This is a project about a domotics control system based on arduino. Nothing great; it's only for testing myself and making stuff.
Before I started coding this, I searched on the net for some useful tips to use in my code, but I still remain a novice in programming.
The project is about 1600 lines long. I'm obligated to load it on an external site here.
#ifndef DomoS_H
#define DomoS_H
#include <arduino.h>
class DomoS
static const byte STRINGMAXLEN = 64; //Maximum length for the command string
static const byte SUBSTRINGMAXLEN = 16; //Maximum length for a single command
static const byte MAXADDRESSPIN = 8; //Maximum number of adressing pin
static const byte MAXNAMELEN = 10; //Maximum length for a peripheral name
static const byte FILEVER = 0; //The version of the file type
The DomoS setting file is made of two parts
1) The header of the file which contains all of the configuration parameters
of the DomoS module and the version of the file type
2) The body of the file which contains all the settings for the different
peripherals [for a explanation go to the declaration of the type]
These are stored in sequential order
With version 0 the different arduino EEPROM can contain up to:
ATmega168 and ATmega8 [512byte]: 45 peripherals
ATmega328 [1024byte]: 91 peripherals
ATmega1280 and ATmega2560 [4096byte]: 371 peripherals
struct DomoSFileHeader //size 13byte
//The order here is also the order in the EEPROM
//The "EEPROM #" on the right of the variable name is the standard position in the EEPROM
//Version of the file type, in case of change through developement
byte fileVer; //EEPROM 2
//Copy of the configuration parameters
byte numPeripheral; //EEPROM 3
byte numAddressPin; //EEPROM 4
byte addressPin[MAXADDRESSPIN]; //EEPROM 5-12
byte outputPin; //EEPROM 13
byte writeToEeprom; //EEPROM 14
struct DomoSFileBody //size 11byte
char name[MAXNAMELEN]; //The name of the peripheral
byte number; //The number of the peripheral and the addressing parameter
//Setup function
void GetConfigurationDataFromEeprom(); //Gets the configurations data from the EEPROM
void FirstStart(); //Starts all the magic before the first start
boolean CheckSetupData(); //Checks if the system has been already setupped
void ClearEeprom(); //Clears all the EEPROM
void WriteSetupData(); //Writes to the first two cells of EEPROM the setup check values
void AskData(DomoSFileHeader & data); //Asks to the user the configuration parameters
void WriteConfigurationDataToEeprom (DomoSFileHeader data); //Writes the data variables into the EEPROM
void Initialize(); //Initializes the DomoS module
void UpdateNumPeripheral(char type); //Updates the peripheral number
boolean ConvertDecimalToBinary(int number, boolean result[]); //Converts a decimal number to an array of boolean, return false if the number is greater than what the module can handle, else true
void SetAddressing(boolean addressing[]); //Sets up the addressing lines
byte SeparateCommandBySpace(); //Separates the _command string into two strings, the first is the first word before the space, the second is the original string with the first word deleted, returns the number of char written in _subCommand
byte CompareSubCommand(); //Compares a command with the commands' dictionary
boolean FetchCommand(); //Fetches a command from the serial port
void DoCommand(byte numCommand); //Executes a command
byte GetCommand(char* command); //Gets the number of a command
void CommandToLowerCase(); //Converts the _command string to lower case
void SubCommandShiftLeft(); //Shifts left of one position all the character in the _subCommand string
byte SearchPeripheralByName(char peripheral[]); //Searches the peripheral by name
void GetPeripheralName(byte numPeripheral, char name[]); //Writes in char name[] the name of numPeripheral-th peripheral
boolean SearchDuplicatedPeripheral(DomoSFileBody & peripheral, boolean nameCustom, boolean numberCustom); //Checks if the peripheral is unique else tries to make it unique
void GetPeripheralNumber(byte numPeripheral, byte & number); //Writes in "number" the number of numPeripheral-th peripheral
byte ConvertBinaryStringToDecimal();
void BlankNewPeripheral(DomoSFileBody & peripheral);
boolean CreateParameterCheck(DomoSFileBody & peripheral);
boolean WritePeripheral(DomoSFileBody peripheral, byte position);
byte SearchPeripheralByNumber(byte number);
void ComposeStringPeripheral(DomoSFileBody peripheral, byte phrase);
byte GetError();
boolean WritePeripheralToEeprom(DomoSFileBody peripheral, byte position); //Writes the peripheral to the EEPROM
//boolean WritePeripheralToSd(DomoSFileBody peripheral, byte position); //Function not yet developed
void Create(); //Create a peripheral
void Turn(); //Activate a peripheral
void Delete(); //Delete a peripheral, probably this wont be developed
void Exit(); //Turn off DomoS module
void Reset(); //Resets the DomoS module
void List(); //Give a list of all the installed peripheral
int parseInt();
void ThrownError();
//Declaration of configuration variables
byte _numAddressPin; //Number of pins used for addressing peripherals
byte _addressPin[MAXADDRESSPIN]; //Pins used for addressing
byte _outputPin; //The pin used for the output, pin 6 will automatically be selected
byte _writeToEeprom; //-1 if DomoS must store the peripheral settings in the EEPROM, else the CSPin where the SD card is connected for storing the settings in DomoS.dat file
byte _numPeripheral; //Number of peripheral created by user
byte _fileVer; //The version of the file type
boolean _on; //Tell if DOMOS system is on
byte _lastError; //Tell the last error thrown by DomoS
Declaration of strings constant
Inizialization in DomoS.cpp
static const byte NCOMMAND = 8; //number of commands allowed
static const char* COMMAND[NCOMMAND]; //Array of commands, for explanation go to inizialization
static const int NPHRASE = 12; //Number of phrases, for eventually translation
static const char* PHRASE[NPHRASE];
static const int NERROR = 24;
static const char* ERROR[NERROR];
static const int START = 2;
static const byte SETUP[START]; //These two values are stored in the first two cell of EEPROM, if already present the system have been already setup, if not launch the first start procedure
static const int RCLOAD = 300; //Number of millisecond necessary for charging of RC circuit
//String for fetching and checking commands
char _command[STRINGMAXLEN];
char _subCommand[SUBSTRINGMAXLEN];
void Work();
boolean IsOn(); //Control if the module is ready to handle new request
//Errors constant
static const byte OK = 0;
static const byte COMMANDSTRINGTOOLONG = 1;
static const byte SUBCOMMANDSTRINGTOOLONG = 2;
static const byte COMMANDNOTRECOGNIZED = 3;
static const byte NOCOMMANDPARAMETERS = 4;
static const byte SUBCOMMANDNOTRECOGNIZED = 5;
static const byte NAMENOTDEFINED = 6;
static const byte NAMETOOLONG = 7;
static const byte ASNOTDEFINED = 8;
static const byte BINARYNUMBERTOOLONG = 9;
static const byte EEPROMISFULL = 10;
static const byte PERIPHERALNOTFOUND = 11;
static const byte STRANGETURNPARAMETER = 12;
static const byte BADTHINGSHAPPEN = 13;
static const byte PERIPHERALZERONOTALLOWED = 14;
static const byte PERIPHERALNAMENOTUNIQUE = 16;
static const byte CANTFINDFREENAME = 18;
static const byte CANTFINDFREENUMBER = 19;
static const byte VOLTAGETOOLOW = 20;
static const byte VOLTAGETOOHIGH = 21;
static const byte DECIMALNUMBERTOOBIG = 22;
static const byte THEREAREZEROPERIPHERAL = 23;