I have a piece of code to calculate price sensitivity based on the product and its rating.
Below is the original data set with product type, reported year, customer’s rating, price per unit, and quantity. There are 2 products, Product 1 and Product 2, in the below data set, which contains price and quantity info of the 5 continuous years each.
Input data:
data = pd.DataFrame([['Product 1', 'Year 1', 'Good', 34, 7], ['Product 1', 'Year 2', 'Good', 22, 5], ['Product 1', 'Year 3', 'Good', 30, 2], ['Product 1', 'Year 4', 'Good', 50, 1], ['Product 1', 'Year 5', 'Good', 44, 103], ['Product 2', 'Year 1', 'Bad', 200, 12], ['Product 2', 'Year 2', 'Bad', 103, 50], ['Product 2', 'Year 3', 'Bad', 150, 192], ['Product 2', 'Year 4', 'Bad', 309, 20], ['Product 2', 'Year 5', 'Bad', 200, 12]], columns = ['Product', 'Year', 'Rating', 'Price', 'Quantity'])
I then created 2 correlation matrices, namely product and rating matrices.
Product correlation matrix:
from itertools import cycle
import pandas as pd
row, col = 5 * len(data['Product'].unique().tolist()), 5 * len(data['Product'].unique().tolist()) + 1
df_corr_name = pd.DataFrame.from_records([[0.5]*col]*row)
df_corr_name = df_corr_name.loc[ : , df_corr_name.columns != 0]
tenor_list = cycle(['Year 1', 'Year 2', 'Year 3', 'Year 4', 'Year 5'])
df_corr_name['Year'] = [next(tenor_list) for i in range(len(df_corr_name))]
df_corr_name.insert(0, 'Year', df_corr_name.pop('Year'))
name_list = data['Product'].unique().tolist()
rep = 5
df_corr_name['Product'] = [ele for ele in name_list for i in range(rep)]
df_corr_name.insert(1, 'Product', df_corr_name.pop('Product'))
df_tcc_quality = data[['Product', 'Rating']].drop_duplicates()
quality_list = [list(i) for i in zip(df_tcc_quality['Product'], df_tcc_quality['Rating'])]
tcc_list_100 = df_corr_name['Product'].tolist()
L = []
for i in range(len(tcc_list_100)):
for j in range(len(quality_list)):
if tcc_list_100[i] == quality_list[j][0]:
df_corr_name['Rating'] = L
df_corr_name.insert(2, 'Rating', df_corr_name.pop('Rating'))
df_corr_name.loc[-1] = ['', '', ''] + [next(tenor_list) for i in range(len(df_corr_name))]
df_corr_name.iloc[-1] = df_corr_name.iloc[-1].astype(str)
df_corr_name.index = df_corr_name.index + 1
df_corr_name = df_corr_name.sort_index()
df_corr_name.loc[-1] = ['', '', ''] + [ele for ele in name_list for i in range(rep)]
df_corr_name.iloc[-1] = df_corr_name.iloc[-1].astype(str)
df_corr_name.index = df_corr_name.index + 1
df_corr_name = df_corr_name.sort_index()
df_corr_name.loc[-1] = ['', '', ''] + L
df_corr_name.iloc[-1] = df_corr_name.iloc[-1].astype(str)
df_corr_name.index = df_corr_name.index + 1
df_corr_name = df_corr_name.sort_index()
new_labels = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([df_corr_name.columns, df_corr_name.iloc[0], df_corr_name.iloc[1]], names=['Year', 'Rating', 'Product'])
df_corr_name = df_corr_name.set_axis(new_labels, axis=1).iloc[3:].reset_index().drop('index', axis = 1)
for i, j in df_corr_name.iterrows():
i = df_corr_name.index.tolist()[0]
while i <= len(df_corr_name.index):
df_corr_name.iloc[i:i+5, i+3:i+8] = 1.0
i += 5
for i, j in df_corr_name.iterrows():
df_corr_name.iloc[i][i+1] = float(0)
The idea is that:
- Values at diagonal are 0
- If any cell has the same column and row’s product names, its value is 1, otherwise 0.5, such as the below output:
Rating correlation matrix:
