
As a practice and self-development exercise I have decided to implement design patterns in C#.

I am using polish cuisine as an example in my implementations. In this project I implemented Prototype design pattern.


public static class PierogiTypes
    public const string WithPotatoesAndCheese = "with potatoes and cheese";
    public const string WithGroat = "with groat";
    public const string WithCabbage = "with cabbage";
    public const string WithMeat = "with meat";
    public const string WithStrawberries = "with strawberries";
    public const string WithBlueberries = "with blueberries";
    public const string WithPotatoesAndCheeseButAlsoWithYoghurtAndKetchup = "with potatoes and cheese but also with yoghurt and ketchup";

Desgin Pattern:

using Creational.Prototype.Model;

namespace Creational.Prototype.DesignPatters;

public abstract class PierogiPrototype
    public Guid Guid { get; }
    public int Count { set; get; }
    public string Type { get; set; }
    public PierogiPrototype(int count)
        Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
        Count = count;
    public abstract PierogiPrototype Clone();
    public override string ToString()
        return $"Guid: {Guid}, Count: {Count}, Type: {Type}";

public class PierogiWithPotatoesAndCheese : PierogiPrototype
    public PierogiWithPotatoesAndCheese(int count) : base(count)
        Type = PierogiTypes.WithPotatoesAndCheese;

    public override PierogiPrototype Clone()
        return (PierogiPrototype)MemberwiseClone();


public class PierogiWithBlueberries : PierogiPrototype
    public PierogiWithBlueberries(int count) : base(count)
        Type = PierogiTypes.WithBlueberries;

    public override PierogiPrototype Clone()
        return (PierogiPrototype)MemberwiseClone();


class Program
    public static void Main()
        var firstPortion = new PierogiWithBlueberries(10);
        var secondPortion = firstPortion.Clone();
        firstPortion.Count = 5;

1 Answer 1


Problem scope

  • The prototype design pattern is usually used whenever you want to minimize the creation time and/or resources of a complex or costly object
    • Complex: it has several nested data structures (in other words it is a data rich object)
    • Costly: either from time or resource (like CPU or I/O) perspective (like using network/database calls to retrieve initial values)
  • According to my understanding none of the above can be said about your derived classes of the PierogiPrototype

Shallow or Deep copy

  • The MemberwiseClone method performs a shallow copying which means only the top-level properties are copied over
    • In case of a complex object you want to copy all the nested structures as well not just their references
  • I'm unsure that you are aware of the ICloneable interface but it might make sense to take a look at it

Registry or Catalogue

  • The prototype pattern can be extended in a way that there is a central place where you store the prototypes and from where you can create copies
  • In your case you could store all the variants and create a copy by using the Type string
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Thank you for your comment Peter. Its pleasure to meet you again :D. I am making this simple projects as proof of concepts/commemoration exercises. Those might indeed be too simple and exactly fulfill typical use cases. Nevertheless I am more than greateful for your insights. I am fully aware of ICloneable and deep copy/shallow copy mechanisms but in this particular example there is no difference between them. I will keep this one simple and bear in mind the need of deep copy when necessary. Your material to prototype pattern is very interesting, I will make adjustments based on it :D \$\endgroup\$
    – Artur
    Commented Dec 26, 2022 at 21:25
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Hi @Artur, nice to meet you again :). I think it is pretty hard to find a simple, yet repsentative prototype candidate. Like I said this pattern should be used against costly or complex objects. If the data structure does not meet either of the criteria then the pattern feels a bit overkill for that problem. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 6:29

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