
I have a server-client environment, where the client connects and synchronizes data with the server every 5 second.

For synchronizing I use a background thread on the client which works fine, but on one specific hardware the method GetNetworkAvailable throws out of memory exceptions occasionaly. The errors occur whitout logic, so I guess somethings just not good with this hardware. Anyways I'd like to get your opinion on my background - polling function.

private void SynchronizedWorker()
    bool initialization = true;
    int initializationTries = 0;

    // Sync loop
    while (!_shouldStop)
        // Initialize locals
        int syncInterval = _syncInterval; // Reset Sync Interval to default
        SyncStatus syncStatus = SyncStatus; // Get current Status
        bool hasNetworkConnection = true; // Has Network connection

            // Check Network connection
            if (!NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable())
                hasNetworkConnection = false;
                syncStatus = SyncStatus.Offline;
            else if (syncStatus == SyncStatus.Offline) // Is in offline - State, but Network available again recognize going online
                hasNetworkConnection = IsServiceAvailable();
                // Sync-Status stays offline
                if (!hasNetworkConnection)
                    // Wait 1 minute, before retry
                    syncInterval = 60000;

            // Proceed with Syncronisation
            if (hasNetworkConnection)
                syncStatus = SyncStatus.Ok;
                // Try Initialization
                if (initialization)
                        // Sync initialization here...
                        // ..............................
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        log.LogError(string.Format("Initialization Try {0}", initializationTries), ex);
                        syncStatus = SyncStatus.InitializationFailed;

                // To many Init-Tries --> Stop
                if (initializationTries > 1)
                    // Proceed
                    _syncStatus = syncStatus;
                    break; // Stop Synch

                // Debug
                var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Do Up/Download
                if (!initialization)
                        // Synchronisation with service here...
                        // ..............................

                        // Proceed
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        log.LogError("Download", ex);
                        syncStatus = SyncStatus.SynchFailed;

            // Set Sync status
            _syncStatus = syncStatus;
        catch (Exception ex)
            log.LogError("Sync-Worker", ex);
            _syncStatus = Core.Sync.SyncStatus.SynchFailed;
            // Proceed
            // Reset Force
            _syncForce = false;
            // Set Completed
            if (OnSyncCompleted != null)
                OnSyncCompleted(downloaded, uploaded, executed);

            // Always Wait for Interval
            DateTime sleepuntil = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(syncInterval);
            while (sleepuntil > DateTime.Now && !_shouldStop && !_syncForce)
                // Sleep

    // Stop
    _syncStatus = SyncStatus.Unknown;

1 Answer 1

  1. I would do the waiting for interval at the end also with an event - I find it cleaner. Something like this:

    AutoResetEvent _syncWaitEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
    // I assume there is a way for external callers to stop sync
    public void StopSync()
        _syncForce= true;
    public void ForceSync()
        _shouldStop = true;
    private void SynchronizedWorker()
        // Sync loop
        while (!_shouldStop)
            // wait for next interval or being woken up
            if (_syncWaitEvent.WaitOne(syncInterval))
                // we have been signaled prior to the timeout expiring
                _syncForce = false;
  2. I would change syncInterval to a TimeSpan (WaitOne() expects one anyway and I don't like passing values around with implicit units. Just gets you in trouble some day)

  3. It's not clear from your code what the _syncResetEvent() is used for. It's seems to be called in pretty much every case. You might want to revisit the name of it.

  4. Add a log message in the if (initializationTries > 1) block to state that you are stopping sync because init failed too many times.


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