.0
max (* (rand) normalization )
local-fitness-tested fitness-tested-population]
(let [next-sum (+ sum (:std-weight (first local-fitness-tested)))]
(if (< next-sum max)
(recur (inc index)
(rest local-fitness-tested))
(:expression (first local-fitness-tested))
;; -------------------------------------------------------------
;; Algorithm loop:
;; Grow the initial population with ramped half and half method
(def population [])
(dotimes [x (:init-population-size settings)]
(def population (conj population (full-rec (+ 1 x)))) ;; do the looping nicely?
(def population (conj population (grow-rec (+ 1 x)))))
;; Evolve
(def to-reproduce [])
(dotimes [k 10]
(println "Generation: " k " started!")
; Fitness proportionale selection
; Select the best 2 entries only to survive and crossover the rest
(let [fitness-tested (map fitness-test population)
normalization (reduce + (map :std-weight fitness-tested))
to-reproduce (map :expression (take 10 (sort-by :weight fitness-tested)))]
(loop [index 0
new-generation to-reproduce
mates (select-pair fitness-tested normalization)
children (crossover (:male mates) (:female mates))]
(if (< index 45) ; <-- is there any elegant way of dealing with constant multiples?
(recur (inc index)
(conj new-generation (:male children) (:female children))
(select-pair fitness-tested normalization)
(crossover (:male mates) (:female mates)))
(def population new-generation)
(println (first to-reproduce))))