I was looking at other people code and I realized that mine is not so neat after all.
In this version, I included a base case for the merge part (when there is only 2 elements to merge, just sort it normally). I do not know this is a good idea or not, never seen it in other people' codes.
This is the first time I implemented this algorithm. I hope you can help me out with this code so it could look more readable.
class MergeSort
public static void Standard() {
int[] A = new int[] {234, 31, 41, 59, 26, 41, 58, 90, 103, 14, 1235, 2134, 12, 673, 234, 234, 64, 23, 132, 432, 123};
int last_Index = A.Length-1;
SplitMerge(A, 0, last_Index);
foreach (int i in A)
Console.Write(i + " ");
//Here is the recursive split merge
private static void SplitMerge(int[] A,int iBegin,int iEnd) {
//Base case. Every recursive has a base case
if (iBegin == iEnd) return;
//Calculate the middle index here. This work for odd number array.
int Middle = (int)Math.Floor((double)(iEnd + iBegin)/2);
//split left
SplitMerge(A, iBegin, Middle);
//split right
SplitMerge(A, Middle+1, iEnd);
//merge left and right
MergeLeftRight(A, iBegin, Middle, iEnd);
//This is the merge
private static void MergeLeftRight(int[] A, int iBegin, int iMid, int iEnd) {
//If we are comparing just 2 numbers, just compare them already xD
if (iBegin == iMid) {
int temp_Num = A[iBegin];
if (A[iBegin] >= A[iEnd]) {
A[iBegin] = A[iEnd];
A[iEnd] = temp_Num;
//Create a temporary list to store numbers
List<int> temp = new List<int> {};
//Declare the last index of left array, we will go to this but will not pass this
int left_End = iMid;
//Same as above. This is for the right array
int right_End = iEnd;
//Left array start from iBegin, but Right array must start fron left_End+1
//Check the number in left and right arrays and sort them while both array still has elements inside
while ((iBegin <= left_End) && (iMid <= right_End)) {
if (A[iBegin] <= A[iMid]) {
else {
//If right array is empty, add all leftover elements from left array to the list
while (iBegin <= left_End) {
//Same as above loop. Add all leftover elements from right array to the list.
while (iMid <= right_End) {
//Put everything back in the original array, merge everything. Since we are going from right to left
//We need to reverse the List.
foreach (int i in temp) {
A[iEnd] = i;