Am experimenting with the IAsyncEnumerable interface and PipeReader class. Have come up with the following to decode a stream of bytes into chunks of characters and am able to decode all of my test files successfully but that doesn't mean that one hasn't thought of every edge case.
Of main concern to me is the final call to Convert
that is intended to flush any remaining characters in the decoder. As far as I can tell this call does absolutely nothing with my test data and I don't know enough to contrive an example. My code is loosely based on the example provided here but has been altered because it seems incorrect to use charsRead - charIndex
; as the latter variable is set via charIndex += charsUsed
. If one understands the example correctly then charsRead
represents the number of bytes that were read while charsUsed
actually represents the number of characters that were written. 1 byte is not always equivalent to 1 char, unless I'm mistaken, so one adjusted things accordingly.
Am not sure if my logic is totally sound and hoping one of you can enlighten me...
public static async IAsyncEnumerable<ReadOnlyMemory<char>> DecodeAsync(this PipeReader pipeReader, Decoder decoder) {
var decodedBlock = new ArrayBufferWriter<char>();
var readResult = await pipeReader.ReadAsync();
if (!readResult.IsCompleted) {
do {
var encodedBlock = readResult.Buffer;
try {
var isDecodingCompleted = false;
if (!isDecodingCompleted) {
do {
bytes: in encodedBlock,
charsUsed: out _,
completed: out isDecodingCompleted,
flush: false,
writer: decodedBlock
yield return decodedBlock.WrittenMemory;
} while (!isDecodingCompleted);
finally {
readResult = await pipeReader.ReadAsync();
} while (!readResult.IsCompleted);
bytes: in ReadOnlySequence<byte>.Empty,
charsUsed: out var numberOfCharsUsed,
completed: out _,
flush: true,
writer: decodedBlock
if (0 < numberOfCharsUsed) {
yield return decodedBlock.WrittenMemory;
Example Usage:
public static async IAsyncEnumerable<ReadOnlyMemory<char>> ReadLinesAsync(this PipeReader pipeReader, Decoder decoder) {
var isLineFeedCharacterHandlingEnabled = true;
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
await foreach (var chunk in pipeReader.DecodeAsync(decoder)) {
var newLineIndex = chunk.Span.IndexOfAny('\n', '\r');
var offset = 0;
if (-1 != newLineIndex) {
do {
if (isLineFeedCharacterHandlingEnabled) {
if (0 == stringBuilder.Length) {
yield return chunk.Slice(offset, newLineIndex);
else {
stringBuilder.Append(chunk.Slice(offset, newLineIndex));
yield return stringBuilder.ToString().AsMemory();
isLineFeedCharacterHandlingEnabled = ('\r' != chunk.Span[offset..][newLineIndex]);
offset += (newLineIndex + 1);
newLineIndex = chunk.Span[offset..].IndexOfAny('\n', '\r');
} while (-1 != newLineIndex);
if (0 < stringBuilder.Length) {
yield return stringBuilder.ToString().AsMemory();
in afinal
block? Why do you want to advance in case of exception? \$\endgroup\$**Always** call PipeReader.AdvanceTo after calling PipeReader.ReadAsync. This lets the PipeReader know when the caller is done with the memory so that it can be tracked.