Can you add minimal imports so your code compiles? I had to guess:
import Data.ListTrie.Map as M hiding (null)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
data Event = Event deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Result = Result deriving (Show, Eq)
can be easily improved by inlining comp
constructTrie list = M.fromListWith (++) list
Or even to constructTrie = M.fromListWith (++)
but that requires turning off monomorphism restriction or adding an explicit signature for constructTrie
, so it's up to your taste.
Also you can deduplicate showTrie calls and long trie signatures:
mshow list = M.showTrie list ""
type ResultTrie = M.TrieMap Map.Map Event [Result]
duplicates :: ResultTrie -> String
duplicates m = mshow list
list = M.filter (\v -> length v /= 1) m
prefixOverlap :: ResultTrie -> String
prefixOverlap m = mshow list
list = M.filterWithKey (\k v -> not $ null $ catMaybes [M.lookup x m | x <- reverse (inits (init k))]) m
Now it's beneficial to inline list
variables in both functions:
duplicates :: ResultTrie -> String
duplicates m = mshow $ M.filter (\v -> length v /= 1) m
prefixOverlap :: ResultTrie -> String
prefixOverlap m = mshow $ M.filterWithKey (\k v -> not $ null $ catMaybes [M.lookup x m | x <- reverse (inits (init k))]) m
Now you can get rid of m
in duplicates
duplicates :: ResultTrie -> String
duplicates = mshow . M.filter (\v -> length v /= 1)
In prefixOverlap
the line is too long, I can split it. I chose to extract the (\ -> )
construct. Note that m is in more that 1 place so we cannot use .
prefixOverlap :: ResultTrie -> String
prefixOverlap m = mshow $ M.filterWithKey f m where
f k _ = not $ null $ catMaybes [M.lookup x m | x <- reverse (inits (init k))]
Now remove extra parentheses in the comprehension:
prefixOverlap :: ResultTrie -> String
prefixOverlap m = mshow $ M.filterWithKey f m where
f k _ = not $ null $ catMaybes [M.lookup x m | x <- reverse $ inits $ init k]
From here I'll only work on f
Now a trickier part. Long chains of $
are equivalent to .
following one $
in the end:
f k _ = (not . null . catMaybes) [M.lookup x m | x <- reverse $ inits $ init k]
not . null . catMaybes
is a function of [Maybe a] -> Bool
that returns True
only if there is any Just
in the list. I can literally translate this sentence into Haskell: it's just any isJust
f k _ = any isJust [M.lookup x m | x <- reverse $ inits $ init k]
Now even trickier: your comprehension is just a map
f k _ = any isJust $ map (\x -> M.lookup x m) $ reverse $ inits $ init k
Congratulations, we can again turn a chain of $
into a chain of .
f k _ = any isJust . map (\x -> M.lookup x m) . reverse . inits . init $ k
Now remember that .
is associative so you can put parentheses in the middle of the chain wherever you want:
any isJust . (map (\x -> M.lookup x m) . reverse) . inits . init
Now we have map something . reverse
. And it doesn't matter when you reverse - before or after map:
map something f . reverse = reverse . map something
That is, map
and reverse
commute and we can swap them and remove parens:
any isJust . reverse . map (\x -> M.lookup x m) . inits . init
Now we can put around any
and reverse
. It's clear that any
works the same way for straight and reversed lists, that is, any something . reverse = any something
, so we can throw reverse
any isJust . map (\x -> M.lookup x m) . inits . init
And put back into prefixOverlap
prefixOverlap :: ResultTrie -> String
prefixOverlap m = mshow $ M.filterWithKey f m where
f k _ = any isJust . map (\x -> M.lookup x m) . inits . init $ k
Here is the full version of the code:
import Data.ListTrie.Map as M hiding (null, map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
type Event = Char
type Result = ()
type ResultTrie = M.TrieMap Map.Map Event [Result]
data XComposeString = XComposeString { keyEvents :: [Event], s :: Result }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data XComposeFile = XComposeFile { strings :: [XComposeString] }
deriving (Eq, Show)
constructTrie list = M.fromListWith (++) list
mshow :: ResultTrie -> String
mshow list = M.showTrie list ""
duplicates :: ResultTrie -> String
duplicates = mshow . M.filter (\v -> length v /= 1)
prefixOverlap :: ResultTrie -> String
prefixOverlap m = mshow $ M.filterWithKey f m where
f k _ = any isJust . map (\x -> M.lookup x m) . inits . init $ k
Note that I used fake Event
and Result
types. I also checked that old and new prefixOverlap
are the same using QuickCheck and smallcheck libraries:
prefixOverlapOld :: ResultTrie -> String
prefixOverlapOld m = M.showTrie list ""
list = M.filterWithKey (\k v -> not $ null $ catMaybes [M.lookup x m | x <- reverse (inits (init k))]) m
prop_foo x = prefixOverlap m == prefixOverlapOld m where
m = M.fromList $ map (first (++ "X")) x
is from Control.Arrow
The prefixOverlap
probably can still be improved with using lookupPrefix
and/or children
functions from Data.ListTrie.Map
Here is my take:
prefixOverlapNew :: ResultTrie -> String
prefixOverlapNew = mshow . M.unions . map (\(p,m) -> M.addPrefix [p] m) . Prelude.filter (\(p, m) -> M.size m /= 1 || (null $ fst $ head $ M.toList m)) . Map.toList . M.children1
Note that it differs from both original prefixOverlapOld
and refactored prefixOverlap
QuickCheck found that they differ on a map with 2 keys "fo" and "f". The prefixOverlapNew
version correctly shows both "fo" and "f" as they overlap. The original version(s) show only value on "fo" key which is dubuios.
Here is an improved version using list comprehension to combine filter and map:
prefixOverlapNew :: ResultTrie -> String
prefixOvelapNew mm = mshow $
M.unions [M.addPrefix [p] m | (p, m) <- Map.toList $ M.children1 mm, M.size m /= 1 || null (fst $ head $ M.toList m)]
Moved f
prefixOverlapNew mm = mshow $ M.unions [M.addPrefix [p] m | (p, m) <- Map.toList $ M.children1 mm, f m] where
f m = M.size m /= 1 || null (fst $ head $ M.toList m)
Finally, a version in list monad, just for fun:
prefixOverlapNew :: ResultTrie -> String
prefixOverlapNew mm = mshow $ M.unions $ do
(p, m) <- Map.toList $ M.children1 mm
guard $ M.size m /= 1 || null (fst $ head $ M.toList m)
return $ M.addPrefix [p] m
is from Control.Monad