I'm not very experienced in test-driven development (TDD), but I'm trying to get into the groove. Here I am making a console app that creates records in a database. I bootstrapped by creating a console app and then let MSTest make a unit test for Main(string [] args)
I know I'm doing at least something right, because the tests didn't pass until I did the development -- they "drove" me to "develop".
But I feel like maybe I'm still missing the point, as I didn't really test my code - I tested the database the code acted on. How would an experienced TDDer approach this?
public class ProgramTest
private MyEntities _model;
public void MyTestInitialize()
_model = new MyEntities();
public void MyTestCleanup()
public void MainTest_01_Create_PayTerms()
string[] args = new[] { "/Operation", "Insert", "/RecordType", "PayTerms" };
_model.PayTerms.SelectValue<string>("it.Name").ShouldContain("Biweekly", "Retainer", "Net 7", "Net 15", "Net 30");
static public class Extensions
static public void ShouldContain(this string[] source, params string[] targets)
foreach (var target in targets)
Assert.IsTrue(targets.Any(c => c == target), "{0} is missing from collection", target);
static public void ShouldContain<T>(this T source, params string[] targets) where T : ObjectQuery<string>