- C++ Mock Library: Part 1
- C++ Mock Library: Part 2
- C++ Mock Library: Part 3
- C++ Mock Library: Part 4
- C++ Mock Library: Part 5
- C++ Mock Library: Part 6
If you see an extra T
on a macro ignore for now.
I will get to this in a subsequent review. There is to much for one review so I will do in stages.
Example: MOCK_FUNC()
for now pretend these are the same. I just don't want to have to edit my code before pasting here. I will go over these oddities in a later review.
So writing unit tests for my code!
I use Google Test as the basic framework. But my unit tests files were 3947+ lines long (the code was only about 500 lines). A lot of this is repeated code and looked very ugly in the tests. So I though lets try and improve the framework a bit to reduce the repetitive nature of the unit tests.
So this is the code for my mock framework (reduced the unit test files to 1713 and does more testing).
OK. So this is the part I like least. But I could not think of a better way.
Any function that you want to mock must be wrapped in MOCK_FUNC()
. In debug and release mode this simply does nothing and the function is just used like normal. In my code coverage build (which is where the unit tests are run). These functions are swapped out by a functor object.
Socket::Socket(std::string const& hostname, int port, Blocking blocking)
: fd(-1)
fd = MOCK_FUNC(socket)(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (fd == -1) {
// STUFF removed
// STUFF removed
HostEnt* serv = nullptr;
while (true)
serv = MOCK_FUNC(gethostbyname)(hostname.c_str());
if (serv == nullptr && h_errno == TRY_AGAIN) {
// STUFF removed
// STUFF removed
if (MOCK_FUNC(connect)(fd, reinterpret_cast<SocketAddr*>(&serverAddr), sizeof(serverAddr)) != 0)
// STUFF removed
if (blocking == Blocking::No)
if (MOCK_TFUNC(fcntl)(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1)
// STUFF removed
You will see several mocked functions: MOCK_FUNC(socket)
, MOCK_FUNC(gethostbyname)
, MOCK_FUNC(connect)
, MOCK_TFUNC(fcntl)
So my build tools (make) will supply the macro -DMOCK_FUNC\(x\)=::x
for debug and release builds, while for coverage builds it will add --include coverage/MockHeaders.h
so that all files include this file automatically and have some more complex definitions (coming below).
The idea here is there should be zero cost in release or debug builds. But for coverage builds we get some extra functionality.
Generated files:
It generates two other files `coverage/MockHeaders.h` and `coverage/MockHeaders.cpp` these files contain the majority of the code to review. Its a lot so I will split it over a couple of reviews. These files simply need to part of the build.
The important part is that for every mocked out functions it generates a global functor variable.
namespace ThorsAnvil::BuildTools::Mock
// Functor
// For each mocked out function we have a functor.
// This can hold an alternative version of the function, but by default it is
// initialized by the variable it is supposed to override.
// So if you want to use the normal function during the unit tests you don't
// need to do anything and you get the normal function being called.
// Alternatively there are objects provide to override this function with a lambda.
MockFunctionHolder<RemoveNoExcept<ThorsAnvil::BuildTools::Mock::FuncType_fcntl>> MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_SNAME(fcntl)("fcntl", ::fcntl);
MockFunctionHolder<RemoveNoExcept<ThorsAnvil::BuildTools::Mock::FuncType_open>> MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_SNAME(open)("open", ::open);
MockFunctionHolder<RemoveNoExcept<decltype(::close)>> MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_SNAME(close)("close", ::close);
MockFunctionHolder<RemoveNoExcept<decltype(::connect)>> MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_SNAME(connect)("connect", ::connect);
MockFunctionHolder<RemoveNoExcept<decltype(::gethostbyname)>> MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_SNAME(gethostbyname)("gethostbyname", ::gethostbyname);
MockFunctionHolder<RemoveNoExcept<decltype(::pipe)>> MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_SNAME(pipe)("pipe", ::pipe);
MockFunctionHolder<RemoveNoExcept<decltype(::read)>> MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_SNAME(read)("read", ::read);
MockFunctionHolder<RemoveNoExcept<decltype(::shutdown)>> MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_SNAME(shutdown)("shutdown", ::shutdown);
MockFunctionHolder<RemoveNoExcept<decltype(::socket)>> MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_SNAME(socket)("socket", ::socket);
MockFunctionHolder<RemoveNoExcept<decltype(::write)>> MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_SNAME(write)("write", ::write);
Code Review
OK. Finally to the part where you get to look at some code:
Helper Macros:
// Macros to expand a function name into the name of a global functor object.
