
I have a method that checks to see if a hash of given items should have discounts applied and if so, determines and returns the discount:

def get_discounts
  @items.each do |name, attr|
    @specials.each do |special|
      while name == special.sale_item && attr[:quantity] >= special.quantity
        @discounts << special.discount
        attr[:quantity] = attr[:quantity] - special.quantity

def determine_discount
  if @discounts.empty?
    @discounts = 0
    @discounts = @discounts.inject(:+) 

This works perfectly, but is there a more concise way to write it? I'm looking especially at the two each loops. I'm also a bit iffy about the while loop - it was an if statement (if name == special.sale_item) but it felt like too much so I combined it into the while loop.


1 Answer 1


I agree with both of your suspected issues:

  • Pointless iteration through @items hash: As you suspected, iterating through all entries of a hash defeats the purpose of a hash. That takes O(I * S) time — the number of items times the number of specials. Why not iterate through @specials, then look up the item by name? That's only O(S).
  • while loop: The loop can be replaced with arithmetic.

In addition, I would like to point out some more problems:

  • Surprising side-effect in getter: By convention, any method named get_*() is assumed to have no side-effects. However, get_discounts() alters @items, reducing their quantity. If that is intentional, you should rename the method to apply_discounts() or something even more suggestive that there is a side-effect.
  • Abuse of instance variable: @discounts is assumed to be pre-initialized to an empty array before get_discounts() is called. get_discounts() populates the array, then calls determine_discount(), which converts it into a scalar. That indicates that @discounts is not storing the state of the object, so using an instance variable for that purpose is abuse.

Here is a revised version of the code:

def get_discounts
  discount = 0
  @specials.each do |special|
    if item = @items[special.sale_item]
      multiples = (item[:quantity] / special.quantity).floor
      discount += multiples * special.discount

      # Suspicious side-effect...
      # item[:quantity] -= multiples * special.quantity
  return discount
  • \$\begingroup\$ great answer, thank you - actually i had remedied the 'side-effect' but thanks for pointing that out. I did count = info[:quantity] and then count = count - special.quantity but your way is nicer. Cheers, really appreciate the push in the right direction! \$\endgroup\$
    – dax
    Commented Dec 3, 2013 at 20:19

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