I have an implementation of an Euler method for solving N-many 1st order coupled differential equations, but I feel that I did not write it as efficiently as I could, due to lack of programming experience.
Here is the implementation:
def eulerMethod(f, init0, h, om, mesh):
f - array of ODES
init0 - intial values
h - step size
om - array of symbols
mesh - time mesh to evolve over
This implements Euler's method for finding numerically the
solution of the 1st order system of N-many ODEs
output in form of: [t:, om0:, om1:, om2:, ... ]
numOfDE = len(f)
t00 = mesh[0]
soln = [[t00]]
for i in xrange(numOfDE): # create intitial soln
subVal = {} # for diff eq substituion
for i in xrange(len(om)):
g = sympy.symbols('g0:%d'%len(om))
s = sympy.symbols('s0:%d'%len(om))
# set up dictionary for equations
eqDict = {g[0]:init0[0]}
for i in xrange(1,len(om)):
eqDict[g[i]] = init0[i]
for i in xrange(6): # number of steps
for i in xrange(len(om)): # performs euler steps
eqDict[s[i]] = eqDict[g[i]] + h*1.0*(f[i].subs(subVal))
for i in xrange(len(om)): # set recursive values
eqDict[g[i]] = eqDict[s[i]]
t00 += h
for i in xrange(numOfDE): # append rest of solutions
subVal = {} # update values to be subsititied
for i in xrange(len(om)):
return soln
I know my naming is sort of confusing, but I just wanted to see how solid my algorithm is. I will be using this to typically solve 1000 coupled differential equations.