I want to interpolate temperature in correlation with height. I have temperature data from stations with coordinates and height in this format:
Lat Lon Temp Height
46.2956 16.3978 10.71196 120
45.9776 16.0159 11.78539 150
45.8521 15.9598 11.18838 133
After reading the data there are 4 arrays (y
, x
, temp
, and height
) and variable z
which represents correlation between temperature and height, e.g., z = -0.005
which means that for each meter of height temperature decreases for 0.005 °C.
Z is calculated like this: z = np.polyfit(height, temp, 1,2)
After that I can calculate temperature on 0 meters for each station:
for i in range(len(temp)):
I also have data with heights in meters with resolution of 0.003333333333 degrees and I want to use these heights and interpolated temperature to create map.
Heights are in "dem_final2.txt"
(ncolums = 2700, nrows = 1560)
1653 1571 1493 1429 1354...
1730 1699 1620 1528 1399...
So this is what I've done so far, everything is working but it's very slow:
if __name__ == '__main__':
nx, ny = 1080,624
chunkSize = 10
t = []
grid2 = []
xEast = 12
ySouth = 42
xWest = 21
yNorth = 47.2
res = 0.003333333333
x,y,temp0m,z = downloadData()
xi = np.linspace(xEast+0.1, xWest-0.1, nx)
yi = np.linspace(ySouth+0.1, yNorth-0.1, ny)
xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
xi, yi = xi.flatten(), yi.flatten()
l = len(xi)/chunkSize
for i in range(chunkSize):
interp = rbfInterp(x,y,temp0m,xi[(l*i):(l*(i+1))],yi[(l*i):(l*(i+1))])
grid2 = grid2 + list(interpData(xi[(l*i):(l*(i+1))],yi[(l*i):(l*(i+1))],z,interp,xEast,ySouth,xWest,yNorth,res))[(l*i):(l*(i+1))]
grid2 = np.array(grid2, np.float)
grid2 = grid2.reshape((ny, nx))
plot (x,y,temp0m,grid2) #plotting to png with matplotlib
def rbfInterp(x, y, temp0m,xi,yi):
interp = Rbf(x, y, temp0m, function='linear')
return interp(xi,yi)
def interpData(xi,yi,z,interp,xEast,ySouth,xWest,yNorth,res):
append = t.append
row= -1
for i in xrange(len(xi)):
tmp = int(round((yi[i]-ySouth)/res,0))
tmp1 = int(round((xi[i]-xEast)/res,0)+1)
if (row!=tmp):
tmp2 = linecache.getline('dem_final2.txt', tmp).split(' ')
if (float(tmp2[tmp1])>-10):
append ((float(tmp2[tmp1]))*z+float(interp[i]))
append (None)
row = tmp
return t
I divided into chunks because a lot of memory was used without them and I think this can be used to speed up things maybe with more processes or something like that but I don't have knowledge to do that without any help. Of course, any other help is also welcome.
Btw this script runs for about 25-30 sec