I must read and extract some values from string. These values are coded like this:
k="11,3,1" v="140.3"
I have defined the codes and created struct with all field as well as a temp one where I store k and v. In fillFields proc I transfer values from temp struct to the right one (with the valid types). It works but I have many fields and fillFields would need to have many if-conditions. Maybe someone could give me any hint how to write it smarter.
The simplified code now:
#define ASK "11,3,1"
#define BID "11,2,1"
#define CLOSE "3,1,1"
typedef struct tic {
float ask;
float bid;
float close;
}tic, *ticP;
typedef struct pElem {
char * k;
char * v;
}pElem, *pElemP;
void fillFields(ticP t, pElemP p)
if (strcmp( ASK, p->k)==0)
printf ("ASK %s\n", p->v);
t->ask = atof(p->v);
if (strcmp( BID, p->k)==0)
printf ("BID %s\n", p->v);
t->bid = atof(p->v);
if (strcmp( CLOSE, p->k)==0)
printf("CLOSE >>>%s<<<\n", p->v) ;
t->close = atof (p->v);
represent currency values you should not use float for them. \$\endgroup\$