
I have this jQuery click handler function that has three jobs:

  1. Set the time interval for the refresh rate
  2. Change the color on the clicked refresh rate selection
  3. Callback the tablesort functions to resort the newly loaded data

I'd like to pull out the separate functionality into named functions, but I'm unsure (being a somewhat JS newb) how to do that an achieve the same behavior.

Javascript Code:

$(document).ready(function() {

    $("#refresh-buttons").on("click", "button", function(event) {

        var interval = 0;

        switch(event.target.id)  {
          case "refresh-off" :
                interval = 50000000;

          case "refresh-5-sec" :
              interval = 5000;

          case "refresh-30-sec" :
              interval = 30000;

          case "refresh-60-sec" :
              interval = 60000;

        if (interval != 0)
            intervalId = setInterval(function(){
                $('#status-tables').load('/dashboard/index #status-tables', function(){
                  $("#report-table1").tablesorter({sortList:[[1,0]]} );
            }, interval);


1 Answer 1


Add the refresh-rates map to #refresh-buttons element ( use .data() function ), optimize amount of $() calls:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var refresh_btns$;

    // you can store id map where ever you prefer to
    // I've figured it would be good to keep them with
    // the element they are related to
    ( refresh_btns$ = $("#refresh-buttons") )
            "refresh-off"    :50000000,
            "refresh-5-sec"  :5000,
            "refresh-30-sec" :30000,
            "refresh-60-sec" :60000
    .on("click", "button", function () {
        interval = refresh_btns$.data("refreshRates")[ this.id ] || 0;
        if (
            interval !== 0
        ) {
            // yeah m_x is right about .toggleClass()
            // it producess weird behaviour
            // this shold to the job
            $( this )

            intervalId =
                function () {
                        '/dashboard/index #status-tables',
                        function () {
                            $("#report-table1, #report-table2")
                            .tablesorter( { sortList : [ [ 1, 0 ] ] } );
  • \$\begingroup\$ +1 for mapping ids to refresh rates, but 1) wouldn't this toggleClass add pressed-button on all buttons that currently don't have it ? 2) why even use a data-attribute ? your are in a closure, use a simple object in a var. Aside from accessing data attributes, you don't even use your refresh_btns$ var. \$\endgroup\$
    – m_x
    Commented Sep 25, 2013 at 20:27

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