Usually when I make mock-up programs (like this one), I look for things I can improve on in case the situation happens again.
Today I thought I'd brush up on basic OOP (I understand the concept of OOP, just haven't messed around with it for a bit and wanted to freshen my memory). So I decided to make a little game that just creates 3 monsters on a 10x10 plane and 1 player (you), you are able to move your player in any x/y direction. My program works but I can't help but feel that I'm doing something incorrectly.
So the basic layout of my program was to have 5 classes. A GUI class that shows the game and gives you directional buttons for movement control, a class that creates the monsters, a class that creates the players, a class that creates the 10x10 board and keeps track of monster/player locations, and of course a main class that creates all the objects and has the main game loop and whatnot.
I was having a bit of a hard time interacting with my main class and my GUI class. What I ended up doing was doing a while loop in my main class and waiting until the player presses the start button, and once the player presses it (via action listener) the GUI class sets a public variable (running) from false to true, and I am able to act accordingly once the variable is changed.
HERE is where I feel like I am doing something wrong: At first my while loop would not terminate unless I printed out to the console. I Googled the issue and apparently people have said that it's some sort of issue with threading or "active polling", which I did not understand. I went to my program and added a small 10ms thread sleep in my while loops and everything started working great.
My question to you guys is, why do my while loops only terminate when adding a thread sleep? And is there a better way of interacting with a GUI class and a main class?
Sorry for the giant wall of text but I like to be thorough when explaining a situation!
TL;DR: Am I interacting correctly with my GUI class and my main class? If not what is the proper way to do it?
My main class:
public class MainGame {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException{
ShowGUI gui = new ShowGUI();
Board gameBoard = new Board();
//Add Player
Player playerOne = new Player(1000, "Player 1");
//Add monsters
Monster monstMatt = new Monster(1000, "Matt");
Monster monstJon = new Monster(1000, "Jon");
Monster monstAbaad = new Monster(1000, "Abaad");
int x, y;
x = playerOne.getX();
y = playerOne.getY();
if(gui.buttonPress != -1){
if(gui.buttonPress == 1){
playerOne.move(x, --y);
}else if(gui.buttonPress == 2){
playerOne.move(x, ++y);
}else if(gui.buttonPress == 3){
playerOne.move(--x, y);
}else if(gui.buttonPress == 4){
playerOne.move(++x, y);
gui.buttonPress = -1;
My GUI Class:
public class ShowGUI {
private JTextArea board;
private JButton moveUp;
private JButton moveDown;
private JButton moveLeft;
private JButton moveRight;
public boolean running = false;
public int buttonPress = -1;
public ShowGUI(){
System.out.println("GUI Successfully Loaded");
private void createAndShow(){
JFrame mainFrame = new JFrame("Bad Game");
mainFrame.setSize(500, 400);
private void addComponents(Container pane){
board = new JTextArea(1, JLabel.CENTER);
moveUp = new JButton("Up");
moveDown = new JButton("Down");
moveLeft = new JButton("Left");
moveRight = new JButton("Right");
moveUp.setBounds(185, 225, 130, 35);
moveLeft.setBounds(115, 280, 130, 35);
moveRight.setBounds(255, 280, 130, 35);
moveDown.setBounds(185, 335, 130, 35);
board.setBounds(115, 30, 270, 145);
board.setFont(new Font("Consolas", Font.BOLD, 12));
private void addActionListeners(){
moveUp.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
running = true;
buttonPress = 1;
moveDown.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
buttonPress = 2;
moveLeft.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
buttonPress = 3;
moveRight.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
buttonPress = 4;
public void setLabelText(char[][] boardToShow){
board.setText(" ");
for(int i = 0; i < boardToShow.length; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < boardToShow[i].length; j++){
board.append(boardToShow[i][j] + " ");
board.append("\n ");
If you require my Board/Monster/Player classes I can post them, but I don't think the problem is with those classes.