I want to verify that a given directed graph is connected and acyclic (DAG). I have implemented a modification of the Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm in imperative style (as the original).
Every suggestion to improve simplicity, readability and suitable use of F# constructs will be wellcome.
Note: the current algorithm returns the value for acyclic property for the first cluster in disconnected graphs. I'm ok with that. Once I know it is not DAG I no need to analyze it further. But with this in mind I suppose the algorithm could be improved.
open System.Collections.Generic
type GraphKind = {
acyclic : bool;
connected : bool
let kindOfGraph getChildren v numNodes =
let stack = Stack<_>()
let visited = Dictionary<_,int * int>(HashIdentity.Structural)
let discovered = HashSet<_>(HashIdentity.Structural)
let sccs = ref 0
let order = ref 0
let rec scc getChildren v =
stack.Push (v)
visited.Add(v, (!order, !order))
incr order
let vindex, vlink = visited.[v]
getChildren v
|> List.map (fun w ->
if not <| visited.ContainsKey w then
scc getChildren w
visited.[v] <- (vindex, min vlink (snd visited.[w]))
else if not <| discovered.Contains w then
visited.[v] <- (vindex,min vlink (fst visited.[w]))
) |> ignore
let idx, lnk = visited.[v]
if idx = lnk then
let rec getscc (s : Stack<_>) root =
let w = s.Pop()
discovered.Add w |> ignore
match w with
| x when x = root -> ()
| _ -> getscc s root
getscc stack v
incr sccs
scc getChildren v
acyclic = (!sccs = !order);
connected = (!order = numNodes)
And some tests using FsUnit and NUnit
open NUnit.Framework
open FsUnit
type ``kind of graph`` () =
let aTree = function
| 1 -> [2; 3]
| 2 -> [4; 5]
| _ -> []
let aTriangle = function
| 1 -> [2]
| 2 -> [3]
| 3 -> [1]
let aConnectedAcyclic = function
| 1 -> [2; 3]
| 2 -> [4; 5; 6]
| 4 -> [7]
| 6 -> [8; 9]
| 3 -> [10; 11; 13]
| 10 -> [9; 12]
| 11 -> [13]
| _ -> []
let aDisconnectedAcyclic = function
| 1 -> [2; 3]
| 4 -> [5]
| _ -> []
let aDisconnectedCyclic = function
| 1 -> [2]
| 2 -> [3]
| 3 -> [1]
| 4 -> [5]
| _ -> []
let aSingleNode = function | _ -> []
[<Test>] member x.
``given a tree`` () =
kindOfGraph aTree 1 5 |> should equal { acyclic = true; connected = true}
[<Test>] member x.
``given a connected triangle`` () =
kindOfGraph aTriangle 1 3 |> should equal { acyclic = false; connected = true}
[<Test>] member x.
``given a connected acyclic graph`` () =
kindOfGraph aConnectedAcyclic 1 13 |> should equal { acyclic = true; connected = true}
[<Test>] member x.
``given a single node`` () =
kindOfGraph aSingleNode 1 1 |> should equal { acyclic = true; connected = true}
[<Test>] member x.
``given a disconnected acyclic graph`` () =
kindOfGraph aDisconnectedAcyclic 1 5 |> should equal { acyclic = true; connected = false}
[<Test>] member x.
``given a disconnected cyclic graph`` () =
kindOfGraph aDisconnectedCyclic 1 5 |> should equal { acyclic = false; connected = false}