
Is there anything wrong with this?

    namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
      public interface ICarfactory
        ICar getCar(CarType carType);

      public interface ICar

      public class Sedan: ICar

      public class Hatchback : ICar

      public class SUV : ICar

      public class HondaSUV : SUV

      public class HondaSedan : Sedan

      public class HondaHatchback : Hatchback

      public class HyundaiSUV : SUV

      public class HyundaiSedan : Sedan
      public class HyundaiHatchback : Hatchback

      public class MarutiHatchback : Hatchback

      public class MarutiSUV : SUV

      public class MarutiSedan : Sedan

      public class Hyundai : ICarfactory
        public ICar getCar(CarType carType)
          switch (carType)
            case CarType.Sedan:
              return new HyundaiSedan();
            case CarType.HatchBack:
              return new HyundaiHatchback();
            case CarType.SUV:
              return new HyundaiSUV();
              return null;


      public class Maruti : ICarfactory
        public ICar getCar(CarType carType)
          switch (carType)
            case CarType.Sedan:
              return new MarutiSedan();
            case CarType.HatchBack:
              return new MarutiHatchback();
            case CarType.SUV:
              return new MarutiSUV();
              return null;

      public class Honda : ICarfactory
        public ICar getCar(CarType carType)
          switch (carType)
            case CarType.Sedan:
               return new HondaSedan();
            case CarType.HatchBack:
               return new HondaHatchback();
            case CarType.SUV:
              return new HondaSUV();
              return null;

      public enum CarType

 private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  ICar myCar;
  ICarfactory carfactory;
  carfactory = new Hyundai();
  myCar = carfactory.getCar(CarType.SUV);
  myCar = carfactory.getCar(CarType.HatchBack);
  myCar = carfactory.getCar(CarType.Sedan);

  carfactory = new Honda();
  myCar = carfactory.getCar(CarType.SUV);
  myCar = carfactory.getCar(CarType.HatchBack);
  myCar = carfactory.getCar(CarType.Sedan);

  carfactory = new Maruti();
  myCar = carfactory.getCar(CarType.SUV);
  myCar = carfactory.getCar(CarType.HatchBack);
  myCar = carfactory.getCar(CarType.Sedan);

3 Answers 3


First thing that pops in my head is that camelCase for methods (getCar) is not actually usable in , in my opinion it looks really ugly and makes it look like code. You should use PascalCase for all public members:

public interface ICarfactory
    ICar GetCar(CarType carType);

More info on MSDN.

  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ Being a Java user, I don't have any other choice than to down-vote :) Although it is correct, I think that's a bad way of phrasing it. I also find that this should not be the accepted answer. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 30, 2014 at 15:15

The factory in itself is nice (except for one thing), but I have one big problem with your code.


You are heavily relying on inheritance over composition. Instead of something so complicated as running that against a Factory, where you return types after a switching an enum you should IMO do the following:

public abstract class Car 
    private Manufacturer _manufacturer;
    public Manufacturer Manufacturer 
            return _manufacturer; 
            _manufacturer = value; 

    private CarType _carType;
    public CarType CarType
            return _carType;
        //You can even make that stuff read-only by removing the setter
             _carType = value;


When you pass an invalid CarType to the Factory you silently return null. That's somewhat unfriendly to the user. Factories are expected to either return a meaningful value or throw an exception. If you allow returning of null, you make the user of the factory do additional null-checks. That is not nice...

Instead you should do the following:

    throw new IllegalArgumentException("CarType not found");

I would take a slightly different approach and consolidate your factory stuff by an extra parameter.

I'd also compose and base class your definition of a car differently. Rather than having base classes for each car type and inheriting, car type would just be another property of a BaseCar abstract class.

Finally, if you end up with a massive catalog of cars, then those switch/case statements are going to get very unwieldy.

You could decide on a naming convention for your concrete types, and drastically simplify your factory get method using some basic reflection/activator code.

void Main()
    var hondaHatchBack = CarFactory.GetCar(Manufacturer.Honda, CarType.HatchBack);


    var toyotaSedan = CarFactory.GetCar (Manufacturer.Toyota, CarType.Sedan);



public static class CarFactory {
    public static ICar GetCar (Manufacturer m, CarType c)
        var stype = m.ToString() + c.ToString();
        var type = Type.GetType("UserQuery+"+stype); //LinqPad - your namespace will be different
        ICar car = (ICar)System.Activator.CreateInstance(type);
        return car;

public interface ICar
    Manufacturer Manufacturer {get; }   
    CarType CarType {get; }

public abstract class BaseCar : ICar {
    protected BaseCar (Manufacturer _m, CarType _c)
        Manufacturer = _m;
        CarType = _c;
    public Manufacturer Manufacturer {get; private set;}    
    public CarType CarType {get; private set;}

    public override string ToString()
        return "I am a " + Manufacturer + " " + CarType;

public enum Manufacturer

public enum CarType

public class HondaHatchBack : BaseCar { 
    public HondaHatchBack () : base(Manufacturer.Honda, CarType.HatchBack) {}

public class HondaSedan : BaseCar{ 
    public HondaSedan () : base(Manufacturer.Honda, CarType.Sedan) {}

public class ToyotaHatchBack : BaseCar { 
    public ToyotaHatchBack () : base(Manufacturer.Toyota, CarType.HatchBack) {}

public class ToyotaSedan : BaseCar { 
    public ToyotaSedan () : base(Manufacturer.Toyota, CarType.Sedan) {}

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