// MOCK_FUNC used in user code includes the full namespace prefix.
// MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_SNAME used to name the object inside a namespace scope.
#define MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_NAME_EXPAND_(name) mock_ ## name
#define MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_NAME(name) ThorsAnvil::BuildTools::Mock:: MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_NAME_EXPAND(name)
#define MOCK_FUNC(name) MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_NAME(name)
Helper Classes
namespace ThorsAnvil::BuildTools
template <typename T>
struct RemoveNoExceptExtractor
using Type = T;
template <typename R, typename... Args>
struct RemoveNoExceptExtractor<R(Args...) noexcept>
using Type = R(Args...);
template <typename F>
using RemoveNoExcept = typename RemoveNoExceptExtractor<F>::Type;
Functor Object
namespace ThorsAnvil::BuildTools::Mock
template<typename Func>
struct MockFunctionHolder
using Param = ParameterType<Func>;
std::string name;
std::function<Func> action;
template<typename F>
MockFunctionHolder(std::string const& name, F&& action);
std::string const& getName() const;
template<typename... Args>
ReturnType<Func> operator()(Args&&... args);
// -------------------------
// MockFunctionHolder
// -------------------------
template<typename Func>
template<typename F>
MockFunctionHolder<Func>::MockFunctionHolder(std::string const& name, F&& action)
: name(name)
, action(std::move(action))
template<typename Func>
std::string const& MockFunctionHolder<Func>::getName() const
return name;
template<typename Func>
template<typename... Args>
ReturnType<Func> MockFunctionHolder<Func>::operator()(Args&&... args)
return action(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
Writing a unit test mocking out a function
When writing a unit test to simply mock out a function you use the macro MOCK_SYS()
that replaces a function with a macro:
TEST(UniTestBloc, MyUnitTest)
MOCK_SYS(socket, [](int, int, int) {return 12;});
MOCK_SYS(connect, [](int, sockaddr const*, unsigned int) {return 0;});
MOCK_SYS(gethostbyname, [](char const*) {
static char* addrList[] = {""};
static hostent result {.h_length=1, .h_addr_list=addrList};
return &result;
auto action = [](){
ThorsSocket::Socket socket("", 80);
// Do tests
The definition of MOCK_SYS is:
#define MOCK_SYS_EXPAND_(type, func, mocked, lambda) ThorsAnvil::BuildTools::Mock::MockOutFunction<type> mockOutFunction_ ## func(mocked, lambda)
#define MOCK_SYS_EXPAND(type, func, mocked, lambda) MOCK_SYS_EXPAND_(type, func, mocked, lambda)
#define MOCK_SYS(func, lambda) MOCK_SYS_EXPAND(ThorsAnvil::BuildTools::RemoveNoExcept<decltype(::func)>, func, MOCK_BUILD_MOCK_NAME(func), lambda)
And the object it creates is:
namespace ThorsAnvil::BuildTools::Mock
template<typename Func>
struct MockOutFunction
std::function<Func> old;
MockFunctionHolder<Func>& orig;
MockOutFunction(MockFunctionHolder<Func>& orig, std::function<Func>&& mock);
// -------------------------
// MockOutFunction
// -------------------------
template<typename Func>
MockOutFunction<Func>::MockOutFunction(MockFunctionHolder<Func>& orig, std::function<Func>&& mock)
: old(std::move(mock))
, orig(orig)
swap(old, orig.action);
template<typename Func>
swap(old, orig.action);
Part 1 done
OK. Thats the basics. This part simply is about haveing a function that can be repalced by a lambda during a UNIT TEST. This by itself is not earth shattering and does not save much code. The next question will expand on this.