row, col = 5 * len(data['Product'].unique().tolist()), 5 * len(data['Product'].unique().tolist()) + 1
df_corr_quality = pd.DataFrame.from_records([[float(1)]*col]*row)
df_corr_quality = df_corr_quality.loc[ : , df_corr_quality.columns != 0]
tenor_list = cycle(['Year 1', 'Year 2', 'Year 3', 'Year 4', 'Year 5'])
df_corr_quality['Year'] = [next(tenor_list) for i in range(len(df_corr_quality))]
df_corr_quality.insert(0, 'Year', df_corr_quality.pop('Year'))
name_list = data['Product'].unique().tolist()
rep = 5
df_corr_quality['Product'] = [ele for ele in name_list for i in range(rep)]
df_corr_quality.insert(1, 'Product', df_corr_quality.pop('Product'))
df_tcc_quality = data[['Product', 'Rating']].drop_duplicates()
quality_list = [list(i) for i in zip(df_tcc_quality['Product'], df_tcc_quality['Rating'])]
tcc_list_100 = df_corr_quality['Product'].tolist()
L = []
for i in range(len(tcc_list_100)):
for j in range(len(quality_list)):
if tcc_list_100[i] == quality_list[j][0]:
df_corr_quality['Rating'] = L
df_corr_quality.insert(2, 'Rating', df_corr_quality.pop('Rating'))
df_corr_quality.loc[-1] = ['', '', ''] + [next(tenor_list) for i in range(len(df_corr_quality))]
df_corr_quality.iloc[-1] = df_corr_quality.iloc[-1].astype(str)
df_corr_quality.index = df_corr_quality.index + 1
df_corr_quality = df_corr_quality.sort_index()
df_corr_quality.loc[-1] = ['', '', ''] + [ele for ele in name_list for i in range(rep)]
df_corr_quality.iloc[-1] = df_corr_quality.iloc[-1].astype(str)
df_corr_quality.index = df_corr_quality.index + 1
df_corr_quality = df_corr_quality.sort_index()
df_corr_quality.loc[-1] = ['', '', ''] + L
df_corr_quality.iloc[-1] = df_corr_quality.iloc[-1].astype(str)
df_corr_quality.index = df_corr_quality.index + 1
df_corr_quality = df_corr_quality.sort_index()
new_labels = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([df_corr_quality.columns, df_corr_quality.iloc[0], df_corr_quality.iloc[1]], names=['Year', 'Rating', 'Product'])
df_corr_quality = df_corr_quality.set_axis(new_labels, axis=1).iloc[3:].reset_index().drop('index', axis = 1)
#CHANGE CELL VALUE TO 0.8 IF Rating is "Bad"
for i, j in df_corr_quality.iterrows():
for k in range(3, len(df_corr_quality.columns)):
if (df_corr_quality.columns[k][1] == 'Bad' and df_corr_quality.iloc[i,2] == 'Good') or (df_corr_quality.columns[k][1] == 'Good' and df_corr_quality.iloc[i,2] == 'Bad'):
df_corr_quality.iloc[i][k-2] = 0.8
for i, j in df_corr_quality.iterrows():
df_corr_quality.iloc[i, i+3] = float(0)
- Diagonal values should be set to 0
- In each cell, if both row and column have the same ratings (i.e., both are “Good”), populate 1, otherwise 0.8 (i.e., if row is “Good”, column is “Bad”, set to 0.8). Output:
Finally, I multiplied column ”Price” in the original dataset with its transpose and the product of these 2 matrices.
df_name = df_corr_name.iloc[:, 3:]
df_quality = df_corr_quality.iloc[:, 3:]
df_pkl = df_name.to_numpy() * df_quality.to_numpy()
s = data [['Price']].to_numpy()
v = df_pkl
t = np.multiply(s, s.transpose())
u = np.multiply(t, v)
z = pd.DataFrame(u)
The final output is:
The point is, if my data is limited to less than 1000 rows, my code runs quite well. However, if I increase it to more than 10 000 rows, it goes through an endless loop. The running time is more than 3 hours, causing it to crash. I’d assume the root cause is my loops in the matrix parts. Do you have other better options to optimize mine?